Does Sup Forums hate Arabs because they're Muslims or is it the other way around?

Does Sup Forums hate Arabs because they're Muslims or is it the other way around?

I mean there's lots of non-Arab Muslims that don't get the same hate as them like the ones in Asia and Eurasia.

I don't hate Arabs. You could be A Palestinian Christian and I wouldn't give a hoot.
But fucking Muslims are straight barbarians and they need to be destroyed.

>not wanting them in your country

Americans don't make a distinction. Islam is considered the enemy when it is, in fact, Arabs who happen to be Muslim who are the enemy. Jihad as it exists in non-Arab Muslim countries was exported from Saudi Arabia.

I think muslims and arabs at this point are just inseparable desu.

I mean, I met a turkroach in Thailand, was canoeing, he seemed cool af, he wasn't a mudslime.

But I think, for the majority of arabs, they tend to be mudslimes.

The ones who aren't mudslimes tend to be uneducated too.

It's rare to see an educated, christian or non-agnostic arab who has abandoned most of their heritage and is ready to join a first world society.

Problem is Muslims.

Why don't Singaporean etc Muslims get as much hate?

Because they aren't Arab. Arabs have that violence in their blood, and Islam draws it out. Seriously, as much as you call that racist, look at most Arab males, they are pretty muscley (high testosterone) and aggressive. Whether that's a result of their culture, or their culture is a result of that level of testosterone I'm not sure.

But, what we do know is most MUSLIM Arab males strive to get bulk and are aggressive as fuck. Coming from a country where I would deal with male Arabs, most prominently Muslims, and the aggressive tendencies and pack tendencies they had, that's my take.

Also, Asian Muslims aren't crashing planes into buildings or beheading people. That's a strict Arab/middle eastern trait.

Also, don't call Middle Eastereners Asian. Asians are oriental. I don't care if Arab nations are 'on the Asian continent' its Symantecs and its a shallow argument.

since when did they become the 4th largest country in the world

I hate Muslims, not Arabs, but with taqiyya and all that shit I would be wary of trusting an Arab even if they told me they were Christian or atheist or something.

What are the chances qt in pic killing me in the name of Allah

Bonus: she's Palestinian

Continents have a tendency to expand and retract depending on the positions of the moon and the sun. Usually Indonesia begin as a huge continent in the morning and then it retracts later in the day and Russia and other continents expand.

I hate them because they're muslims and because they have a very short fuse.
Then again, I hate all people who easily get angry over nothing.

Probably low. But keep in mind it's women that pass on culture, not men. While you're off working she's at home brainwashing your kids to praise Allah.


If Islam didn't exist then there wouldn't be a problem with Arabs.


Well, she's kinda 'liberal' selective Muslim... I hope.

It's the other way round: Arabs hate Sup Forums because they're non-Muslims.

But the further away the muzzies are from Western societies, the better. We're incompatible.

IQ in the 80s, high consanguinity, and all fucking illiterate in their own languages.

non-arab muslims are the biggest cucks on earth, imagine being so pathetic you shop around for a religion and land on islam

non-muslim arabs are based and have big balls considering most muslims want them dead

the asian muslims aren't the real muslims. The Qran is a desert religion, made by and for the short fused animals that live there (arabs).

And most Singaporeans are just Chinese.

I hate all muslims because of Arab muslims

Sup Forums doesn't hate Muslims, we love to see them happy in their own countries.