What was the point of making Leia Luke's sister?

What was the point of making Leia Luke's sister?

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Luke got cucked by han in V, so they needed an excuse

So Leia could shack up with the bad boy instead. Female audiences always prefer the bad boy

That's actually it, isnt it? That and creating a reason why Luke might fall to the dark side (passionately defending his sister from Vader's attentions).

To make those kisses all the more hot.

So Luke wouldn't end up being a cuck.

BTW: When Carrie died, there was a sticky with music. What was the name of the track? I only find Han and Leia theme from Empire Strikes Back, that starts in similar way, but then some imperial theme kicks in, so it's not it.

To kill the Luke/Leia pairing without Lukefags whining.

To follow the plot point of Yoda saying that "there is another one"

To make the ESB kiss one of the most hilarious moments of the franchise.

The twist at the end of Empire Strikes Back was so well received, that Lucas decided to do another twist, but it ended up just being dumb and no one cared.

It was so that George could have a reason to kill off Luke, or at least, threaten with the thought


That ship didn't fly so good.