Who would win?
EpIII Anakin or EpV Vader?
Who would win?
>hothead versus airconditioned cyborg
Anakin goes the way of sand in a blast furnace
Who would win
EpII Anakin or EpI Bucket of Sand from Tatooine?
in the new canon
>60s wtf
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I never wanted this feel
But Anakin had the high ground??
>I am well accustomed to killing children.
Wait so is this some kind of flashback for Darth Vader or something?
The scientist who invented vader's armor shuts down his life support with some kind of device, then vader starts having force visions and shit, this is one of them.
Anakin would win if he had a better teacher, like Qui-Gon or something. Anakin needed someone to teach him discipline better than Obi. Maybe even Windu would have worked since Mace uses that "near-dark-side" style of fighting.
That way, Anakin gets to use his emotions but stay stable instead of suppressing them and just going nuts in the end.
If he had a better teacher he would have been unstoppable.
More like the internal struggle between the two personalities. The dark half won, but not completely.
Why didnt they force Yoda to teach Anakin, seeing how powerful he was.
One's strength in the Force, which is more or less the main factor in their ability to do everything from handling a lightsaber to pushing a truck out of the way, is dependent upon living tissue. Vader is necessarily weaker having lost a majority of his limbs than he was prior. It could be said that a less hotheaded Anakin, who never lost his arm in Ep II and took the ways of the Jedi to heart, would have been entirely unstoppable.
But Anakin would wreck Vader.
no that's how it really went down, actually..... did you think obi wan would really fight his old good friend to the death?
Cut sand in half
Twice as much sand
Sand win evrytiem
but then why did Vader win against Luke in Empire? according to you living tissue is all that matters, also if living issue is all that matters, why do jedi train at all instead of just stuffing their mouth with food to have as much "living mass" as possible?
fucking retard.
Darth would defeat his younger self, as he achieved mastery of the force and light saber fencing
because then the story wouldn't have arrived to the predestined conclusion
This; Anakin's memedichlorian concentration was much higher than the average Jedi, and so much so that even with 1/8 of a body as Vader, he was still insanely powerful.
That being said, yung Annie had pretty much no control over himself, so its like the "you only use 10% of your brain" thing.
Living mass, as in their tissue. This was confirmed earlier in interviews and associated novelizations. This is why we do not ever see a droid capable of harnessing the Force. Only living matter can.
He was able to defeat Luke because Luke was still very new and not entirely trained. You can't compare someone who had lived decades honing their skills, even though crippled, to one strong but still young.
>living tissue is all that matters
And where did he say that?
Midichlorian concentration > midichlorian count
Otherwise the hutts, rancors, etc. would be like our world's Filipinos: the most powerful races in the galaxy
Vader couldn't reach his full potential only because there's was still light in him, Padme knew this and Luke could feel it too, if he embraced the dark side he would have been significantly stronger than Sidous.
>Vader travels back in time to stop Obi-Wan wounding him
>he kills Obi-Wan in front of Anakin
>this causes a realisation of good in Anakin
>Anakin attacks Vader
>Vader has no choice but to cut off Anakins arms
>Obi-Wan was alive all along
>Living mass, as in their tissue. This was confirmed earlier in interviews and associated novelizations. This is why we do not ever see a droid capable of harnessing the Force. Only living matter can.
you are a fucking nerd and you are deliberately chosing to accept as canon non sense from "eu" and some shit lucas (who had no influence on the best parts of the original trilogy and has no longer any authority on star wars) said
>He was able to defeat Luke because Luke was still very new and not entirely trained. You can't compare someone who had lived decades honing their skills, even though crippled, to one strong but still young.
so why wouldn't he be stronger than his younger self, you fucking illogical retard
fucking imbecile
also, again:
>>Living mass, as in their tissue
then why yoda is so strong if he is so small and again, why didn't they spend all their time lifting weights and bloating themself up with food and blue milk, you stupid retard, autistic retard piece of shit, smarmy fucking retard, I don't want you to matter-of-factly posting this stupid shit that anybody reasonable would disregard immediatly
Damn was Riami on board when they made this game?
They don't show Anakin's slaughtering in the movie.
To be fair children or not if you're gonna kill all the Jedi mgt as well kill the oprhans that will eventually spend the rest of their lives hunting you
>you are a fucking nerd and you are deliberately chosing to accept as canon non sense from "eu" and some shit lucas (who had no influence on the best parts of the original trilogy and has no longer any authority on star wars) said
Lucas doesn't have a say anymore, but nothing he has said was contradicted so it still holds ground.
>so why wouldn't he be stronger than his younger self, you fucking illogical retard
Because his younger self can command more of the Force and use it in a fight to the death.
>then why yoda is so strong if he is so small and again, why didn't they spend all their time lifting weights and bloating themself up with food and blue milk, you stupid retard, autistic retard piece of shit, smarmy fucking retard, I don't want you to matter-of-factly posting this stupid shit that anybody reasonable would disregard immediatly
Calm down aspie, I never said the total biological mass is itself the source, but that losing a part of one's physical body reduces abilities. Which was confirmed earlier.
Can someone tell me what game this is?
I assume it's a mod.
Maybe Jedi Knight Academy?
a singleplayer mode from JKA, yeah. forget the name
Movie Duels Mod
There's an OT version as well, but only a demo was finished.
>Calm down aspie, I never said the total biological mass is itself the source, but that losing a part of one's physical body reduces abilities. Which was confirmed earlier.
you're the aspie, and it was confirmed only by your retarded post
Vader since he's older and knows literally all of Anakin's weaknesses... Though it probably wouldn't be an easy win
Vader. His mastery of the Force exceeds Anakin's by a large margin even if he has less raw power. He's also not a complete retard like Anakin.
>Because his younger self can command more of the Force and use it in a fight to the death.
then why didn't Luke destroy him in Empire and why didn't he destroy luke and old man palpy with one hand since according to your reasoning youthfullness and "living biomass" are the sole factor in using the Force?
why if living tissue is the only determinant, they didn't stuff their mouths with food and lift weights all the time to increase their power level count?
retard. Autistic nerd who read all the eu stuff and wookiepedia articles and lucas interviews AND retarded
I still can't get over how they feel the need they have to spoonfeed the readers like we can't understand if they wrote R2.
They're the major factor. Midichlorians are commanded by people with living biomass, and the less body parts they have the weaker they get. It's not the only determinant, but it's the major one of power. Luke didn't defeat him because he was barely trained and still very young. Anakin by the time of Episode III was a hardened warrior and an excellent duelist.
Calm down aspie.
Whomever holds the high ground
Wicked W Warrick
Wait there is a episode 3?
so it's body parts or living bio mass, make up your mind
so an alien species with 4 arms and 4 legs would be the super saiyan jedi form
>Luke didn't defeat him because he was barely trained and still very young.
but he had more limbs and more body mass (not sure really what is the detrminant according to your aspie logic), so he should have win?
but he had less training so he is weaker, while master of the force vader would have been weaker than his 20 year old counterpart with less experience because he had less limbs\body mass
so obi wan was stronger than him in a new hope because he still had all the limbs... oh no because other than biomass, weight, and body parts also youthfullness is a factor, that's why yoda and palpatine were so weak....
no wait sorry I think I'm lost in your "logic"
why didn't palpatine teach the force to a multi limbed obese alien species since body mass and limbs are all that matters
why did grievous kill'd all those jedis? Does the extra cyber limbs make up for the lack of body part? Please own write your force power equation
something like fake limbs * 2 + real limbs * 2 ^ body mass / age
((fake limbs * 30 + real limbs * 45)^Living body mass) / age ) * Midichlorian concentration
Who would win? Ep III Obi or Ep IV Ben?
I don't know, according to the aspie expert here the determinants in force power are youthfulness, number of limbs, weight, and training a distant second... .but we don't know the weighting of each factor. Once we have the full aspie formula we will be able to determine their exact force power levels
>number of limbs
Anakin has more midichlorians in his nuts than the whole jedi council.
What about spinning? I've heard it's a good trick
wrong looser. Its about density. The midichlorian count per cell. Size doesn't matter, it's all about density, just like we have smaller brains than elephants, but are smarter because our bodies are smaller.
i guess im a retard.
this guy knows what's up though.
spinning decimates the advantage in biomass the enemy has (see palpatine vs 4 jedi knights, who out biomassed him), while the high ground is useful to reduce the advantage given by youthfullness (obi wan vs anakin)
>who wins
The one who doesn't twirl his saber like a raging faggot
((fake limbs * 30 + real limbs * 45)^Living body mass / enemy spinning factor)
(age * enemy high ground advantage) )
Midichlorian concentration
Darth Sidious made some "adjustments" to Lord Vader's suit to purposely weaken him, so he could kill his apprentice if he turned on him. Had Anakin beat Obi-Wan he would have killed Sidious because he was also weak from his fight with Yoda and Mace Windu.
i've seen good cases made for that, being a good trick.
But seriously, it's been said that jedi fight by predicting the futer. So moments like this could be interpreted as them faking eachother out, and redirecting their physical energy so they're not left open.
Hate to go weeb here, but i think i saw something about how in duels between samurai, the cuts where always diagonal, so that if a miss occurred, the energy could be redirected into a smooth circular motion into the next blow (very similar to pic related).
So you could say that watching the young Anny and Kenobi fight, they were full of energy and constantly trying to overpower the enemy through faking each-other out, alls out balls out sort of style.
And the older duel, where they make very little moves, is more cautious because they're older and have alot less energy, so their moves are far more precise to save energy.
Your a brave soul fro trying to defend the lightsaber fight in the prequels, your doing a good job but still.
Sand gets evrywheir
I'm not a power levelfag by any means, but in Lords of the Sith Vader can destroy vulture and buzz droids using the force
In III Anakin didn't do that, he had to rely on R2 to zap them
Anakin would win in physical combat, but Vader has better command of the Force
Sum tiemz it maek me MAAAAAAAAAAAADDD
>Mediocre trace art
>Legitimately good writing
It fucking hurts
in the original prequels script, an opponet with the exact same Vader armor was the big villain
after anakin defeats him using the dark side, he pries open his armor, devours the former vader, then gets ritually ripped off his limbs by Dark Side monks, then he gets lowered into the Darth Vader armors, and Finally he rises proclaiming "I have now become Darth Vader"
also the previous Darth Vader was anakin's father
fuck off george
They are the same person you dumbasses
>Anakin had the high ground and still lost
Vader fooled him with the illusion of a high ground but in reality he was manipulating the Force on an even higher one.
That's fake, right?
It's legit
I always thought his design was ugly as fuck.
Can somebody prove me wrong?
Jesus christ you dbz power level faggots are retarded. This is why your extended universe garbage was thrown out and why no one gives a fuck about you. You literally ruin everything you fucking touch.
>Make sure you put his name on the cover at least twice.
People have short attention spans.
That's why Marvel liked to put "1's" on their covers even though they weren't really the first issue.
People are actually driven to purchase issues with large 1's for some reason.
Darth Vader #24
>4 U
I don't know why, but in my head Vader's armor is fucking sick but when I've reseen the movie it was looking like garbage.
>Star Wars: Darth Vader: Vader
I don't know man, everyone loves it but to me it always looked like a pajama with a silly helmet.
I also don't like capes.
One's more vulnerable to sand than the other
Vader, because he was the superior tactician. Anakin was too headstrong and not calculating enough. Think about it - Episode 3 Anakin was much stronger once he became Vader, but he still lost to Obi-Wan, who is never described as being especially strong or powerful among Jedi masters.
Also, Vader would be much, much stronger with the dark side after twenty years studying under Palpatine, plus dark side users have an inherent advantage in combat.
>for you
jesus christ, really?
Young Obi as long he has the high ground against Old Ben.
He's a big guy
In Ep IV he was ballroom dancing with Vader.