Coachella BTFO by P4K

Coachella is FINISHED

Homophobia is only cool when done by Muslins or trap rappers

>hate p4k sjwism
>but hate coachella bro culture just as much
what do

Pitchfork reports it every time a Muslim or trap artist says something homophobic just like they reported this tho you crybaby.

well, pitchfork festivals have better lineups

>whites are superior than blacks and muslim
>wait why are treating me to a higher standard?
what do you want cuck

If leftists would openly admit this I’d be cool with it.

bro culture is harmless fun that doesn't really affect anyone, sjws want to enforce their ideologies on society


yes but they don't have nearly the reaction to those """ppl""" as they do when a white male says something homophobic

Yikes! So problematic!

pitchfork are yuppie liberals, not leftists. there's not a drop of class consciousness there, if there was they'd cover country a poor man's genre

and they are indeed paternalizing minorities

Why are alt-righters like OP so eager to brag about their homophobia? They show it off like a medal of honor.

they starve for attention

Why are leftists like so eager to brag about their support of degeneracy? They show it off like a medal of honor.

wai wait wait you cannot go on insulting OPs like that, that's homophobic

how do americans call Coachella a shitty festival? in EU we have not a single fucking festival compairable to its variety of artists

Its in a god awful location
Fuck the desert and fuck that smelly lake right by it.

Homophobia is always cool.

There's no reason you can't comfortably hate both

They're both shit.

uhhh primavera?

ohhh papi i love it when you talk dirty
post your yummy b e n i s