What country do you hate the most?

South Korea

Gyeongsangdo also known as the Shit wine drinking Rapist niggers' Republic of Gyeongsang

Other urls found in this thread:


Wew this butthurt from a differnt thread. Truely south korea is worst korea

This is the typical Jeolla man.

Some people say, Jeolla man = like black man. Because Jeolla man also make some crime and riot.

But I don't agree. Because actually many black man are funny entertaining guy, and the hardworking athlete, not criminal. They are trying to make a good life, even when they are born to lower class.

But Jeolla man is not like this. I think almost all Jeolla man like 99.9% is criminal or morally abnormal. So it's unfair to black to make this comparison.

top kek

t. Gyeongsangdo rapist

stop commiting crimes in south korea gyeongsang nigger


do you like joseonjok ???

>another butthurt gyeongsang monkey

denmark also known as autist kingdom of subhuman nigger lovers

We Koreans have to deport all the Gyeongsang criminals to their shitty homeland

Gyeongsang monkeys all worship a manlet a.k.a. Park Jeong Hee the brain crushed.

This is Korea. Int people. This is Korea.

Actually there days there is many propagandas in the media to change the Jeolla image. Now there is the movie "Taxi Driver". They try to show terrorist is actually the peaceful protester. But, it is a LIE. Please, don't be fooled by the Jeolla man!

Also, in old times Jeolla man only lived in Jeolla mostly. But now even when you visit Seoul, there is so many Jeolla man. Be careful!


This is the shameless Jeolla man.

He is racist to use N word and also black man is so much higher than him so, it's so ridiculous and arrogant

Are Jeolla people jealous of Gyeongsang?

부엉이바위로 가자~


Absolutely no

F...Fuck you

>butthurt gyeongsang monkeys

부엉이바위는...경상도 맞지? ㅋㅋ

These posters are from ilbe.com

ilbe is a Sup Forums of south korea

Sup Forums, sorry for these retarded korean Sup Forumstards

조선족 싫어하는게 무슨 일베충이야 씨발련아

That place is in Gyeongsangdo.

Are you a Gyeongsang?

경상도 바퀴벌레들 혐오하는 한국인들은 전부
일베충이냐? 씨발 애미 뒤진 통구이 새끼야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I am American though


Gyeongsangs are muslims of south korea

t. cockroach

All the Gyeongsangs must go back to their country and drink their delicious shit wine again

inb4 proxy

nigga what are you doing

씨발 경상도 새끼가 한국인인 척 하는 것 보소 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ



>be korean
>gyeongsangs shitpost with korea flag everyday

광주는 뭐다?

Are you a gyeongsang living in america?

폭 _

>eternal gyeongsang monkeys

We need him again

홍어새끼들 땜에 자유대한민국이 사라질거다 불쌍한 국민들 북괴짱개칼의민족새끼들에게 지배 당할걸

농담아니야 ㄹㅇ싫어할만한 새끼들



user stop calling him




역시 광주는 폭포~~^^



쉐프님 ㄷㄷ

Why do Gheongsangs pretend to be Korean?

Because their country is shit tier poo in loo land

Okay my nigger son


> i am american
>trust me

monkey go back to gyeongsangdo we koreans don't want you rapists in our country

I am an ignorant foreigner and what is going on in this thread

Korea should not exist

>I am American
너 같은 검머외 새끼는 한국인도 아니고 미국인도 아닌 바퀴벌레들인데? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

>Jeollanom should not exist

Fixed that for you. Sorry master, we try to keep the animals under control but it's not easy :/

South Korean autism

There are many butthurt gyeongsang people here.

They want to destroy Korean government because they believe that we koreans did do wrong to them.

Comparing ilbe to Sup Forums is a massive insult to Sup Forums tho

people in ilbe don't even have the intelligence nor the guts to pull off stuffs like shia flag prank or 2016 elections

Japan, most Zainichis are from Gyeongsangdo.

Korea and Japan have to united for removing cockroaches from our homelands.

맞어 헬게이트 열린다


잊지말자 북괴 새끼들이 성공적으로 핵무기와 장거리 미사일 발전한 걸 김대중노무현 때문이다

다음은 미군철수, 그 다음 적화통일


일베 member detected.

Didn't some kid from Ilbe make blew up homemade bomb at a public talk? Of course in Jeolla.

Have you ever been to ilbe? How do you know korean?

ilbe the korean Sup Forums

>he loves park geun hye
ilbe pigs are fucking dumb shit brainlets

Just shouting Ilbe Ilbe Ilbe doesn't change the truth

So, you support North Korea.


Benjamin Fulford is saying the truth.

The American government is using Zainichi (living in Japan) Koreans to control Japan as well as North Korea?

I always felt strange that the North Korean association organization (조총련) in Tokyo always support Japanese right wing establishments by not directly criticizing these establishments in the first place. It all makes sense.

This is the most retarded conspiracy theory I've ever heard

Can you prove that it is a hoax?

실제로 북한학과 출신. 북한 전문 교수들이 도대체 왜 조총련이 일본 극우 세력을 계속 간접적으로 지지하는 이유를 의아하게 생각함. 그리고 그 교수들도 북한의 초기 행정 내각이 왜 친일파로 구성되는지 이상하게 생각도 했음. 진짜로 음모론이 아니면 일반 사람들이 절대로 이해할 수 없지.

Go back to /ilbe/

Strange. I'll be banned right away in Ilbe because I didn't described North Korea as a communist country.

넌 일베의 북한 관련 입장을 모르구나.

I want to FUCK a korean girl, make some elliott rodger babies and then dump her in korea

>N word
>he is a retarded SJW
Do you love niggers because they enjoy to rape and murder people like you gyeongsangs?

Why do you think that anyone likes your country? Everyone in Korea think you guys are just a disgusting cancer of our nation

I once got mistaken for a Korean in Thailand for some reason.

홍어 새끼들은... 흑인 보다 낮아요

흑인들이 백인들로 부터 차별을 받아도 나라를 사랑해 왔어 한반도, 베트남, 여러 전쟁터에서 미중합국과 反共세계를 위해 싸웠고 자랑스럽게 희생됐어

차별을 받아도 소련 공산당에게 이용당하기 싫었다

반면 피해의식에 벗어날 수 없는 홍어 새끼들이 자유 대한민국을 혐오하고 김정은에게 노예들 되고 싶은 마음을 갖고 있다

그래서 홍어새끼들이 욕을만해


t. Lim Jong-seok

미러링 잘하네 이 븅신 새끼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

홍어판 메갈이네