A Refn joint

>a Refn joint
>the Big Guy himself playing an ABSOLUTE MADMAN
>Super Hans cameo

Why does this get no recognition on Sup Forums?

It does, it's considered to be arguably Refn's best work (along with the Pusher trilogy) and Hardy's best performance.

>Why does this get no recognition on Sup Forums?
You've obviously only been on Sup Forums for a week then.

Big Guy is even more of a big guy in this


Because is an artsy piece of crap.

>I have never seen a refn film ever

This is a good artsy movie though. The characters are interesting, there's a narrative, you're interested to see where the characters are going. It's shocking the same guy made Only God Forgives, the textbook example of artsy crap

I did not quite understand it.

A story about a guy born into flawed system and the only way he knows how to rebel against it is to fight anything that moves? Was the theatre bit significant?

Hardy's acting at it's best for sure though.

I think the theater bits are to show how detached he is from any sense of guilt or consequence, it's all just one big performance to him.

its his weakest though

Drive > Bronson > The Neon Demon > Only God Forgives = Valhalla Rising

Those are all of the Refn films I've seen. Drive is perfect, Bronson is great, The Neon Demon is good but some parts of it drag, Only God Forgives and Valhalla Rising are too slow for my tastes. What other Refn films should I watch?

After hearing about Hardy's interactions with Charlie Bronson himself, I can't help but feel like they sold him short.

Kek this fucking troll
It's literally the other way around.

Not trolling. What Refn films do you recommend?

>no Pusher

Absolut Pleb

its unironically one of the best movies of all time, literally

Like most of Refn's shit, its semi-autobiographical.

He views himself as the danish filmmaking equivalent of England's hardest f0cking cunt.

Refn also hates only god forgive apparently.
I guess I can see what he was going for with that, but the movie did not flow well at all. It may have been saved with better editing maybe

Because it goes to shit around the point he gets let out of prison

Checkin in

Coldplay is good though. Only people that listen to the top songs think they're bad.

Shouldn't you be shitposting the brit/pol/ general?


The actual Bronson is just a mad cunt. Dude gets off of just fighting people and getting naked, and he loves the notoriety he got from it