Does it bother you when people treat dead celebrities like they were the next Jesus?
All over my social feed I see people virtue signaling how much they loved Carrie Fisher and how great she was. Wtf? All she did was show up in a bikini in a movie 30 years ago! She has literally not done anything notable since then.
No I just ignore it If it bothers you that's weirder
Christian Powell
Most people have spent more time with Carrie Fisher, visa vie watching the Star Wars movies, than they have their own cousins. The brain will develop an emotional attachment to that regardless of how silly it is.
William Perez
Get better friends.
Cameron Morales
Fisher fucked her fans. If you cousins didn't have sex with you, pity them.
Evan Gray
>saying you're sad someone you liked died is "treating them like they were the next Jesus" judging from your unironic use of virtue signaling I'm going to guess you're a Sup Forumstard which makes that statement even more retarded
Caleb Wood
I thought of her more as a wacky aunt than as Princess Leia.
Lincoln Morgan
people will cry about it with others in social media because they have the need to be a part of something
Ryder Taylor
why's everybody getting so worked up about Peter Griffin's boss dying?