The War on Drugs is a failure!

>The War on Drugs is a failure!
>gun control will totally work!

Why are left wingers so fucking retarded?

Because their ideology doesn't change in response to new information.

Which is also precisely what's wrong with conservatives.

>inb4 drugs are a non-violent crime

All these degenerates complain about the man and then turn around and demand that he magically solves everything with blind faith. Which is it?

The ability to hold two contradictory beliefs yet believe both are correct.

Explain why conservatives are standing up for LGBT rights as Americans.

The war on drugs WAS a failure

Responsible social and public health has nothing to do with "crime"


The war on drugs WAS a failure.

I disagree with gun control though.

>mfw think it should be legal to smoke heroin out of the chamber of the AR-15 you bought at walmart

I know I'm being technical, but a minority of leftists are not this way. It's all these neo-liberal modern day trendy kids who think whatever the latest DailyKos article tells them to think. They throw away their morals to pursue whatever agenda they're trying to push, so they're very flimsy, expendable people.

War on drugs works here, gun control doesn't.
Denmark is bizaro land.

>The War on Drugs failed!
>The War on Poverty just hasn't succeeded yet!

modern leftists want to exclusively think about the end result and to avoid any discussion regarding the means to achieve this end result. any dystopian world where a far left entity takes over is probably their dream. they don't think about what is best for human progress and efficiency; instead, they think about people's emotions and establishing a near perfect society centuries before it is possible to be established.

kiwi correct as always

Problem is they think problems created by the government can be solved by bigger government.

>Why are left wingers so fucking retarded?

at the same time its the right that cockblocks pot legalization.

>standing up


The drug war is an expensive failure though...
I'd rather let losers do whatever they want and not have to pay extra taxes for the police work

burgers are retards i talked to one who wanted to ban guns he couldn't seem to grasp that this would make mexican drug cartels start selling guns on the black market

>>The War on Drugs is a failure!
explain how is it not

>Writer Jay Michaelson, in The Jewish Daily Forward, wrote that criticism of "Pajama Boy" was anti-semitic, noting that Krupp is Jewish and that "Jewish men have been accused of being unmanly for hundreds of years".

>Never heard of drug cartels

>Because their ideology doesn't change in response to new information.
they always wanted to LEGALIZE IT

which is to say they are biased from day one.

They are weak and feeble. That's why they do things like create Bolshevism and Critical Theory.

Theyre weak, and they project their weakness onto others because they don't think that they can take care if themselves.

>wanting to implement gun regulations and laws is the same as outright banning and implementing harsh punishment on drugs.

The good thing is you found a way to be superior to both

Yes ever since Trump's speech you ignored, conservatives have proven to be the only party inclusive to gay Americans.

Either that's a change or they've always stood for equal rights regardless of sexuality and the left has always been wrong about conservatives. Which is it?

you will pay extra taxes for the police work caused by thievery, homelessnes etc.

Has a decades long campaign of harsh (but inconsistent) laws prohibiting drug usage prevented harm? By almost every metric, it has failed.

'Gun Control' is a broad range of things under a single banner. Does the person think it means removing all guns? Of course that would fail. Does the person think it means restrictions on the sales of certain weapon classes, or to certain individuals (ie. those with mental health issues, or on terror watch lists)? That could work.

Implying the drug war has decreased drug use.

high prices and difficult availability have that effect.

you're more likely to get mugged by dealers
no illegal drugs, no dealers

Most murders in the USA are committed with cheap, throwaway handguns.

More people were killed by their clothing than were killed by automatic weapons in the USA last year.

>evolution didn't exist! God created us!
>black people are inferior genetically compared to whites!
>White genocide exists and jews are behind it!
why are conservatives so retarded?

right, no dealers, just extortion, robbery and pushing useless services

Keep calling it The War on Guns and they'll start to get it.

okay what do you propose?
things are already as fucked up as it gets

You would think so, but the reality is much different.