Lets ddos hillary's website.
Ip is
YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. I will commence with all my computers when we gather enough people. Lets let the hillary know Sup Forums is a force to be reckoned with.
Operation DDOS Hillary
Gavin Sanders
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaiah Reyes
Dylan Lee
Fuck off
Ayden Fisher
Liam Sullivan
Julian Taylor
No FBI, please start doing ur jobs and indict her.
Stop screwing around trying to honeypot autistic kids.
Thomas Brooks
This is NOT the FBI. And to regards of fucking off I care about what happens to hillary. DDOS The fuck out of that dumb bitch. She will lead you sheep to the fire. Anyone who has the basic skills please help our team DDOS this bitch.
Jaxon Hughes
Let's not do that.
Nathaniel Thomas
that's not even the ip of hillaryclinton.com
Brayden Howard
The IP is to her main website. Fuck off if you're not here to help.