What's the greatest instrumental hip-hop album?

What's the greatest instrumental hip-hop album?
pic kinda related

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pic very related


>pic kinda unrelated

Find a flaw.

this, so fun to listen to [spoiler]stoned[/spoiler]

can't find a reason to disagree with you and your dubs, so im just going to post good instrumental hip-hop albums


bumpin this sick thread

madlib - shades of blue. more jazz but all good






Digging the fuck outta this, thanks user

come on, let's keep the thread going

lovin these






I havent been able to find anything else quite like it unfortunately, this one is the closest ive come












Which album is that?

Also this youtube.com/watch?v=dbo05cccC-U

>the two most well known examples of the genre
>he can't even reverse image search


that siren sound that is used like half a dozen times

fucking this. ruins half the damn album.

too bad it's theft

I was just listening to this today, thought I was cool and unique. Zed and Two L's is far and away the best song on there.

yeah easily, it's a shame they stopped producing music together but it came to a natural conculsion after 10 albums, their solo projects are very interesting in and of themselves though
this is one of the best songs ive heard in a long while

good picks

underrated classic, early prefuse73 is fuckin great

also recc'ing pic related

great stuff, cheers man

thread winner

this tape has become a recent favorite as well:


this is an interesting one



Holy shit what the fuck I thought I was the only one who listened to this

great album it's rare to find something that you can enjoy in it's entirety I really like it, I think ive seen one other user that likes it
this one is only me though youtube.com/watch?v=3r_tKKqcddk


The best instrumental hip-hop album is a compilation.


I think its kind of a shame that Fat Jon didn't get the type of recognition Nujabes got. Mainly due to people giving full credits to Nujabes for the whole Samurai Champloo OST. At least thats how I discovered most of his work.




cmon, just tell me pham.

instrumental versions of Wu-Tang Clan tracks.

>no one knows about apollo brown
>color me surprised




what? why give me (you)

>He doesn't get hype hearing the sirens

Fucking plebs.

please rec some instrumental hip hop verging on breakcore/idm
have a track for your troubles:

wagon christ, you just described wagon christ perfectly

I love luke vibert so much


my personal favourite

do you want some more albums or does that suit what you're looking for? ive got some other stuff

thanks man, anything with maybe less vocals?

maybe something darker and more frantic? like the snares track I posted. idm stuff is cool too. thanks for doing this man, I really appreciate it.

>like the snares track I posted
your link doesn't work

I enjoy Shlohmo

link doesnt work
i not sure if i have anything much darker, but i do have some stuff more on the idm side of things

this is a bit more stripped back but it seems to almost fit the bill not frantic though

i am retarded


thank you btw i'm fucking loving this first track

It's Endtroducing..... by DJ Shadow, surprised you don't recognize it. It and Donuts are probably the only two instrumental hip-hop albums your average music listener would be familiar with.

no man the only thing that comes close is wagon christ, sorry cant really help you beyond that it's all i know about in that area, does sound like him imo

wew could have at least posed printf or doll doll doll for darkness

anyway listen to lamb - s/t for orchestral jungly trip-hop and techno animal - brotherhood of the bomb for dark aggressive stuff

also be sure to listen to for idm-ish stuff


thanks guys, really appreciate the recs


*pic completely related

9th wonder is love





A little bit to close to house

fuck me, this is the first time I've seen proem on this board

seen it a few times, discussion and all
still doesn't get enough love though

listen to

