So lets get this straight

So lets get this straight.
The only way out of this force bullshit is to reveal that she was a force user that had her memory wiped, because come on, there is no explanation for her being to use the force to easily and so quick. And even with this memory wiped premise, it's not plausible that she knew the mind trick or the pulling object. Unless she's having some kind of flashbacks.


I've said this myself many times, you are in fact stealing my opinions, asshole

>jew shill is kike shill is shekels whore

She is the force. The Force Unleashed.

Jason Bourne remebered all his skills, but had no actual memories of past. it is perfectly believable

anakin outshot and outflew several droidships and destroyed an entire space station when he was 9 by himself

Luke redirected a torpedo the first he used the force

Rey told a stormtrooper to let her go.


Anakin was a prodigy.
And luke for how long was he training?

>Anakin was a prodigy.
then Rey can one too
>And luke for how long was he training?
for like 10 minutes on the Falcon until he went to see Yoda and then a few days with him. thats literally all the training he got.

The trauma of being abandoned (or the trauma of watching Ren kill all the other initiates) might have let her to forget her training as a Jedi.

Shit happens in real life, why not here.

we literally see her being dropped off on Jakku as a child, there is no way she had her memory wiped or some such nonsens..

they will just pull a 'omg incredibly strong with the force' on us and thatll be that, not that I particularly mind cause ultimately is totally right

I can reasonably believe resisting Kylo's mind probe because that's some passive ability and beating him in a lightsaber fight because at that point he had taken a shot to the side. I can maybe even understand using mind control on the storm trooper because they have already been exposed to some sort of brainwashing.

I cannot believe force grabbing the lightsaber. That was way too much

>Luke redirected a torpedo the first he used the force
He didn't. He used the Force to aim correctly, but the torpedo was designed to drop down towards the core once it was locked on to the outside.

Women are better at the force thats why there was no female jedis the patriarchy is afraid of them

not sure if bait but I am gonna bite

I agree wrt the mind probe but influencing someone elses mind should be a complex operation requiring training. beating someone in a lightsabre duel requires more that just force power, it requires the ability to actually wield a sabre - that was completely unbelievable. even a hurt kylo shouldve been easily able to disarm a noob with no prioir martial arts experience (inb4 quaterstaff), force or not

using telekinesis seems like a pretty banal operation instead

I think maybe Kylo was just a shitty swordsman. Her beating him after he took a shot to the side just helps.
He doesn't really show any real talent with the lightsaber. Just angry dark side smashing with it.

The force pull is exactly what luke did in the Wampa cave. That can easily be explained by damn i need that lightsaber and i can't reach it.

Look, I'm not saying Luke is anywhere near the level of Mary Sue Rey is but we need to be real here: ESB establishes that in the course of a time span that cannot be much greater than a week Luke goes from struggling to pull a saber out of a snow bank right next to him, to lifting x-wings and almost holding his own against the greatest Jedi slaughtering force user of all time.

Rey is not beyond saving. They've pushed it a TON with how fast she came into things in TFA but she is not beyond salvage.

Why not that you are accepting the other stuff

I agree with you but luke didn't lift the xwing. He couldn't do it and whined about it not being possible till yoda did it to shut him up.

He did lift it. He just gave up before getting it to shore. Luke struggled with not knowing how high he could reach because he had so few role models to set bars for him. That's the significance of Yoda's demonstration. It blew the cap off of Luke's perception of his world.

You are all justifying poor writing.

>in the course of a time span that cannot be much greater than a week Luke goes from struggling to pull a saber out of a snow bank right next to him, to lifting x-wings and almost holding his own against the greatest Jedi slaughtering force user of all time
Come on, man. At least watch the movie once.

>You are all justifying the foundations on which Star Wars was created




>most powerful Force User to ever be born
>instinctively pulls the info and memories from Kylo and absorb them

They're setting up Dark Rey, Kylo's redemption and Kylo/Rey in one fell swoop.

Rey's going to get corrupted by the memories of Kylo, but she will also learn about him as a human being.

It's the only way to "fix" the Mary Sue issue

It wouldn't explain her being dropped off as a child, though

They're probably going with her being the new Anakin; too bad Anakin was a monumental fuck up so he's not much of a Gary Stu

You might actually be right. My bad.
Plus he was already getting visions of his friends from across the galaxy.
Basically when... The Force Awakens inside somebody it seems like you can do it all but you just don't know it yet.

Star Wars was created with bad writing?

>>Anakin was a prodigy.
>then Rey can one too
Fuck off disney cunt, rey isn't the chosen one.

That was really Yoda's point in ESB. It's not overtly stated but the impression you get from evidence presented is the lifetime of training is more about dogma than your personal growth with the force. Strip away teachings and just teach the student how high their ceiling is and they can reach it in days.

... Given their midichlorian count is high enough. I joke a bit but really power levels were already implied by the OT making a big deal out of how only Anakin's kids were qualified to take him out. There's always been a degree of some being more gifted than others.

Must suck to be a low tier acolyte watching chosen ones outstrip your progress with zero effort. No wonder the dark side's promise to fast track individuals with less dogmatic red tape in the way winds up being so attractive.

>influencing someone elses mind should be a complex operation requiring training
Obi-Wan was doing it very casually and without focusing on it, maybe it's not that hard
> beating someone in a lightsabre duel requires more that just force power, it requires the ability to actually wield a sabre - that was completely unbelievable. even a hurt kylo shouldve been easily able to disarm a noob with no prioir martial arts experience (inb4 quaterstaff)
but quaterstaff makes sense, it's not dnd, they're used simillarly. also Kylo was not only hurt, but also conflicted, he just killed his father and was struggling with the temptation of the light side, he wasnt focused on the fight at all.

But how can they be YOUR opinions when I pulled them out of MY asshole?

Anakin got lucky. He didn't mean to fly the ship into space, he didn't mean to crash onto the droid ship, and he didn't mean to blow it up

He didn't control any torpedo. All he did was trust in his own instincts as to when to shoot the torpedo instead of relying on a machine. He didn't USE the force he only let it guide him.

She spent her entire life not even knowing if the "force" was even a real thing or not let alone know how to use it. She had absolutely zero training and was able to use the the force to overpower a much more experienced and trained Kylo Ren in both mind power and telekinesis. She also was able to overpower him using a lightsaber.

>Obi-Wan was doing it very casually and without focusing on it, maybe it's not that hard

obi-wan is one of the most well trained and experiences and powerful jedi in the universe

>but quaterstaff makes sense, it's not dnd, they're used simillarly

not really, dude. like, not at all

When you saw star wars as a kid you accepted the mystical nature of it

Now that you're a pseudointellectual on the Internet you need to pick apart star wars and label everything in TFA as le """"bad writing"""" to feel smarter than the normies and because you have an agenda in hating Rey cuz she's a competent female hero

sick burn

>female hero
>completely overpowered who knows the falcon better than han solo, uses the force with no training at all
It's like Disney wanted to make her the best jedi ever

>"Use the force, Luke."
>Luke, you've turned off your targeting computer. What's wrong?

He used the force to control the torpedo. It had nothing else telling it where to go except Luke.

>quaterstaff makes sense
Stop posting, you're fucking embarrassing yourself.

>knows the Falcon better than Han

He hadn't been on the ship in years and she knew about the modification portion guy made, Han didn't. Pay attention next time


Fuck off prequelbabby that's not what it's about

>obi-wan is one of the most well trained and experiences and powerful jedi in the universe
ok, Luke in Jedi also used it on Tatooine just as casually and he had very little training
>not really, dude. like, not at all
she knew general self-defence and was good at it. beating a guy who was shot, is unfocused on the force, tired and is on apprentice level even in prime condition does not seem impossible for her

What do you mean?

>competent female hero

Competent means acceptable and satisfactory though not outstanding. She seems a whole lot more than "competent" to me.

>>completely overpowered who knows the falcon better than han solo

that was in fact the most annoying element of her perfection, i can accept the force shit because hey its space magic but flying like a fucking ace without any experiece whatsoever was retarded ass

The targeting computer just tells him when to pull the trigger. He knew when to pull the trigger using the force

he didn't "control" the torpedo, he used the force for aiming and/or finding the right moment to fire

Fuck off reddit. Rey made no sense considering the previous 6 movies.

Episode 1 was a mistake.

official canon from the novel is that she found imperial flight simulator for imperial pilots in the wreckage of star destroyer and all she did in her free time was playing on it because she had nothing else to do. dumb explanation, but there is one.

>, i can accept the force shit because hey its space magic
Yeah lets just forget about internal consistency.

>anakin outshot and outflew several droidships and destroyed an entire space station when he was 9 by himself
He was also the Chosen One and had won a high-stakes death race prior to that in a vehicle he'd barely piloted.

>Luke redirected a torpedo the first he used the force
What? He used the Force to assist his aim.

>Rey told a stormtrooper to let her go.
No, she controlled that stormtrooper's mind with the Force to make him let her go and drop his weapon, which were two things he absolutely would not do otherwise.

The ship was on auto pilot most of the time you dumb fuck

dude, i know you wanna defend the movie but be honest to yourself. watch that fight again and come back here and tell me with a straight face that the things rey does in that combat like disarming kylo for someone who has now training whatsoever in fencing against someone who has been a professional for years is not pushing your suspension of disbelief

same goes for black guy holding his own for longer than 5 seconds, even though admittetly he does it in a crude baseball bat way

>Basically when... The Force Awakens inside somebody
Are you a Hollywood writer user?

Holy shit, I forgot that she knew the Jedi mind trick. That's such a minor detail, but its going to annoy me whenever I watch TFA now.

>official canon from the novel

juding a movie based on an outside source are we now? if you gonna have an explanation you better put it in the fucking movie instead of some third rate shitty tie in in a completely different medium

>trust your feelings

He was telling him not to rely on the targeting computer because his instincts were better than that. The last guy who used the targeting computer and shot exactly when it told him to still missed. Luke didn't use the force to directly navigate the torpedoes to go where he wanted. He used the force to guide him and give him confidence to trust in his own abilitiy to make the shot at the right time.

Rey was created by Darth Jar Jar to be pure force in human form she is the most powerful force user to have ever lived, she will bring balance to the force and use both the dark and light side to destroy both the sith and Jedi.

You must be a stupid faggot if you didn't catch that on your first viewing

>same goes for black guy holding his own for longer than 5 seconds

Kylo is clearly toying with him here. If you didn't pick up on this you might have genuine autism.

Or that the writers are retarded hacks who gave her asspull powers for the fuck of it because normies don't give a fuck and they're the target demographic?

What is with people just ignoring the most basic logical explanations in favor of retarded in universe explanations for everything in TV / Movies that don't make sense?

but Kylo was no professional, he was just an apprentice and emotionally unstable autist larping as his grandfather. why do people assume he had to be good, he seems like the kind of guy that would be neglecting his training.

Finn shouldn't have been able to get a hit on him, that was fucking bullshit.

Yes yes yes. We get that farm boy Luke's intuition was better than a fucking targeting computer and that's okay because reasons but Rey using her intuition with the force isn't okay because also reasons.

You've made your point.

She survived for years as a scavenger using a stick to beat people up, he was a highly trained stormtrooper

No one questioned Luke being able to fly military grade spacecraft in Zero-G even though his only experience was flying a crop duster through beggars canyon

The problem is that you're trying way too hard to pick apart Star wars

>toying with a loser
>get hit like a scrub

>completely stops an incoming laser bullet in the beginning of the movie and holds it for quite some time
>neglecting his training
Nigga, what?

>that's okay because reasons
Because he had prior experience shooting small targets, and was better off trusting the instincts honed over the years.

>get shot by a powerful laser gun
>proceed to toy with some useless nigger instead of just killing him and seeking medical attention
So fucking dumb.

T-16s are similar in build to X-wings.

>Luke's prior experience as a farm boy in a crop duster means it's okay to add a dash of the force and suddenly he's the single greatest pilot in the rebel fleet, even beating computers designed for targeting via intuition
>Rey has prior experience beating people up with melee weaponry but her getting lucky against a grievously wounded force adept is really stretching the ol' noggin's ability to follow along

Whoah, it's almost as if the entire point of the character is that he's an unstable, incompetent mess pretending to be Darth Vader and his instability leads to him making bad decisions

Just because the character isnt written to be a robot who makes decision on logic 100% of the time doesn't mean it's """""bad writing"""""

he had flying experience with the t-16 skyhopper which is produced by the same company as x-wings and share many similarities in build, particularly the design of the cockpit.

luke sort of kind of refers to his experience shortly before the attack on the death star

LITERALLY the chosen one, one of the, if not the strongest fucking force user in the galaxy. Also fucked up a lot in the movie previous to this.

Luke actually had a lil training with the force, Obi Wan had taught him that the force exists and somewhat how to use it, including that training exercise blocking those shitty blaster bolts while blinded.

Rey controlled the mind of another human, reversed the powers of an experienced force user, grandson of the most powerful force user in the galaxy, and also beat him force pulling the saber hilt.

I said he was bad at fencing, not using the force.

Because in the OT, the force was just some general thing that some people had better control of. Even without realizing it.

But now its more of a shitty MMO, where you kill some bad guys, level up and pick between force speed or mind trick.

Based on external EU and special edition bullshit. The original movie didn't bother to explain why Luke could fly an xwing because it's ultimately useless information that only autists who edit wookiepedia care about

Says the guy who's never been in a fight.

Nah. It just came out that way and i realized how retarded it was as i was typing it.

Hollywood writing seems easy though.

When Kylo Ren was in her mind and she was in his, she stole a bunch of his experience points in order to power level her force

>only autists who edit wookiepedia
>say the smug guy posting in a star wars thread on Sup Forums

in any case, luke definitely mentions his flying and shooting experience

I'll fight you IRL m8 1v1 any time any place let's make this happen

>luke definitely mentions his flying and shooting experience

which is by the way at least *something*. meanhwile, rey explicitely mentions that she has no flying experience whatsoever yet pulls off the most crazy shit. i liked TFA well enough but thats simply indefensible, sorry.

>intuition with the force

What intuition? She spent her entire life not knowing the force was even a real fucking thing. She had no Obi-Wan to explain what the force was like Luke did. Nobody to explain to her what kinds of abilities you gain from being a force user and nobody to give her even the slightest bit of training like Luke did. If she just so happened to pull off something amazing with very subtle use of the force like Luke did I would be ok with that even though she's had no training. Hell if she only did half of the crazy shit she did in the movie I wouldn't complain. It was the combination of everything she did that bothers me

Plus "I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters."

And Rey mentions in throwaway lines that she's a pilot too.

You just have a massive double standard for Star wars protagonists.

>suddenly he's the single greatest pilot in the rebel fleet
He's not though, he allowed himself to get dragged into a pursuit by Vader, and would have been fucked, if it weren't for Han bailing him out.

Shes literally anakin reborn, which is why she could do all those high level jedi tricks and had his fighting style at the end of the movie, and obi talked to her (they where like brothers and obiwan never saw vader as anakin)

She was reborn to fix the wrongs her past life created.
All that happened was she unlocked part of her past memories.

>And Rey mentions in throwaway lines that she's a pilot too

cititation fucking needed, she says the exact opposite

>i liked TFA well enough
kill yourself

>She spent her entire life not knowing the force was even a real fucking thing.
she could have been using it instinctively without knowing what it is. just like you were using you problem solving skillls and learning to speak a language as child when you had no idea what problem solving and languages are.

Anal sex.

she literally tells Finn shes a pilot when they first meet

>You just have a massive double standard for Star wars protagonists.
You're a liar or a fucking retard.

She says she will pilot, she never said anything about previous experience.

>she's just like the shitty character we wanted Episode VII to erase from our memories

it's like pottery. BRAVO JJ.

She says that she's NOT a pilot. Clean your ears, sampai.

he survived the battle with best imperial pilots when battle hardened rebelion pilots didn't and blew up the death star, yeah, he was medicore at best

But you have someone teaching you. You don't start speaking french if both your parents are germans...

00:31:25,008 --> 00:31:26,351
Hey, we need a pilot!

00:31:26,468 --> 00:31:28,015
We've got one.

00:31:28,136 --> 00:31:29,137

>Luke: "we can buy our own ship for that!"
>Han: "but who's gonna fly it kid, you?"
>Luke: "you bet I could, you know I'm not such a bad pilot myself"

They even tell you earlier that Luke has experience as a pilot and unless Luke was lying they are telling you he's a pretty good one.