>a romantic comedy starring Barbara Palvin and the JUST man
would you go see it?
A romantic comedy starring Barbara Palvin and the JUST man
Brendan can do better than that fat slut
Isn't her English horrible?
No. I can't stand rom coms and I've never been a fan of Fraser.
why are you still referring to him by his name? He is the JUST man.
I'd be the meat in that sandwich.
>romantic comedy
These are still made?
seriously is this shit for real? the picture. photoshopped or not? fuck i can't even tell
this actually might be a great idea
good script, decent director, JUST man and some incredibly hot actress. wouldn't cost a lot of money and will make a lot. would have to be marketed towards men though
The JUSTless one
Will this man ever play a stud again?
Will he ever joyfully smile again?
why just men i bet enough women remember when brendan was hot and could use that as a conduit towards feeling for him
its not
would you have sex with Afton if it would mean saving Brendan?
hell id have sex with brendan to save brendan
those feet
>those big manly feet
jelly af desu
btw how come the JUST was already in his eyes when he was young? Does the demon of JUST possess one early in life?
We're done with Palvin and the JUST man here. It turns out he is too fucking ugly to be believable as her romantic interest.
I'll actually pay real money for a movie ticket if JUSTin gets another role
She could play his daughter in Mummy 4 / Cruise Mummy 2 (make it a combo)
He needs to be an adventure movie
A romantic comedy won't do anything for his career
please un-just me