All of the prequels are terr-

>all of the prequels are terr-


You couldn't pay me to sit through any of the prequels.

>posts the worst one

>medically, she's completely heal-

>he was s good fri-

episode 3 is the actually the worst one

how on earth is this the worst prequel?


More people need to know about this.

Ep III doesn't get as much shit because of how bad the previous 2 were. Seriously, how much further could Lucas sink? Eventually basic film making 101 kicks in.

Huh, I actually kind of agree with this.

OTfags always trying to pretend like Return of the Jedi doesn't suck


"You are so beautiful..."
"Dealing with Sith Lords is our speciality"
"My powers have doubled since we last met"
"Urrgh! He's the traitor! Urrgh!"
"The oppression of the Sith will never return!"
"You have lost! [Noaw! Noaw noaw! You die]"

nice quads

except for Leia's tits

Those digits don't lie

Stop having opinions.

too soon

It is terrible, but I still enjoyed it, mainly for nostalgia reasons.

it doesn''t, you're just fucking dumb

They are.
Episode III just isn't as bad when compared to the other two.
People always say the opening scene is great when it's dog shit and makes no sense.

AOTC is unironically fine, OP


III is fucking garbage. Literally nothing good in it. Dialog written by a 5th grader, CG about as bad as those Cartoon network shows, and it totally ruins how Anakin turns worse than how episode I ruined how Jedi work.

I bet you love the 7 hour duel, because it has lava and backflips.

Attack of the Clones is one of the worst movies ever made.

>t. ROTJ apologist

>I get my opinions from le funny Plinkett man!

I do like AOTC. Yes it's flawed but it's not nearly as bad as everyone says

>yfw you didn't realize Palpatine sucked the life force out of Padme to keep Anakin alive

Star Wars is terrible in general

The Hobbit is better than SJW prequel trilogy.

not canon

>pretending lotr is any better than Star Wars

attack of the clones is the only good star wars movie

Agreed. RotS is the only prequel film that isn't terrific.

>denying Star Wars is on LOTR level

SW was practically a YA film when it came out.

the third prequel should have been 3 movies (for a more gradual fall) and the first 2 should not have happened

just start with Anakin as the cocky young Jedi willing to play fast and loose with the rules, then throw him through 3 movies of war and have it spit out Vader.

So it's true what they say. Every possible combination of letters exists somewhere on the internet, no matter how nonsensical the resultant string of words.

"Go I will. Good relations with the Wookies, I have."

>le force awakens is bad maymay
>le empire is le greatest xD star wars evar!!11 meme

You can do better

I wasn't denying that SW is on LOTR's level. In fact I implied it.

he's right though

I don't remember any part of that movie, except there being some hovercar in the beginning, that looked kinda like the ones they had in The Fifth Element.

Clearly, The Fifth Element is a much better movie than AotC, since I can at least remember some parts of it. That's really saying something, because Fifth Element is a Luc Besson movie.

>people started hating the shitquels because of some Youtuber.
Want to know how I know you're 18? Because when III came out everyone was disappointed, well everyone over 15 was.
And now III is championed as some decent watchable movie, because you liked it as a kid.

I am, it's the weakest of the OT, but it has its moments, every scene on the Death Star II is great. And even the Jabba stuff is pretty fun.
Also you don't need some cartoon to understand who everyone is or their motivations.

t. disneyshill


There are no good Star Wars prequ-

Where can I see/download that?