Trancelike Void - Unveiling the Silent Arms of Despair
Sun Devoured Earth - Sounds of Desolation
I can see that you really like plants
Good shit
Ia i Batiste - Chichonera's Cat
some good stuff and some shit stuff
either shit or just boring old Sup Forumscore
Shakti - A Handful of Beauty
Watermusic or Substrata if you haven't heard them
ghost bees - tasseomancy
Chet Baker Sings - Chet Bakers
Try Green Twins by Nick Hakim if you havent
I think youd really like GIVV by NAH
++Best Sweet Trips
Try the album Field Rituals
Bluetile Lounge - Lowercase
Deep Puddle Dynamics
Loscil - Plume
What's the album next to RTJ3?
You like the earth chan meme
Your favorite season is fall
If I said your music choice sucked you'd valiantly defend your choices
You're into all kinds of mythology
You believe in ufos
You're level headed and strategic
babbys first inferior choice core
can i get some gloomy stuff like HANL, Giles Corey, etc
ambersmoke - wear your love like heaven
a minor forest - inindepedence
aerial m - s/t
boris - pink
codeine - white birch
steve roach - structures from silence
fuck buttons - tarot sport
glider - one day at a time
malajube - trompe l'oeil
hammock - raising your voice...
happy diving - head spell
grouper - paradise valley
trementina - almost reach the sun
new moon - s/t
plaid - the digging remedy
washed out - paracosm
Skipped me bro bro
Apocynthion - Sidereus Nuncius
Ty Segal - Freedom's Goblin
Daniel Freitag - Still
Rlly great chart
Check out Boduf Songs
I like a buncha stuff on there. Nice dungeon synth picks
Ambersmoke - Une Femme Est Une Femme
Only recently been getting into Tindersticks, their first album's great
Songs: Ohia - Axxess & Ace
Delta Sleep - Twin Galaxies
Hedge Wizard-More than true time thought
Have you heard Autumn Bird songs?I found it very similar to Pink moon
the victor dimisich band - mekong delta blues
olla - septic hagfish
flashpapr - do what you must do
www - tanec sekyr
>Nice dungeon synth picks
I'm fairly certain you rec'd me Secret Stairways, and I loved it so thank you.
Jefre Cantu Ledsema - Shining Skull Breath
Solanum - Spheres of Time
Jääportit - Kauan koskematon
Yeah, I have and I definitely see the Pink Moon similarities. Besides Molina & Johnson, I'm pretty sure I've now listened to all his studio albums and have been working through EP's and singles. I'm constantly impressed by how every song I hear by him is so enjoyable. I don't think I've heard a single one I didn't like. Recently been really digging the Townes Van Zandt covers he did
Here's a few albums I've been enjoying recently that may or may not be up your alley:
Robbie Basho - Song of the Stallion
Satomimagae - Koko
Smog - A River Ain't Too Much To Love
Tindersticks - First Album
Vic Chesnutt - West of Rome
Thx 4 the rec. rlly nice chart
Sir Richard Bishop - While My Guitar Violently Bleeds
Glad u liked it. Main album that got me into the genre, and still the best I've heard. I've already heard that Solanum album, but not the rest. Will check them out, thanks
>Vic Chesnutt - West of Rome
Already listened to it.Really like Bug and title track.The sparklehorse cover of west of rome is also good
>Smog - A River Ain't Too Much To Love
Listened to it couple of months ago and i can see the similarities between smog and songs:ohia
Will check out other album that you recs
>Satomimagae - Koko
Just listened to this.Really good jap folk album.Remind me of Lookaftering by Vashti Bunyan.Very atmospheric and dreamy
the perfect chart from the perfect person
Les Enfants Terribles - Another Country, Cindytalk
Steve Tibbetts - Yr, Rapoon
Po - Ducks and Drakes, Purple Ivy SHadows
Mikgazer Vol.1
nothing, nowhere - Reaper
Bones - Scumbag
Depressive Silence 2
The Body
Suffocate for Fuck Sake
Lil Peep's old tapes
Ojne - Prima Che Tutto Bruci
Ropes - The Cloud of Unknowing
great taste
Porter Ricks - Biokinetics
Jon Hopkins - Immunity
goji-sanpun - s/t
Does anyone know the album with the man reading newspaper outside on a burning couch? Looks a little like the Midlake ablum
Speed, Glue & Shinki - Eve
Dave Bixby - Ode To Quetzalcoatl
The Black Angels - Death Song
i remember when i went and saw kodama live, it was great. i have the tour poster hanging above me right now
mother 2 ost
shumatsu shorijo - hijokaidan
y - the pop group
i hate whitney because they play no woman at where i work EVERY SINGLE DAY
nouns - no age
hi again guy
try weekend's ep red, it's very close to sports. im still looking for something that sounds like that album
time well - cloakroom
nice wreck & reference
harsh 70's reality - the dead c
Too green. Not a fan of anything here, except for Flower Travelin' Band I guess.
Eh, not bad. Moondog is pretty good, but Eskimo was never a record I enjoyed too much.
Mix of great stuff with some more average st-...
>Lil Peep
Some stuff that's really good, some stuff that is the worst of music, and most of it I can't even remember.
why do you avant-teens enjoy picking the inferior album so much
I picking it based on the replayability of the album instead of how experimental it is
you made the inferior choices by that margin as well
Maybe i enjoy other albums more than the others
Never heard of suffocate for fucks sake. Are they a pop punk bang?
I feel like a horrible amalgamation of Sup Forumscore and redditcore but i dunno how to find music on my own without getting it from here
I appreciate your bravery in putting lil boat on there. I agree it's actually pretty good
I thought that vaporwave album at the first spot was one of the meme ones, is it actually good?
Major Organ and the Adding Machine is a neat pick
Post-Rock / Screamo / Sludge
They're pretty good senpai
Everyone here except one of you is gay.
Shit taste coming trough
Fuck off, massive fagot.
It always brings me joy to read that.
Not fav but discovered this month, any new recs for february ?
nice wreck & reference [2]
gang wizard - el cortez buy y' a drink
thanks, i needed some dark ambient harsh noise wall in my life
>the perfect chart from the perfect person
that's legitimately the nicest thing i've heard this year
>Sir Richard Bishop - While My Guitar Violently Bleeds
nice i love Sir Richard
have you heard Neung Phak? (with the other Bishop brother)
It is easily the best vaporwave album and also one of the greatest ambient records imo
Not all time favs but it's what I listen these days
Dots and Loops - Stereolab
That's a lot of Radiohead and Pink Floyd my friend
Becoming a Jackal - Villagers
America - Dan Deacon
Your chart looks so sad and black and white
>That's a lot
It shows how little music I've actually heard.
I made this for some one last night so I might as well post it here.