Innocent Asian people are being murdered by White Australians

Why do White Australians murder innocent Asian people for no reason?

it will stop

soon :^)


An Asian woman raped and murdered by White Australians

Many Asian people are being murdered by Australians

wow wtf Australia???

should've heeded their warning, it's fucking full

wtf I love straylia now

Good job Australia. All non-whites need to die painfully


Keep up the good work


Asians are truly subhumans

>implying removing pigs is bad

Ya they also mauled pajeetz....savages.

Here asian students are like bunnys. The girls get killed like 1 each month.
Mainly japanese. 1 died first week in by some honky

They're not cowards unlike european.


>the new limp dick policy is in action
>now all the opressive man must submit to plastic surgery so they look like girls.

t. fat and ugly english teacher




all asians should be summarily executed desu (to be honest)

Fuck off we're full

Don't half of Australians have Filipino mothers?

asians is ugly and should all be killed
ever wonder why asian nose look like pig? it is because asian is pig haha