At theater last night

>At theater last night
>Teenage guy and some cute girl were sitting right next to me
>Guy has THREE fucking hotdogs with mustard, sits there and puts it on my arm rest to put mustard on
>Tell him to stop that
>Looks me in the eyes as if he were going to kill me or some shit
>He doesn't stop
>Smells like disgusting hotdog the entire movie

What a fucking pussy I would have said something but he was with his ugly girlfriend so fuck them

I was sitting behind you guys and you weren't even using the armrest so he had hotdog counter privileges

protip: get up and sit somewhere else so you can enjoy the flick

first off, you're a fucking liar dude

second, I fucking was

AND that piece of fucking dog shit had his fucking phone in my cup holder so I had to have my condensation riddled cup in my fucking lap

I would have said something but no need to cause commotion over a pussy like that kid

YOU're full of shit because a theater with cup holders and armrests would have a no singles policy

>go to movie theater alone
>hear a pack of hot teenage girls laughing and giggling behind me
I thought they were making fun of me

maybe in your stupid third world country pajeet

They were

>Tell him to stop that
>Looks me in the eyes as if he were going to kill me or some shit
this is why I'm scared of interacting with any one that is in public with their girlfriend they always try to put on the tough guy act because they're so insecure about looking "weak" in front of their roastie you can't even ask another bro to stop doing something

The eternal woman is literally destroying society

>cute girl
>ugly girlfriend
>What a fucking pussy
>He doesn't stop
Gettin mixed signals you fucking beta cuck sounds like you were the pussy here

You missed out op I called your name several times. I was in the back row saving two cup holders with your name on it.


I am laffin

Nice projecting, dude.

Not my fault kids these days are autistic

jesus fucking christ what a pack of chickenshits
go back to /r9gay/ with the other beatoff artists

>try to leave the house to go to the movie theater
>mailman passing by
>oh god he might want to talk to me or say hi or something
>chest gets tight
>getting harder to breathe
>oh no! panic attack?
>hustle back inside and run upstairs to my room
>take all my clothes off and come to post on Sup Forums
im starting to feel better already as I post this, not sweating as much
heartbeat back to normal.
will keep you guys updated.

what's up, hotdog eating asshole.

stop sticking up for the dickheads in this world

that prick had his fucking hotdogs on my fucking arm rest, his phone in my cup holder, and he knew what the fuck he was doing. he was laughing at me like I was an idiot at some points. not out loud, but you could see that shit eating grin
fuck you dude

Stay strong bro

Ohm nahm Shiba
Ohm nahm Shiba
Ohm nahm Shiba

Are you an Americuck? If so all you gotta do is pull out your AR15

b-but t-then they will think bad of me

What if he paid for that seat?