Do not come to North Dakota

Do not come to North Dakota.

It is the worst place imaginable to live. You would absolutely hate even visiting for a single day. It is empty and desolate and cold and barren. There is nothing worth seeing or exploring it is truly a horrible place.

Do not come to North Dakota.

Other urls found in this thread:

as long as there are no niggers it is fine

Sounds like canada


Looks pretty comfy.

Wut bout South Dakota?

>Snow drifts and ice crystallising out of the air into a freezing fog while a weak winter sun burns in the distance as if from another world

Top tier. Would live there.

t. snownigger

Fuck you m8.
ND 4 lyfe

nice try, im on the first plane out.

oh, it's starting to sound good. What you hiding in north Dakota. Been there once actually, it wasn't bad, shopping area in the middle of no where. no that was south Dakota, did go through Fargo, though. maybe Bismark, nice evenly spaced gas stations.

TIL North Dakota has two suns.

We have to go, user. We must buy our beta copy of Platform Masters.

At least your not Mississippi.

They're called Sun Dogs. Neat huh?

It is "comfy" it is pain. You do not want to come to North Dakota. North Dakota is a wasteland that no living person past or present could find enjoyable.

South Dakota is directly below North Dakota so it is also ill advised to visit South Dakota. North Dakota is empty and there is nothing interesting. You may accidentally travel into North Dakota via South Dakota due to proximity. Do not visit North Dakota.

This man is a liar. No one from North Dakota wants to be here. He is a liar. Do not visit North Dakota.

We are hiding exactly nothing. Do not come to North Dakota.

That sounds like a lovely place to live. You should all go to Mississippi.

Do not visit North Dakota.

fargo was covered in snow, and then went through a blizzard, good times.

Okay I see your game. Are there coordinates I most definitely should not go to? Should I bring a shovel? For ID purposes, what was her name?

What's the internet like?


>nice evenly spaced gas stations

Looks like Russia, but with good roads

I hate warm weather. I can only sleep with a thick comforter or I feel exposed and it's 90 fucking degrees right now. I can't sleep. I want the cold. I would gladly swap places and go to North Dakota if it was snowing.

I thought it was just a shop, Jesus dude wtf.

The coordinates terminate exactly at the border of North Dakota. There is nothing here. Do not come to North Dakota.

It is slow. Very very slow. It would drive you mad. It is also cold. Do not come to North Dakota.

It is very very hot right now. You would not enjoy it. There is nothing here. Do not come to North Dakota.

Kek. Keep on shilling, we all know north Dakota doesn't exist.

South Dakota has the Black Hills which was a good time when I went

You sound like an alien. Or someone from Sturgis who is drugged up atleast.


There are no aliens in North Dakota. There is nothing in North Dakota. You shouldn't come here. No one should come here.

>sun dog

holy shit, i saw the moon version of this on a cold winter night (in vancouver)

was p cool.

>mfw gf lives in north dakota and i'm going to move there in 6 months


We have them now. I don't know why, but we do.

Never going to North Dakota, you can keep Fargo.

>White American: 90.0%

That looks really cool. Lots of myths and legends probably originate from weird stuff like that.

Even a fake visit to North Dakota is a bad idea Australian poster. If she was real you should dump her at once. There is no reason to come here. Do not come to North Dakota.

I grew up in the upper midwest and saw them regularly during the winter. Most of the time they aren't that bright though

Obviously this one is a zombie.

Alien invasion confirmed.

I hear North Dakota has a booming oil industry.
Also, the population has a major Scandinavian heritage, right? As in a lot of white people?
North Dakota sounds nice...

What town is the best one to not visit in North Dakota?

Well played North Dakota-kun. Make sure to tell them about the testicle eating grasshoppers and eye gouging sparrows while you're at it Maybe they will stay away.

Come to Washington state

You know why? Go to places like Chimpcongo and detroit, and you see signs telling niggers to go to small Midwestern towns. It's bullshit.

>testicle eating grasshoppers


what are you hiding

i heard during the summer there is a shit load of flys in the dakotas

is this true

sucks that there's no more bison to kill, would have loved to hunt one of those fuckers

at least you have low property tax and oil jobs.

What is that pyramid?

Tons of money drilling oil though

There are no aliens in North Dakota. There are no zombies in North Dakota. It is very cold and empty. There is nothing up here.

Do not come to North Dakota.

This is a lie. The oil is gone and there is no one up here worth living among. It is the worst place possible to be. It is very cold. Do not come to North Dakota.

All of it. Do not come to North Dakota.

nah fuck you cunt i'm 6'4 and full of muscle. gonna settle down in bismarck and have tons of qt3.14 australian/american mixed kids.

Looks a lot like Scotland (on a nice day, which it very rarely is).

there is no pyramid. You saw nothing. Do not come to North Dakota.

They are rampant and violent. It is very cold. North Dakota is a killing field. Do not come to North Dakota.

There is nothing in North Dakota. Do not come to North Dakota.

Locusts. There are millions of locusts. It is also cold. Do not come to North Dakota.

I loved it there. Beauty on earth

North Dakota sounds great.

t. Wyoming native

Does North Dakota have graboids?

fuck you OP, now I want to go to North Dakota

Theyre only out in the summer, but they breed like mayflies. They only eat strong white man testicles though, which is why nodak is so barren

Easiest maintenance of his life

There's a shit load of flies here so I would imagine so.

I'm actually in Bismarck at the moment. What suggestions do you have for people already in North Dakota?

Used to. Thanks to climate change they all moved to Wyoming though.

But then they got wiped out by our wildlife and hunters, so no big deal. Pretty tasty imo

But what about Montata? That has always been the sleeper state to me, the mountainous areas look cool as fuck.

Which is worse Montana or North Dakota

Wait a minute. If I didnt know any better I'd say you were hiding something. What is it in North Dakota you dont want us to see. I think Ill just take a drive and find out.

Come to Florida.

abandoned nuclear launch facility supposedly

Wait a second ... that's a pic from the UK isn't it?

Are you lying to me?

I actually know a girl from Fargo, I might have to visit her during the summer. In my way to Minnesota of course

Niggers and Zika

No. Don't come to North Dakota. There is nothing here.

This is an increibly poor decision. It is cold and lifeless and dangerous and empty. There is nothing worth coming here for. Do not come to North Dakota.

Impossible. There is no one in Bismarck. There is no one in North Dakota. There is no reason to be here. There is nothing here. Do not come to North Dakota.

Do not come

It would be a waste of gas and your time. There is nothing to see.

Good idea.

Reverse image search says it's the 1966 North Dakota blizzard.

Human beings were not meant to endure that kind of heat.

I'm thinking of immigrating to the USA. North Dakota sounds perfect.

I see that the first American mosque was built in North Dakota. That's wonderful

Then why are YOU there?
There's something you people aren't telling us...

It's not there.

There is nothing in North Dakota. Do not come here.

However, this is some tasty fanfic:

>oil boom
That was years ago. I drove up to Williston looking for a job in the fields but everything was dead. Just look at the over-supply in the international oil market and how little you're paying at the pump.

Getting paid to drive for miles and miles on desolate open highways sounds pretty comfy desu.

>OP's pic

Montana was exactly the same, lived there almost 2 years. Great for 4 months of the year, shithole for the rest. Got even colder than 800 miles north in Canada, fuck the american plains.

>Do not come to North Dakota.
i wont but im reporting this useless thread

hope you get banned, faggot

How's the real estate market? A lot of my rich family is coming over from Hong kong and are looking for places to invest

Impossible. There are no Mosques in North Dakota. There are no Muslims in North Dakota. There are no people in North Dakota.
There is nothing in North Dakota. Don't go to North Dakota.

Yes, we have a thriving, vibrant Muslim community in Grand Forks and Fargo. They fit in so well with our mostly Scandinavian and German population.

You drive on icy roads before?

You do not want to drive in North Dakota. It is cold and dangerous and empty. You will die. Do not come to North Dakota.

This man is a liar who is attempting to make you miserable. North Dakota is empty and there is nothing here or people. There is nothing. Do not come to North Dakota.

Isn't it a great idea to get settled tere now in preparation for global warming. Don't you guys get government kickbacks or something for living there.

There is nothing in North Dakota. Go to Hong Kong and not North Dakota.

Yeah. Here's a renaissance painting of Sun Dogs, "thought to presage ominous developments."

North Dakota is a magical land, even OP's pic demonstrates its wonders.

Yeah but not a lot.

Sounds appealing. I'll call uncle xiao chin and tell him to land there

how hard is it to find a 15+ dollar an hour job in ND?

t. top secret clearance national guard goy

Montana isn't bad. The western 1/3ish part of Montana is where the mountainous areas, forests, valleys, and people are. That's where you'll want to go. I HIGHLY recommend visiting Glacier National Park

Believe me, that could be a blessing in disguise.

>what are you hiding

OP is hiding the location of Steve Buscemi's loot-filled briefcase from "Fargo", the greedy bastard.

I'd take Florida's heat any day over the winters I've been through.

No. There is nothing appealing. North Dakota is a desolate wasteland. Do not come to North Dakota.

Winter is comfy as fuck bro. In winter you can always just put on more clothes but in the heat you're doomed to sweat your balls off. Humidity, bugs, nasty ass overgrowth everywhere


Oliver Platt found it already bro...sorry