What the fuck is this garbage?

what the fuck is this garbage?

money laundering scheme

Hollywood destroying weeb films again

scarjo looks like that?

a picture of the gits trailer

Your autobiography
Check em

I was asking myself the same question, this is film school tier green screen

I don't know the context but why is someone in stealth running through water

Oink! Oink!

what am I going to do with 40 subscriptions to VIBE.

a trailer with unfinished effects?

The finished movie she will be nude not this body suit stuff right?

Hollywood shitting on my favorite franchise.

scarjo is seriously one of the worst actors

Stop trying to make her 'badass.' It doesn't work.

>perfect machine
>pyhsically imperfect body

fuckin fuck.

>The use of CGI was implemented to make her look more Asian, guys!
I'm not seeing it.

if GitS comes out as shit, it's because the source material is shit.

I was profoundly saddened by the trailer. It hurt to watch and seemed awkward. The animated movie is a favorite of mine, and captured a feeling that this seemed to miss.

a triggered loser

we were talking about you, right?


im pissed that I got bamboozled out of scarjo nudes yet again