Suicide squad: JUST

is there any redeeming parts of this movie?

watched the extended cut yesterday and it was so corny


Nice haiku, moron.

I unironically love it.
I have over 5 t-shirts of the move, tons of pops, and I bought Harley's new Rebirth comics along with Rebirth Suicide Squad.
I also have a Harley poster on my bedroom door along with other Harley figures.
Guess I'm a loser lol.

Trying to be funny with that only makes you even more of a loser

harley was alright because shes entertaining but the rest are like some fantasy teenage fanfic characters*

>harley was alright because shes entertaining but the rest are like some fantasy teenage fanfic characters*

The irony.


I'm being legit honest, I even took the time to take pictures of all my Suicide Squad stuff.


>tfw I have to share oxygen with you

kill yourself then