Other urls found in this thread:
>qarabag is in the champions league
>arsenal isn't
My almonds are activated now.
>these plastic no-name clubs taking the place of proud Europeans like Kobenhavn, Rosenborg, Legia etc
they should fuck off back to Asia
>A fucking carrier bag
>can't play and lose
whites everybody
also, just a remionder. Garabakh is a refugee club, it can't play in its hometown due to war.
Refugees are coming :D
t. refugee
my bone of contention is that Azerbaijan is not in fucking europe
Would be pretty neat to live in a ghost city
i am from Agdam, Qarabag and yes i am a refugee.
we are Europe, in fact more than you :DDDDD
thanks to armenians
Neither is Israel. Christ, even Turkey isn't a European country.
>i am from Agdam, Qarabag and yes i am a refugee.
Oh... sorry then.
looks just like my eastern european post apocalyptic videogames
>19 stars
How can any other club even compete?
Turkey is fine, Israel I can understand because they cant play against the Arabs, but Azerbaijan, Kazahkstan and Uzbekistan can fuck off.
what annoys its the fact that these clubs have been watched by men and a dog for the entireity of their existence and still would be if they weren't in UEFA. they'd be an absolute pub league team without the billionaire owners who decided they fancied bringing some Champions League into their Asian country. utterly plastic clubs
Uzbekistan plays in asia.
Fuken casual glory hunters these days, get on my level
so what clubs do you have in the CL ? :DDDDDD
we are partly in Europe you bong
do Azeri really see themselves as Europeans? Do people in churka mountains see themselves as Euros?
what else could they be
not really, we see ourselves as "Caucasian", but at least our governments try to join EU, not leave it :DDDDDDDDDD
>tfw no Nefçi in UCL
/Perro qara/
ignore my flag, I'm not from UK
How do you plan on joining EU? You're too related with Turkey, and Turkey surely won't let you go in if they're not in.
What are your relations with Georgia, from Sup Forums I learned everyone dislikes Armenians, can't really understand why?
well, yeah
They have non Indo-Euro language and are Shia, and there are no Shia in Europe, Albanians and Bosniaks are Sunni
Europe gonna get BLACKED
That's the kind of comfy feeling I got, too
The caspian sea should be where europe ends desu.
friends with Gergia, Turkey we just sell cheap oil and get political support.
And everyone hates armenians because they are backstabbers. they annexed region called Qarabag 24 years ago, including hometown of Qarabag FK. Games are played in Baku now. we have 1 million Azeri refugees here for 24 years and i am one of them.
I also was a refugee, spent 4 years in refugee shelter as a kid. Can't remember much though.
Returning back was shit, I remember how everything was destroyed in my village, 90% of houses were destroyed. Took 5-6 to rebuild most of it.
i dont see anything wrong with a comfy midweek trip to Azerbaijan really. chelsea fans should be glad.
where are you from ? Serbia?
I'm from Croatia
ah same language and same looking peoples. why are you so hateful?
so, why aren't you Turks?
because serbians are disgusting rats. no one wants to be mistaken for a serbian. especially not a croat
our languages and cultures are pretty different desu. also Azeris shia, turks sunnni. they look greek/arab we look caucasian/iranid. we never had a shared country and always fought. why would we be durks ? :DDD
Everybody is yugoslav
we're Catholics, Serbs are Muslim or something like that, I think
we're white/Mediterranean and they're Turkish looking
Can young azeri people read azeri texts in cyrillic?
serbs are chirstian. bosnians m*slim
we are non-religious,traditional
yes all
Arab scum
Caucasus is the European border and they are in those mountains. More European than Israel, Turkey, Kazakhstan etc.
Albos and Bosnians are sunni because of the Ottomans, nothing with geography about it.
How did you feel that time Qarabag got refballed against Inter?
And what happened with ref after this incident?
nothing. only CL matters to me.
Jovane ne znam ja u što vi vjerujete
Europa je više kulturni nego geografski pojam
Probably nothing, like Andres Cunha
also, can anyone help me?
Currently I'm in Italy, don't know why I've got UK flag, but I need Croatian proxy to watch our national TV. Where could I get one for free?
Are you posting with your phone? if yes, that's why you have the uk flag.
nah, I think it's because of this place where I'm at
also, Italy is chep, prices are like in Croatia while you have much bigger salaries. Bottled water is 3-4 times cheaper for example.
Ask your grandparents, they'll know
Really, where are you? it's weird that croatia costs so much, as far as I know a lot of people from here go there and to Slovenia for cheap holidays.
Stop posting ":D" you flaming faggot
And I thought you wanted to be taken seriously. I bet this is a proxy fag or 12 year old refugee that should just be gassed. All good.
>taken seriously
i don't need your opinion you fat fuck.
near Udine
coffee at machine is 0.70€ for 2 coffees and it's really good coffee
I'm here from Monday, so I haven't explored that much. I'm here next week also.
t. domagoj horvat radi na bausteli u birmingemu
do the stars mean something? or are they just like australia's
league wins i assume
mexicans teams do it too right?
yes, every star means a trophy, only that in this crest it looks like the horses are shitting them