Why is Italian music taste so based?
Why is Italian music taste so based?
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You mean Sup Forums-core and shitty?
More patrician than you muhammad
>he thinks Sup Forums-core is mostly good music (''patrician'' even)
Even The Pope made a prog rock album
>No Italian artists on the Italian list
Ma ovviamente, soliti stronzi infami.
Time to lower my rating of all of these albums.
I thought you fucks told me I was being a contrarian liking these albums
Where are you seeing these lists : (
I feel left out
they don't give in to the anglo menace
give me a good artista italiano in the last 20 anni
Yes, those 10 albums all written by english speaking artists certainly prove this.
ITi's are plebs like the rest of the world m8
>no beatles
>no radiohead
>no pink floyd
Not Italian but i know of this band called Afterhours, i know that album that translates into english like ''Are you scared of the dark?''
It's pretty good.
Huh, I didn’t know France loves Black Sabbath so much. Is that because they had a huge concert in Paris in 1970?
english speaking =/= anglo (by which i mean artist from the uk)
>no Radiohead
Wtf I love Germany now.
Germany > USA > France > UK
>artista italiano
Oh and yes. The Italian one is obviously the best.
Poland is pretty good too.
>Kid A on 19th place, and it's the only Radiohead album in top 20
>King Crimson on first place
>Beatles are not even in top 10
>taking the musical advice of Europoor teenagers over burger teenagers
>taking the musical advice of teenagers at all
Italians are partly descended from actual, historical patricians. Other Europeans are descended from slaves and barbarian shitbloods with a little pleb here and there.
>they use lists compiled by equally dumb teenagers as a metric of "what's good"
Doesn't need to be in the last 20 years when most of the albums in that list are way older than that. There could have been some PFM, some Area, hell some Fabrizio de André
>the absolute state of non-anglo popular music
germany has no can. at least the french got gainsbourg on 2nd place.
Ask Scaruffle
at least canada is SLIGHTLY better than USA
Just scroll down a bit more and you have them all: De Andrè, Battiato, CCCP, PFM, Area, Banca del mutuo soccorso etc. Plebty of composers too which I guess can connect to the fact that there is a lot of jazz in the list
but germany is at the forefront of this pop shit trend so Can is prolly not accessible to the ''new generation'' and millennials
I like how TVU&N is the only constant throughout the lists
>not accessible
>No Japanese artists on the Japan list
Watashi no chikara, soreha taishoku shite iru
>Americans like MBV
>Brits don't
Is it because they're Irish and Brits are racist?
Where do you see this? Can you see Brazil's list?
Why do Slavs like King Crimson so much?
They're all the same albums in different order
Opinionless fuckwits
Fine before you came
heh nothing personell kid
*blocks your path*
2 of the mbv members are English though
Why is Brazilian taste the most patrician?
Holy shit, based French
>all that Crimson
>the amount of auto-fellatio on the brit list
we sure like to pat ourselves on the back don't we
>Unknown Pleasures, Skinny Fists and Loveless that high up
damn Serbia has some good fucking taste
Michele Salvemini
this is literally scaruffi's list lol
This seems to be the most patrician list.
Italy > france > germany >> america >>>> UK
Massimo Volume
Brits hate shoegaze because oasis told them to
They all like banana
Uochi Toki, 100% unironically
t. favela lad
someone post the netherlands please
Lazy piece of shit.
I dont know the website OP used
read the thread
Based ireland
>tfw it took me only a review of grouper to take it to the 5th place for my country
never knew the slavs would have such good taste
>metal album #1
>death metal in top 10
>based Joy Division making it
Interesting choices out of India.
>not only is master of reality ranked the best sabbath but best album overall
wtf I love india now
Eh not sure how much you can count on those, ofc you're not gonna have like 10k reviews total but there it's like 20 max
>Critics shit on the metal genre for being dumb fantasy land bullshit that people with real problems can't relate to
>Call in inauthentic compared to the likes of punk or hip hop
>Syria, one of the most hostile places in the world right now
>Three metal albums in the top 10, all by the main target of said criticism, Black Sabbath
I don't really pay much attention to metal, but holy shit that list is based af
>the album with most ratings has 4
What did Finland mean by this
lol go to Italy and see the shit all the terrone are listening to and say something that stupid again.
devi morire brutto pezzo di merda muori schifoso lurido pezzo di idiota
Wow my country has basic ass taste too who would've known.
>top five mostly niggers
>no italian music
>number 8 by a marxist commie
why do italian rymers hate themselves?
t. wiinblad
100% unlistenable if you are not from italy.
also there are a lot of good rappers but pseuds will says otherwise because italian rap is for normies
u wot m8
All patrician
>France knowing WYWH is the patrician Pink Floyd choice