>"Hey user, it's your turn to put on a song. It better be suitable."
The fifth song on shuffle is what everyone hears.
How fucked are you?
>"Hey user, it's your turn to put on a song. It better be suitable."
The fifth song on shuffle is what everyone hears.
How fucked are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Points of Authority - Linkin Park
Beautiful Child-Swans.
Kid Cudi - Marijuana
Big time sensuality
Clint Eastwood- Gorillaz
If these thots don't like it they can burn in hell.
I should be good
Hope they come to party
Anco - Winter wonderland
I don't really know, it's not too weird
Life Itself - Glass Animals
I think I'll be fine, it's modern and catchy.
What a man - Linda Lyndell
I think I be safe
Frontier psychiatrist. Avalanches
Forgarður Helvítis - Krossfest börn
god fucking damnit!
the only fucking black metal album i have on my computer.
Cause safe is for soy boys. Men pioneer
>Hacktivist - 2 Rotten
Might get a few weird looks
could be worse i guess
wew lads
hey bud
Different song choice but this. almost said Frankie Sinatra but the look close to normal and it's a bit more out there
Communist Daughter
Semen stains the mountain tops Semen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain topsSemen stains the mountain tops
i have no idea what you just said
Hey OP majority rules show those bitches the avalanches. Bitches love avalanches
Sleep Party People - Ten Feet Up
*unintelligible murmuring*
I will be okay desu
Just saying I would have told the to listen to Frankie Sinatra by the avalanches but I was trying to read the room. Cause I'm the hero that that room deserves
>Sonic Youth-Kill Yr. Idols
Pretty fucked
Parson Sound - A Glimpse Inside the Glyptotec 66
Yeah I'm fucked desu
L.B.J. form Hair. Yeah, I'm done for.
This is pretty gay
>"It better be suitable."
I don't think roasties talk like that.
Dunno really, I suppose they're gonna like it?
Deuce - Let's Get It Crackin'
no pussy for you
Videotape - Radiohead
yeah pretty fucked
Running Back - Thin Lizzy
Could be worse I guess
Stam1na - Likainen parketti
Enjoy. Shuffle skipped past Muse and Queen and chose this.
Imagine the smell.
>It better be suitable
Weirdo, no one talks like that
Considering I'm not listening to pop or rap, i would be pretty fucked. If i cared about the opinions of eighteen hoes with a combined IQ of 54, that is.
Believe - ATrak Quavo Yachty. Bitches love this type of child trap so I should be good
>Bach - Brandenburg concerto no 1 - Adagio
Fucking moonchild by king crimson
clOUDDEAD - I Promise Never to Get PAint on My Glasses Again. (2)
Female perfume and hair product?
Holy fuck that was mine too.
pass them the blunt
Best case scenario
far left bottom corner is mine desu
Is that the official Bon Jovi album cover?
Also I think I'm fine.
Aaaaa i want sex
On Top of the World BASED FREESTYLE by Lil B
Great luck.
Most of them would probably not like it, but I don't care.
Fucking Sun Ship by John Coltrane
Of course it goes right to free jazz
Fucking an animal by gwar
Fatlip - Today's Your Day (Wachagonedu?)
I might be okay, Fatlip's delivery is goofy but, the beat is on point and the ladies can sway to that oldschool vibe.
This is why you gotta do what I do and make a playlist of aux chord friendly songs so you don’t accidentally reveal your power level by playing Keiji Haino
Gary's theme bill evans
( - ) Swans
It's okay, I don't really like parties anyway
Frank Ocean - Pink Matter
Ill be alright (:
>fuckin' an animal
>i go from duck to moose
could be a lot worse but could be better too
Everybody like UGK
Arca - Anger
I will be fine
“user wtf is this?”
Star fucking hipsters, two cups of tea
I think I'm pretty good, that's not the weirdest shit out there
>make a playlist of aux chord friendly songs
I don't know what people listen to so I can never make that playlist. I'm thinking of downloading a top 40 list but then those songs would appear when I'm in shuffle and that would be awful
Fugazi - oh
Layup by Big KRIT
Looks like I'm getting laid tonight, boys!
Hang 'n Bang by Vince Staples
Something Must Break - Joy Division
These guys don't look very goth desu
>gangster shit
Snowbunnies gobble that shit up.
I made a Playlist specifically for music that is acceptable by normies, so I do pretty well at parties
Hole - Petals
it could be worse I guess
The Promise by Chris Cornell, not sure how fucked I’d be
Victor Wooten - Soul Circus
I hope ypu like bass guitar, teenage girls.
I just force people to listen to pop I like, cherub, jamiroquai, other disco/funk shit
I forgot to tag
whoever will play that is gonna get strangled by that fucking aux cord
The Pixies - Rock Music
Couldn't have landed on a better pussy magnet song.
This, may as well play What's New Pussycat.
why is he yelling
I don't know man, I played it on a boat via bluetooth and everyone was cool
Semi-charmed life, third eye blind
Also got Rock Music - Pixies wtf
I guess normies got increased resistance to these trash songs
Debaser - The Pixies
Only screwed if there's an indie girl in the crowd. Screwed as in we'll have sexual intercourse and maybe a little foreplay before(play)hand. Get it? Foreplay...beforeplay...hahaha
shut up
>Time Has Told Me by Nick Drake
the hipster one will be on this dick 4 sure
Wew lads
we sink by churches
these girls are putty in my hands
Pretty good
Transylvania by Tyler the Creator
debatably fine
>One Of My Turns - Pink Floyd
Great Song, but probably too weird for them if they don't know the context of the album