This was the single WORST movie I've watched this year.
This was the single WORST movie I've watched this year
Grayson Ross
Nicholas Watson
was there a decent amount of fappable scenes with margo robbie at least tho?
Cooper Foster
it was ok
Landon Sullivan
No, and it was cringy how hard she tried to be hot.
Jeremiah Ortiz
its "cringy" how hard you are trying to fit in. There was a lot worse. this movie was just ok. piss off
Aiden Adams
don't be mad, bro
wonder woman looks fine ;)
Adrian Baker
The extended cut was good.
Margot and leto were the only good things in the movie.
Mason Davis
I actually think that Harley costume is the best one.
Tyler Perez
nice pinched nerve for your run of mill #3941 "i just saw this" thread
Logan Bennett
I unironically enjoyed everything but the rushed ending and them not exploring Enchantress' brother