"I am Chancellor and visit the Regenbogenparade (Gay pride parade in vienna). So? It's 2016."

I thought i would never say this, but damn do i wish myself Faymann back.

Austria was never smug as fuck to America. Austria is also irrelevant. Canada is relevant because it borders relevancy. So you are not the laughingstock of the world, Canada is.

Austria leading the way again I see - full speed ahead into the icebergs or off the cliff

Kern muas sterm.

I have not met a single person besides ultra liberals who like this new chancellor. No one also voted for him, they just picked this guy up after the old one resigned (which was oddly enough close to the presidential election).

Not even Merkel is this cucked.


>'Christian Kern' - who?
>Oh, it's Austria

>Chancellor 'Muhammad Hussein' who?
>Oh, it's Germany

Aren't you guys doing a recount on your votes

Sounds like a total CIA plant then, just like the guy who took over Brazil with less than 5% support from the population a little while ago...

Why isn't Austria in NATO? Makes no sense brahs


>Be unelected socialist chancellor shill
>be current year
>be token hetero at gay parade

You can't make this shit up

Our military leaders were negligent. They failed themselves and they failed the people of Deutschland. We should thank them. Their gross misconduct almost cost us our home, but has given us a renewed sense of purpose and tempered in the fires of adversity, our will is forged anew.

Good. The international community could use more progressive leaders in power, it's the only way we can move forward and change for the better.


Just wait a decade or so, pham. Then it will be mandatory for school classes to attend at least one gay pride parade.

Good ol' Leaf

More like EU plant, but considering the EU is a sheme by the US, it's no suprise.

For the presidential election, even if Hofer wins, the new chancellor will still be in office. If he does a shit job though, Hofer can disavow the current goverment.

>Austria is right-wing
>Hitler is born
>Austria is left-wing
>Trudeau 2.0. gets in power

I wonder if he'll be busy selling Austrian gold to Soros right away too?

Like once said, we never voted for this faggot. Sure we have a left wing party in power, but the old chancellor was not that much of a cuck.

>It's 2016
Someome should tell them this is not an argument

If you say that you are called a racist/homophobic/whatever bigot and not taken seriously. in Vienna atleast, but that place deserves to be nuked anyway.

Somebody tell him how offensive his behavior is towards muslims, and why he mocks their religion this way. I mean, come on, it's the current year!

Hope he gets bombed or shot in an attack on the parade, on catches AIDS.

nice Helghast refrence

This guy is fucking disgusting. He would never have gotten as many votes as his party currently has if we would have had an election. Someone shoot him already. Most retarded politician we ever had in a position of power.

I can imagine that alot of gays hate him now aswell after supporting the pride, and i don't mean the faggots that attend that shit, i mean the ones sick and tired of the massive pandering towards degenerate faggots.

If we can mobilize more gay people to vote FPÖ, it will be one small success. It worked in the States with the Pulse club atleast, many shifted over to Trump.

No one voted for Faymann as Chancellor either, because that's now how you get a Chancellor. The Chancellor is appointed by the President, but effectively backed by the Parliament, which you elected.

Learn how Austrian governance works.

Chairman of the party gets the position. It's not hard to guess who you're voting for.

That's tradition, not law. I was pointing that out since you've implied with your 'no one voted for him'-statement that something illegal or immoral went about. You elect a parliament, not a Chancellor. And Kern is also the chairman of the SPO.

"Wenn man seine Feinde tötet, gewinnen sie."
-Christian Kern, 2016


Learn something from that nippon, you merkel supporting shit fag.