Why do people praise this film so goddamn much? Just watched it after seeing the first yesterday, and it was alright I guess, but nowhere near as good as ALIEN. The Xenomorphs were borderline retarded and it dropped all elements of horror and suspense after the initial encounter scene.
There's only two Alien movies, I don't know what you're talking about.
Charles Edwards
It's fun as a standalone action film, but yeah as a sequel it's terrible. When you view it as being in a separate universe from the original it's much easier to enjoy.
Jaxon Walker
the difference is in Aliens the xenomorphs were going up against the military whereas in Alien they didn't have guns, or did they I forgot.
They had guns in Alien, but they never really had the chance to use them against the Xenomorph because it outsmarted them most times. Maybe you don't find Alien that scary, but I'd argue it's far from boring and has a certain vibe the sequel missed. Also, Sigourney is pretty qt desu
Gabriel Johnson
So when are we going to talk about the bonus situation?