What do you lean politically?

What do you lean politically?

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t. not poltard


Haven't taken it in awhile. Came out more center than the last time.

classic liberal gang we out here

I'm at the top.

what kind of final fantasy shit is this


Respectable. Some criminals are better off dead though.

where do you make this?


politically, I

>implying the the left and right scale works at all

Fascism. For some reason red in this thing.

>a red fascist
yea that's not how it works u dumb larper

Yeah, but for some reason in other tests I get that I'm more capitalist than socialist, so I was expecting to be more in the middle.

Reminder not to trust a soul who lands in the Authoritarian axis.

Ever heard of communist Russia?

See: Not a big fan btw.

fascism (if we're talking syndicalism) is farther left than right economically..

My point is that there is nothing about being red that means you couldn't be a fascist.

totalitarian doesn't mean fascist
fascism is a very particular thing, possible only in a well-developed late bourgeois culture
there was no possibility of fascism in underdeveloped communist countries

Yeah, but I know. But it's weird that this is the only test in which I get a result like this one.

Green field is a paradox

they weren't fascist, they were neurotic marxists
ideologically speaking, fascism detests marxism

with THAT said you're probably thinking more of national socialism than classic fascism; natsoc is opposed to both capitalism and communism

you're talking out of your ass; fascism is revolutionary but it's not what u think it is


>you're probably thinking more of national socialism
Yeh, probably.

LA-voter? Shame.

im an economics major, you fucking pseud.

t. enhedslisten

yea i def recommend reading more about national socialism
i disagree with pretty much all of it but that seems to be where you stand

well clearly you haven't been doing your homework
fascism and syndicalism are two different things, even if they share a few similarities historically

I voted for Gary Johnson.
And if I had to have picked between Shillary & Drumpf I would've picked the latter just to witness leftie butthurt.

I need to read some more in general, maybe I'll change my opinion later.

I identify as far right but this shit put me far in the red. I doubt the validity of this. I guess it's my socialist leanings that put me there.

natsoc is essentially pseudo-scientific fascism; take that as you will
i agree with general nationalism, traditional values and self-preservation but race realism is an enormous spook, among other things

I mostly agree with race realism, kinda ironic, because I'm mixed.

> race realism is an enormous spook
t. mussolini

What site is this?



Do you hate yourself more than poor people or vice versa?



dont know what your memes are trying to get at but I agree with mussolini

aesthetically speaking i can definitely understand why people advocate for some parts of it, but how hitler used it to justify his prejudices and ultimate killings leaves me both skeptical and disgusted

yea mussolini hated race realism and rightfully so; it's no wonder that most classic fascists i've talked to stay far away from it.
that's absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing patterns but that's as far as it should go imo. find me one anthropologist or sociologist who supports race realism.

And my other chart. I'm mostly neutral on most things

I don't hate anyone to be honest. I dislike hypocrites however.

>that's absolutely nothing

Would wanting European countries to stay European count as race realism or self preservation?

How can you be a constructivist but concerned about ecology and life? Anyone who is even slightly interested in the biodiversity of life itself would understand that all living things have systems built into them that profoundly affect how they behave, grow, and adapt to their environment. You're clearly an urbanite with no understanding or real interest in nature. IE the most insufferable kind of vegan and social activist.

>Voted Gary Johnson
>Preferred Trump
>Dislikes Hypocrites

self-preservation. morrissey of all people has the same attitude actually; google it
i think multiculturalism is a disease, and everybody from every culture and background should build and preserve their own cultures and backgrounds.

with THAT said, i don't believe in the conspiracy of "white genocide" and i don't think it's nearly as much of a problem as natsocs make it... yet. we'll see with time really.

this test is really bad
I got 89% punitive justice because of their weak ass questions

If it were up to me Rand Paul would be in office.
As it standed I didn't particularly like Gary Johnson but I didn't dislike him like the major two candidates either.
I had no doubts about him losing, it was more of a vote for independent parties if you get me.

Like I said, I disliked Trump & Hillary strongly, but I live in a Liberal state and I was sick of hearing about Hillary, and at least Trump had the possibility of shaking things up.
Only good thing he's really done imo is get rid of the TPP & Given is a stronger international "presence".

At least this way it balances out the nation as a whole, going democrat to republican & vice Versa is better than having one party in office for more than 2 consecutive terms.

Ultimately we're probably fucked either way though.
Yeah there is too many questions that I really didn't care about one way or another.

race realism is a biological concept, not a sociological one. Of course in our pozzed up nations that have built a foundation that requires immigration from nations of different races will be full of anthropologist and sociologists that deny it. Those practices aren't necessarily concerned with reality, and anyone who openly believes in race realism would get ousted as it is a destructive belief to the ideology that these nations require to function.

>Only good thing he's really done imo is get rid of the TPP
he's done a lot of shit that benefits the vast majority of people but ofc all we get to hear about is MSM shitposting

why should you preserve yourself? why do you think you possess any value?

>race realism is a biological concept, not a sociological one.
it's retarded regardless
>nations that have built a foundation that requires immigration from nations of different races
virtue signaling =/= requirement or law
and you're wrong either way. science doesn't give a shit about sociopolitical matters.

I agree about that.
I don't really watch or read the news because it's usually just full of meaningless bullshit.

We get more detail on how the fucking NFL is going than we do on the politics of our own fucking nation.
It's fucking depressing as shit.

everyone has value. i don't understand this question.

So global climate change and intensive animal farming are built into natural systems, right? Nice strawman, however, I'm not even vegan, but vegetarian.

If you believe in evolution, but not in the fact that the different races which have clearly evolved separately might have any differences at all you are the retarded one. Have you even read about the basics of evolution? Also I never implied it was law you idiot, but that you'll get fired from your job or be publicly ostracized if you say otherwise. 100% of anthropologists in China believe in race and it's impacts, China being a country not particularly concerned with the need for multiracialism.

>everyone has value
that's a fundamental liberal democratic idea

Culture has value. It can teach you thinks about yourself, your people, your history, etc. Dismantling a race's heritage is a minor form of genocide, and is exactly what the Soviets and the Chinese did in the 20th century to turn its citizens into subordinates of the State. Call me old-fashioned, but I like my culture and value its existence dearly. We should be allowed to keep ours, and others should be allowed to keep theirs.

Read about the last Ice age, and the massive changes in the earth's temperature in the last 100,000 years. Also do your research on geological research, which has confirmed that for most of the existence of life on earth, the temperature has been much higher. Climate change has been sped up by humans, but the earth was and is going to warm either way. Also yes animal farming is a natural system as we are natural organisms, we are not the only species the practice agriculture, just the only ones to do it in such an industrialized and sophisticated manor.

yea i'm a classic liberal nigga

>this argument over and over again
so what if there are differences if you don't mind me asking? what do you plan to do with this information?

t. soyboy

society has failed you

>Sup Forums - Music

oh dear I'm a filthy commie


>Literally Hitler core
Do you just manipulate the test?

>being a monarchist

Differences are vast and subtle, since the brain is an incredibly complex organ. Things like disposition to act violence, disposition to anxiety or depressive disorders, IQ ranges, body language, vocal tone, and many other things are all expressions of genetics which are also effected by the environment people exist in. Perhaps the most important thing to note is just how tribal most people are, marriages last longer when between then the same race than different races, people feel more at ease when living in a mono racial environment, and people feel an implicit solidarity to their group. None of this is to say any group is quantifiably better than another as groups can progress or regress in any number of ways rather quickly depending on how their environment selects for successful reproduction. As far as what is planned to be done with this, I think it's a pretty safe bet to say in a society where no group holds a strong majority, that a democratic system would no longer be effective as each group will inevitably look out for their own interests while voting.This means party platforms would either have to become more shallow, or pander to specific groups that make a super majority which will effectively oppress those that are not part of that super majority. Alternatively you could instate more authoritative regimes like you see in the certain middle eastern countries to prevent these smaller groups from being oppressed by the super majority but I don't see that as a great solution. I don't know what should be done, I fully disagree with alt-right "solutions" but I don't see how ignoring observable and quantifiable truths will lead to a healthy and functioning society. I just want real discussion.

Yes you read the picture, well done

Sup Forums checking in

translation: i have power fantasties

good and valid points
i'd say more but i need a shower

awful, just awful
big brained pragmatism, it's alright
needs to pay off student loans for worthless degree and thinks others should cover the cost
Only bootlickers are Monarchists

>absolutist essentialism

Utterly embarrassing

Left communism

>Sup Forums - Music

I blame it on the questions themselves, being things like, do hormones play a role in determining the gender roles of men and women. How one could possibly disagree with that is astounding, and really, only possible if they have never studied biology. If there were questions like, "people have the ability to choose or improve their dispositions" it might have given a more accurate reading.

>Sup Forums - Music

liberal technocrat, white advocate, western supremacist, following a synthetic philosophy of Schopenhauerian pessimism and secular Gnosticism with transitory liberal values

I mostly listen to neofolk, darkwave, shoegaze, synthpop, post-punk, and dark ambient

what am i even?

straight white Finnish male

Any other vertical positioning is cancer.

Almost identical to this.

It's too bad I don't have any faith in the parties which represent those ideas.

I meant horizontal

Couldn't be more wrong but okay whatever you say bud


t. neocon cuck who posts on the_donald

Beep beep true patrician coming through.

Plus pragmatism

Sick dude


You didn't even try to make it Sup Forums related

t. hasn't studied any of our natural history and instead has a romanticized image of our natural world

Also I am in no way a neocon, fuck them and their obsession with intervention, Isreal, and slowly bleeding out their own nations for corporate interests.
