What do you tell people that are absolutely terrified of a Trump presidency?

What do you tell people that are absolutely terrified of a Trump presidency?

>Your Fired

Nice trips btw

Nothing they should be

Don't worry, Hillary will win.
And that's much more frightening.

It's certainly better than having another neocon in office

When Hillary wins we can expect more wars, more corporatism, and more expansion of the federal government and curtailing of individual state power

What's up Satan?


Basically, YOLO

Even if he epically fucks it up, it'll be fun to watch. I have nothing else to live for

You have chose the WAY OF PAIN

It will be quick..

I ask them what they're scared about. Generally the things they're afraid are utterly ridiculous, like that he'll deport all the minorities or start a nuclear war. When I ask them what he's said or done that makes them think such a thing, they generally end up betraying the fact that they got this canned doomsday opinion from some limb of the fear-mongering leftist media.

I've found pulling up a few helpful starter sources for people works, and telling them that if they care as much as they claim they do, they ought to at least read up on what they're talking about. If they decline, I tell them to stop pretending to care about something that they won't even bother to read a little bit about.

I just laugh at them. Oh no, you'll have a better shot at getting a job, your taxes will be lower, and you'll have a lower chance of being killed in some sort of terrorist attack, how scary!

Comfort them obviously. They are terrified, don't make them more frightened.

Fpbp kek

Can he be diplomatic with foriegn nations without triggering them?

Does it matter?

Is he like our presidents of yore?

That's the point, these niggers don't want to work, they want gibsmedats
T. Graveyard shift worker

Listen to a speech. Listen to what he says. Not what you're told he said.

>start a nuclear war
Remember Hillary's "WOULD YOU TRUST DONALD WITH A NUKE?!" bullshit? I wouldn't trust anybody with a nuke, but if I had to choose between Hillary and Trump, I'd choose Trump any day.

If you're white it'll be alright.

Yep. Your typical Trump supporter.

Holy shit, the delusion is REAL


You use the Liberal tactics that you see on Liberal shows.
>What? You think he's going to start a nuclear war? haha
Mockery and general ''can you believe this guy?'' attitude
>I bet you think earth is flat and google is spying on us all lol
More mockery, a shitty unfunny joke and ''if you believe in this one thing you must believe in this other thing you don't believe in''.
Works every time.

I've actually tried to this ''I bet you think google spies on people'' on a liberal, and it catches them so off guard they will believe anything you tell them.
I don't even know why. It's so fucking weird. Liberals creep me the fuck out.

It has been quite the journey actually.

At first most of the people at work hated Trump and cracked jokes about their supporters.

I kept mum and each day asked what they thought about the daily happenings both at home and abroad.

Most were almost entirely ignorant or mislead.

Started giving them small doses of red pill and getting them involved in looking at the bigger picture. They felt embarrassed they had no idea what was going on when I asked so they start looking into it themselves. Converted 9 cucks in pro-Trump or at least open eyed and doubting Shillary.

>Guys, we aren't creative enough to come up with a flag of our own, what do?
>I got it, let's just take Austria's tampon sandwich flag and crank up the saturation in Photoshop


But google IS spying on us

You explain to them why a Clinton presidency is much more terrifying.

That's the point. You sneak it in there, confuse the shit out of them and they're done.
I have no idea why it works, but it does.

Maybe because when you list flat earth they think ''that's ridiculous, I don't believe in that'', but when you list google spying on people they're caught off guard thinking to themselves ''oh shit, I do believe that''.
I can guarantee that every time you do this they will pretend to think that ''google spying on people'' is just some whacked out conspiracy. At that point you can just get them to believe anything you want.

prepare your anus

individual state power

explain why this is bad?

I always here right wingers crying about this. I always assume thats because you want to prevent sex education in schools and keep your ten commandments in court houses.

The left uses states rights for equally bad things like "sanctuary cities", so what is the upside to states rights?

To relax because it will never happen

tell them how the media has constructed that image. correct them on basic misunderstandings (trump is racist cuz mexicans, etc). then once you have a middle ground on that, you tell them the good things the media hasnĀ“t told them. finally you shit on hillary
also this

Prepare the immigration to Canada

That they are fucked either way, and it's all part of a bigger plan

Trump gets in, a chimpout will happen and it will be used to disarm and restrict freedoms in America

Hillary gets it, same thing happens, minus the chimpout - just more false flag shootings and attacks to justify her actions.

The next 8 years are the end of free America either way.

>"well, u can tellz murrica good night once Donald Trump iz electried."

t. my mom (she's uneducated as fuck)

bend over

Tell them that Hillary has sended illegal emails and will start ww3.



>what is congress

It's because a country-wide "five year plan" is fucking retarded and will end up dragging the entire country down.

States have different needs and you can't fulfill those needs with an universal ministry.

They always say "he could start a nuclear war!" even though he's the most anti-war candidate of either party in decades.

its totes cool bro don't sweat it

>chimpout will happen
>niggers all over america are shot and killed or imprisoned
this is a bad thing?

Damn, I wish I had powers to see the future with such accuracy as you.

Oh wait, your info is coming out of your ass.

>trump voted against the iraq war, hillary for it

Ask them if they watched his foreign policy speech or any interviews, or have heard his sons or daughters speak, or his ex's defend him and basically endorse him, ask them if they know what the federal reserve is, or just heard MSNBC kick dirt around for 5 minutes and laugh, dwell and overanalyze the one funny thing he said while flipping channels.

She honestly might start WW3 with no moral issues as she continues to put pressure on Russia in Ukraine and Syria.

The problem is she thinks she's a grandmaster chess player when in reality she's sloppy and doesn't have the skill to play the great game.

At least Trump will look at the board set before him, say fuck it, ally with Russia, and let Putin do the dirty work as he focuses exclusively on domestic issues.


Legitimately this

I've had two different people tell me they're scared Trump will start World War 3 and they asked me to explain to them If It's possible

They didn't even know I support Trump they just know I follow Politics.

Explained to them that Trump is an isolationist and the only candidate besides Bernie Sanders that isn't a warhawk who wants to get into a fight with Russia.

If they bring up some of his ludicrous statements like "bomb their families" I've found the best way to get them to see the other side of it is simply ask "What was he making the comment about?" and "Was he wrong?". Assuming you're talking to someone who respects your opinions and is seeking you out to calm them down, they'll realise that he isn't wrong. Of course this won't work if you're debating with someone.

Remember to never reveal your power level and always stay impartial unless you're in good company.

I ask them how the FEMA death camps are coming along and point how how their being as paranoid as anti-Obama people were 8 years ago.

>trump voted against the iraq war
What office was he holding?

"Heil Trump - Make America White Again!"

The white race has proved itself to be undeserving of saving

> I tell them to stop pretending to care about something that they won't even bother to read a little bit about.

This pisses people off so much but I'm sick of wasting my fucking time with people. I tell them I'm not going to sit here and answer every made up bullshit they have about Trump, because they're not some actually open-minded person that can be convinced. They play fucking games, they act like that's the case but then they shift around to make sure they're utterly unmoved. To most people, especially Internet liberals, it's about "winning" and "being right" not having a good, informative discussion.

I tell them to keep being scared. Cowards never get in the way.



The weak fear the strong, dear Satan.

Figure out what they're afraid of and then let them come to realise that it's not happening.

That he will shoo away the toilet witch


>What do you tell people that are absolutely terrified of a Trump presidency?

There is one very simple argument that can win over pretty much any Trump hater:

Trump = isolationism = peace
Clinton = interventionism = war

That is why the big banks support Clinton. With a $500bn military budget you better have a war or the jews that own the military-industrial complex won't make money. Also remember they always fund both sides for double shekels.

Trump will be better for the country than Hillary^^

You can tell them not to worry because he wants to ban people from purchasing guns that are on an arbitrary no fly list with zero accountability by the government. He isn't real fond of freedom of the press. I'm still convinced he is buds with Hillary.

However if he wins and keeps out immigrants that'd be amazing. Not holding my breathe, but there are no other options.


America has long needed a return to noninterventionism.


>People that are scared of trump presidency

Stop breaking the law and being an illegal
Because this is the only reason as to why anyone would be scared of trump becoming a president