Name a SINGLE country whiter than the USA

Name a SINGLE country whiter than the USA.

Prottip: you can't. Poland, maybe.

Me. Cunt.


Costa Rica



Pretty much any of them?



Your country isn't that white buddy


Whiter then yours

(((white))) american


That's counting mexicans as white as well

We should deport:
>North Africans
>Asian (aka poo in loo)

Australia is actually pretty damn white. Probably whiter than the USA.

So 1.29% white?

fuck u yankee dog





"Bela" literally means "White."


>60% of america is white
>"""""""white""""""" country
What. Is this satire/bait? Literally every West European country has a higher white population. Even a load of the eastern European ones do

>unironically believing that Americans have any kind of right to tell other countries that they are not white
Well, Canada maybe


> whatever your country is
> white


Canada by a long shot.


>He doesn't know

Scotland is 96% white

we have a winner

At least we weren't the ones who killed der Führer


Within every Australian is an entirely white nation.

Scotland is not a country.



>Not rightful German clay


Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Austria, France, Russia, England, Ireland... You're right, absolutely impossible to name a SINGLE one. Fat subhuman fuckhead.

I love you, boludo

Really nigga?


but aren't srebs more like, you know... slavs?



America is the whitest country on earth

But it is white

Somalia, Mexico, Canada, UK, Japan, Germany, Sweden, etc etc the list goes on.

"""White""" Americans.

Sorry bro, just can't resist

He looks just like my wife's son.

>60% White
Even The Netherlands is more white than you.


More like name a single country less white than the USA.
Protip: you can't. Zimbabwe, maybe.

says the white country

>40% white


Every other European country.

if you count properly whites are a minority in the USA

> inb4 Obamas are white
> inb4 illegals don't count
> inb4 slavs are white

Sup Forums and America BTFO!


nice rare McRide. got anymore?


Czech Republic

i could go on

entire central+eastern Europe basically


Only 3 out of 7 countries I named are slavic.

American education, folks.

You're American, stop being retarded.


Are you trying to say slavs are black?

>Are you trying to say slavs are black?
You tell me.

Stil more White then you Ahmed.

This speaks for itself.

>This speaks for itself.
So does this.

Is R1b the most white gene?

Even supermassive cucked Scotland is whiter than you.


i can't wake up from this degeneracy

I2 and I2b are the only white haplogroups.

It's not even white.


>I2 and I2b are the only white haplogroups

So you're saying the entirety of Western Europe isn't white???? They are pretty much all that's considered white in the world.

And if effeminate, cuckable Scandinavia is all that's considered white, then we are in trouble cause you fuckers are soft as baby shit.


>1 post by this id

>So you're saying the entirety of Western Europe isn't white???? They are pretty much all that's considered white in the world.
Most people are also scientifically/historically illiterate and don't know what constitute as an actual white person (i.e the master race). Most people in Europe are of mixed heritage nowadays. There is no country with a predominantly germanic population. We're a dying breed. Why do you think western civilization is deteriorating?

Blue eyes (green are borderline), pink nipples, dirty blonde - platinum or red hair, pale skin = white.

Abos are blond aryans

Parts of it

You fuckers have always been soft honestly. I'd take a tough Scot or Italian over you pussies any day



Feels good. Damn good.

Too bad you're not aryan, but slavic.

Give Pablo Tyron Miguel Deshan Brown a break man, he be goin' to dem classes, turning his life around.

You have missed the point. It suggests that nordic is less aryan than slavic, you fucking subhuman.


i really need to make an edit of that image with a western slav instead of russki mongol rapebaby on the right and put a quintessential contemporary tanned swede on the left desu

>You have missed the point. It suggests that nordic is less aryan than slavic, you fucking subhuman.
Not really, since it's the germanic race that is the master race.

Not many slavic countries in pic-related, huh?


Jews and East Asians are smarter than you.

Great Britain, France, and Italy are far more accomplished and important to world history.

You have no proper armies, no culture of manliness, and openly encourage your women to breed with arabs and blacks.

So you hang your shitty unimportant hat on "blonde hair." Pro-tip: women think men with blonde hair are faggots.