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Come for the soundtrack and clever homage.
Leave for the terrible writing and acting, probably the literal dumbest characters of 2016, complete waste of time basing it in the 80s, pretty average soundtrack after all, and pointless homage.

Actual music used was ok and there are some iconic moments and practical effects.

Anyone who talks shit is a contrarian.

>terrible acting
I think the kids were alright, Winona however was horrible. Overall it was nice and comfy to watch, I wonder how season 2 will go

Its good and is the most watched and talked about tv show of this year. even if you dont like it it did something right to be discussed and recommended that much.
Season 1 was great, lost a bit of steam near the end as all supernatural thrillers do.
With most of the mystery gone i dont know how season 2 is going to go. it might get better or have a massive drop in quality.

It was cute and comfy. I enjoyed it a lot.

flavor of the month garbage for mouthbreathing redditors and tasteless pigs

Decent, but too memetic and derivative. The girl was pretty hot

Is it really worth watching? Never seen it

Total cringefest. Unwatchable trash.