Can someone redpill me on dinosaurs still being alive?

Can someone redpill me on dinosaurs still being alive?

They are still around.
As birds.

id say more, but ive said too much already

Dinosaurs exist all over the place.

Australia lost a war to them.

everything is happening at the same time. your sense of past, present and future its a falsehood that you get from being only able to experience a small slice of reality at a time

Dinosaurs still roam in lost valleys in Patagonia to this day

they became jews

Revving up a new ridicule target after Flat Earth started losing steam?

Dinosaurs aren't alive now, they died out not so long after the flood. Due to all the trees that died during it the air got thinner to breath, and the big dinosaurs got to little oxygen which made them slow and had the prey species become exposed for other predators as well as the predator species to slow to catch their prey.


Man has been around for billions of years.
They co existed with dinosaurs at one time.
Civilizations come and go in cycles.
That is why there is evidence of prehistoric civilisations.

That's on a temple in Cambodia, whose to say that they weren't pictures of a Lizard

this is actually true except for the part about the ark

reduced temperatures reduced the total plant biomass on earth (most of it in the ocean, spread along much more plentiful coral reefs and coasts,) which reduced oxygen content in the air. biomass of ALL animals on the fossil index fell in rpoportion to the oxygen content in the air. we can sometimes find ice whatever, like, milion year old samples indexed by depth, and we see an almost perfec correlation between animal size and oxygen content in the air at the time.

Most of the oxygen on Earth is generated by algae. A global flood would wash nutrients into the ocean and the ensuing bloom would raise atmospheric oxygen levels.

There are a few dinosaurs still alive in Australia, i think they are called abos.

Sharks and crocodiles are pretty much living dinosaurs.

They've found dinosaurs there but none living

I wonder what a pure abbo would look like without 2 decades of inhaling benzin and sleeping on the road.

Why haven't they cloned them back to life ffs

How is that possible if all the dinosaurs were killed off?


All the man-eating birds are extinct, for good reason. Well, except in Australia.

Its like you didn't even watch Jurassic Park.

I remember seeing that at Ta Prohm. All these theories about the Khmer living alongside dinosaurs fall by the wayside if you know that the temple was built in like 1250 AD.

People just see "ancient ruin" and think "dawn of time"

Strange that Marco Polo never mentioned Stegasaurus

(inb4 he didn't go to cambodia - I know)

They don't have a complete genome for them.

They weren't. Not all of them anyway. Those that survived became sharks, crocs, birds and so on.

Protip: fossils didnt materialize out of thin air shortly before we started recording the findings.

Ancient civilizations hauled a lot of stone, and harvesting tons of stone requires a shitload of mining that can be expected to unearth interesting things.

If you understand the direction i am going here

The Burrunjor is a theropod in Australia. Some of you should go and find it.

How in the fuck would a stegosaurus survive under the ground for millions of years, genius?

Yes, I have one in my backyard.
Sec I'm on tablet, will take me a few minutes to make timestamp and take pic. Brb, don't go anywhere....

Nibbling the roots of trees

>mfw scientists sometimes changing their view on the exact process of evolution is used as an argument against it

DNA doesn't last that long

That's a carving of a rhinocerous. The head is wrong for a stego, and if you find pics of other carvings from the same temple, they all have those decorative flourishes around the top that look like bony plates.

Creationists show just this picture without the rest because it supports their narrative of a 6,000 year old Earth

DNA only lasts 500 years.

Did you know the Soviets rejected natural selection as a mechanism for evolution and promoted Lamarckism as the real mechanism?

Purely because they didn't like the idea that we're born with inherent unchangeable genetic limitations and preferred the idea that labor and other exertion could improve a lineage, carrying on to the offspring.

Religion isn't the only threat to science. Politics needs to keep it grubby mitts off it as well.

watch the complete kent hovind seminar collection on youtube

also, ignore the idiots telling you they 'evolved' to birds, that's retarded

Back to ruddit with your scientism.

Sup Forums has swallowed every red pill so far, and it is in the process of swallowing the largest: that evolution is a lie invented by liberal scientists to discredit the word of God.

there are theories that they still exist in Africa but are protected by the NWO

that's why google earth blocks out large areas in Africa



>being this uninformed

They are being bred in the hollow Earth by Nazis until they are ready to return to take over the world.

There are most likely some still living at the very bottom of the ocean aka a place we still haven't been able to make it to.


and each cycle ends with a huge flood or little iceage, then the earth is re-newed


the plesiosaurus loch nes type is spotted all around the world

why would they draw a dinosaur so small when the bull is draw correctly bigger than humans?

maybe they only have seen it at a distance ?

flood was a one time event

only autismo like you could delude himself to a loop/cycle when there is none

Google the definition of 'eutrophication'