ITT current tv shows without sjw agenda
ITT current tv shows without sjw agenda
Other urls found in this thread:
South Pa--
oh wait
The Expanse
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace
Narcos is a good answer
The price is right
It's always sunny in Philadelphia
The qvc diamond channel
Oh, it definitely had an agenda, it's just an agenda you agree with. Doesn't count
>99% White people
>Strongly promotes the traditional nuclear family
>Shows the true struggles of the middle class working man and his family without trying to paint him as some kind of redneck
>The single gay character on the show is a cartoonish caricature that is making fun of faggot culture and is never taken seriously
>all kinds of based actors appear in the series including Dick Van Dyke and Norm Macdonald
This show is based as fuck and it's sad that Sup Forums immediately writes it off as some kind of Malcolm in the Middle rip off. It stands on its own and is truly fantastic.
>The Expanse
>homos everywhere
>women in high ranks of military
Yeah, no.
Anything in which the main viewerbase demographic are over 60
Nathan For You
Scream Queens
this show is so fucking bad
>the. middle.
what memes this?
It's more like a sequal to MitM.
I guess when Frankie Munez is the only one that looks like a child you can't really keep it going.
Sunny definitely has an sjw agenda, they just don't make it very obvious and don't push it too much
Oh? What's their agenda? Please do elucidate me user, let me know all their sinister secret messages where they try to indoctrinate me to the sjw side.
>Society on the brink of collapse
Sounds about right.
It's a homosexual agenda
Larry David is a liberal IRL but keeps it out of the show
Making every character a racist, sexist piece of shit and never trying to show them in a good light. Or do you think they're trying to show that the way these people live and treat others is a good thing because of the funny shenanigans?
>no shitskins
>racist jokes
>gay jokes
>rape jokes
>slut shaming
where's the sjw?
It's not PC but all the jokes are to show what horrible people these characters are
I love it. It manages to capture the every day hilarity of a paycheck to paycheck family almost perfectly. Some of the characters can be a bit to eccentric to be completely believable, but that makes the situations they find themselves in that much funnier and really adds to the charm. It manages to be truly funny without being raunchy or dirty, which is a pretty uncommon thing for a TV show now. I urge everyone on Sup Forums to at least give it a chance.
Oh, you mean those extremely likeable main characters that everyone adores and identifies with are never shown in a positive light? Really? Hmmmmm interesting, go on.
Ash VS Evil Dead
Every normie friend I showed the show to was disgusted by the jokes and characters.
And the show isn't for normies, what a shocker!
You're really an idiot if you think the gang being written as bad people is meant to teach a moral lesson. Seriously, how dense are you?
sounds like you're a sjw. a man is known by the company he keeps.
I'm with you on that.
The Middle is awesome
>hur hur I can't watch shows because my political views
Literally tumblr
>extremely likable
>everyone adores and identifies with
I'm pretty sure most of the people who love the show are doing it because of schadenfreude
>he's not a mac, dennis, or charlie
You don't fit in here, Reddit. Maybe shuffle on back home?
And that's bad because...?
You fucking pleb, go back to Myspace.
times you acted like larry general?
>friend lives in LA and works as a stand in for some movies
>throws a decent party and invites me
>says some minor celebrities might pop up
>sure I'm in!
>arrive at the party
>quite big apartment
>I just mingle trying not to look like an idiot
>I dont recognize any of these people
>talk to some bitch for half an hour
>all of a sudden Steven fucking Spielberg with some other dude arrives
>Steven starts chatting to some other guests
>I move my ass there and just kinda stand between these other guests
>they give me the look like "who's this guy"
>Steven telling a story and giving random chat
>actually looks at me a couple of times giving a quick nod
>feel like a part of the conversation
>Steven's a total bro
>all of a sudden he wants to show a trick his niece taught him
>asks anyone if they have a dollar bill
>with massive speed I take my wallet out and open it
>fuck only a 20 $ bill
>I say I only have that
>he says "no worries" it will work fine
>I give him the 20 $
>he does some lame trick
>everyone laughs
>takes the 20 $ and puts it in his pocket
>I try to say something
>open my mouth
>this two other dudes come and drag him away
>I dont say anything
>I drink my champagne in the corner looking at Steven from a distance
>trying to figure out what to do
>he still has my 20 $
>this girl is looking at me and comes to me
>says what am I looking so closely
>I try to explain
>say "well its a funny story..." etc.
>finish my story
>she looks at me in disgust
>"are you saying Spielberg steals?, are you seriously telling me that?"
>I try to calm her down
>she starts screaming
>every other person turns to her and me
>I try to explain
I haven't watched the show but now I want to, based on your irrelevant greentext
I really think the message of the show is that literally everyone is a scumbag and I have never felt offended by this show. Maybe suicide is the answer for you.....
No need, that's literally every single episode.
>President with an autistic son
Fucking SJWs are at it again.
tl dr
>"Who will play him in the inevitable bio-"
>my friend comes and says I better leave
>Steven overhears this commotion on the other part of the room
>I try to say "but wait I need those.."
>he pushes me out of his flat
>I go down
>3 AM in the middle of LA Downtown
>no money for cab
a week later
>randomy bump into Steven
>ask for it back
>"I realized I took it but I couldn't get a hold of you, I didn't know who you were, so I donated it to the Holocaust Survivors Fund"
>end up going to the Survivor's Fund HQ and demanding my $20 back
>the girl is there for the same reason
>give her the suspicious stare and tell her I told you so