You are now aware an entire city is being built in Iraq

You are now aware an entire city is being built in Iraq

Did they not have one before?



by the borg?


islamic gommunism intentsifies

why? it'll only last 20 years at best before it gets shelled to shit


>commie blocks with pointed arches

literally islamig gommunism

I'll tell you a secret. Building cities is something they do for 10.000 years in Iraq.

first urban cultures was build in iraq

spotted the sandnigger

He's right though Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The oldest civilizations were in modern day Egypt, Iraq/Syria, China and Pakistan.

Iraq is going to be the best country in the middle east. Mark my words.

Iraq will not last as a unified country.

You mean sunni shia divides and maybe a kurdistan?

Naw I think it'll stay iraq. But I guess we'll see.

The earth is only 6k years old

They pretty much will need to rebuild Mosul after ISISshits ruined it

Good for them.
They are gonna need it.

Looks like a neo-soviet shithole without thminus the comfy landscape of Eastern Europe to make them look nicer.

and they always fail and collapse

looks like Russia.

woah i didn't know the carandiru was remade.

Most cities do.

Neat. I heard the Turks are building a shit ton of shit there. Especially in the north.

Turkey is one of the biggest investors of Iraqi Kurdistan.

All while Europe is circle jerking about how Erdogan hates Kurds and wants to genocide them.

Erdogangster has to go!
