>psychiatry is a pseudo science
why is he so based, bros?
>psychiatry is a pseudo science
why is he so based, bros?
>Its another Queermo Hates Hes A Fag Episode
unironically this
He's actually right. Only morons would disagree
Probably because he's such a big guy.
>tfw I read this a patriarchy
dunno OP, but I hope one day to be a whimpery cult-controlled old midget trying to pass himself off as a young stud and when I get there I'll let you know
>believing an uneducated manlet because he's in da movies
I've got a great religion for you. Just get your checkbook ready.
I did *not* fuck Tom Cruise in the ass. If I was going to participate in homosexual activity I'd want it to be with Brad Pitt.
>katie holmes will never be your sex slave
Based Tom HAD to have her at least twice a day, including anal
Matriarchy wen?
mommy mommy tiny tommy needs to go wee-wee
>t. psychology student
Real science too hard?
if psychiatry was a real science then mental institution wouldn't be like prisons but more like hospitals
tom is right, these people have no fucking clue what they're doing 99% of the time
I don't think you really believe that, user. In fact I suspect you of entertaining much the same idea as me ie that Cruise has no volition or even brain of his own and had to be talked through the consummation of his marriage by Scientologist representatives who were literally there on the spot for that purpose. And who got fed up and left after a while because the little shit couldn't even follow their extremely simple instructions.
South Korea tried it
Didn't end well...
>t. someone who's never been inside a psychiatric care ward
more than once, actually and in three different wards
they're all the same, it's no hospital, it's a concentration camp for the "undesireable"
t. person that got all his knowledge about mental hospitals from movies
What'd Tom Cruise ever do to you?
Meanwhile Holmes lay on her back throughout the debacle staring at the wad of bills in her fist and wondering if it was really worth it. Probably thinking "fucking Jessica Alba's an even worse actress than me but does *she* have to put up with this shit?"
Bit beside the point, user. Situation'd be the same irrespective of how I happened to feel about it.
in what country?
How can we be so sure you really did well understand how this psychiatric wards worked when you were the patient being treated ? How do you know you are sane ?
does it make a difference?
Lol, yes, a big one
yes, different countries have different mental care systems, I'm interested from which your experience came from
I am not and I speak from experience
here mentally "ill" people are treated like shit
locked up and sedated most of the time
>Bit beside the point, user.
So you think your post was an objective discussion about Tom Cruise and his Scientology link and not the ravings of a triggered autist?
That can happens depending on the country you live in. I'm sorry user. But don't blame psychiatry, it is a difficult subject and not many in the field really have the competences to truly master its subtilities. They are sometimes just humans playing with life, refusing to leave an once of doubt in their knowledge and too many times just parroting what they learned. That is not the fault of psychiatry, but of the peoples who pretend to understand it.
Where is this coming from? Psychiatry is a pseudo science, hardly different from philosophy, religious, or female studies. This doesn't mean psychiatry is useless or can't help people in need of mental aid, but let's not pretend psychiatry isn't to your mind what homeopathy is to your body.
>from my point of view, you're a manlet
you're confusing psychiatry with psychology brainlet-san
No, psychologists know their branch is a joke. Psychiatrists are the ones who need to face the facts and stop pretending their work is scientific or medically revelant. Clown care can do their job just as well.
It's half art half science, no ever claimed it was entirely scientific. "Pseudoscience" gives negative connotations.
Both are our best/current attempts to treating the mind since we don't possess the technology to analyze it on a neuronal level yet. Saying it's a joke is just retarded. You're retarded.
you're wrong and I have a feeling that you read nothing about either area of study besides wikipedia, but honestly I don't give a fuck, it's your privilege to be a moron.
I get the impression that he's a Sup Forums tard who exhibits signs of severe mental illness/irrationality. That would explain the emotional attachment and rage over the topic.
psychology is not about treating the mind, few certain branches of it can be related to that, but in general psychology is about describing cognition. thats why it's shit, it's very broad and lacks proper methodology, but with advancements in neuroscience both sciences are coming very close together, methodology is being developed and shitty meme psychology starts to die. still better to go into neuroscience if you're interested in that.
>we can't help we are useless and retarded, so we're not useless and retarded
well reasoned buddy
Tom is so fucking based