Growing up thinking you could do whatever you want

>growing up thinking you could do whatever you want

>you can only find a job in stem, engineering, or computer fields

Anyone here pursing a degree in something they like doing but knows there's a chance they won't find a job? I'm pursuing political science/international relations

Did history, cant do shit. you should just do engineering and then take your "passion" as a hobby or in your spare time. Get that job first and work on the rest second.

Studying networking because I've always been interested in it, and I'm not a retard.

No higher education but still make 6 figures and 22 with no debt master race here

Whats the matter? Fell for college meme?

Studying political science.

Doing it online, so thankfully don't have to rub shoulders with Che shirt wearing fuckheads.

I accept my place in the natural order.

how many hours do you work a week? how physically intensive is your job? you've got to remember that most STEM jobs mostly involve sitting in an office not doing a lot and only working 40 hour weeks, at least here in the UK. they aren't difficult jobs, chances are you have to work far harder for your salary than we do.

Whats wrong with military?

>falling for the STEM meme.

I've studied English + History + Teaching. Let's see:
>no autistic STEM neckbeards, courses were full of chill dudes and hot girls
>piss easy, I spent my days chilling and didn't have to revise for anything
>I'm my own boss now and 50% of my work is done in my cozy homeoffice wearing sweatpants
>top tier salary, lifelong employment.

gg stemfags

>most STEM jobs mostly involve sitting in an office not doing a lot and only working 40 hour weeks, at least here in the UK.

reminding me what I've got to look forward to for the next 30 years thanks a lot

>Studying political science.

>study that relies heavily on face to face networking

kill yourself now

>God tier

>Not God tier

Aerospace had basically zero job growth.

Electric engy here. I have a real passion for black magic.

>Engineering above Physics or Math

Topkek. The list might be mostly accurate, but engineers aren´t at the top. They mostly just use the tools and ideas coming from math and physics. Without these, the engineers couldn´t do much.

When you look into the "research and development" area, which is responsible for mankinds technological improvement, then you have the engineers just as a labour work force for physicists, while the physicists also create knew methods/technologies for engineers, medicine/pharma, chemistry or biology.

About 22.

Not at all.

Ita a desk job, i mostly make calls and send emails

No debt here either and own a nice house three vehicles with five kids. I went to college but I also became an electrician and did construction before and while in school. It's doable depending on your area.

>make it to unbelievable tier

Welcome to PowerPoint

>he works hard while living in a western heaven on Earth where you dont have to do shit and still get handed everything to you on a silver platter


Right now?

Can I at least wait to see if Trump wins or not?

Bio med eng student so no worries here

>literally just counting other jews money
>most boring thing ever


>I'm pursuing political science/international relations

psychologist here (major). could have been worse.

regarding pol sci, its nto and useless degree is you persue politics, desptie what stem thing. STEM people are generally quite the meatheads so I wouldnt change place that quickly.

work can be found my psychology, but nowhere as easy as STEM - duh!

Tfw masters in chemical and bachelors in electrical engineering.

Adding to my post to specify that my house is paid in full and I pay cash for my cars. I trade them in once the warranty is up. The cars I purchase are generally 45-50k.

>tfw studied social sciences
>tfw didn't put any work
>tfw partied through 5 years of bachelor and master
>tfw wrote tumblr tier bullshit in my thesis
>tfw got offered a phd position
>tfw got a cozy government job straight out of uni
>tfw great pay, mostlly women coworkers in their 20s

Get cucked stemfags. Have fun studying your autism and then get an entry level job at shitfuck university because nobody cares that you can solve a differential equation of print hello world in python.

lol studying medicine and its pretty shit job with the lowest income ever

fuck my lyfe

>no autistic STEM neckbeards
What you see as autistic is for others just way above average IQ

>full of chill dudes and hot girls
So average intelligence people with average desires and some fucktoys sitting around

>piss easy, I spent my days chilling and didn't have to revise for anything
average difficulty level for average desires and average capabilities

>I'm my own boss now and 50% of my work is done in my cozy homeoffice wearing sweatpants
Thats actually very good, but you´d be a fool to believe that this isn´t possible for nearly everybody else. If a history and english teacher can work from home, then it can´t be that hard to achieve...

>top tier salary, lifelong employment.
True, thanks to germanys retarded system in that regard.

>inb4 butthurt STEM fag detected

I´m doing my phd in physics and am very happy. Good pay will come after I´m finished, work in big projects also for CERN and the likes and could easily switch to "teaching" whenever I desired.

>got a cozy government job straight out of uni

that isnt as promising as you might think, I also work for the gov, you have to keep your mouth shut and think before you act all the time (a good skill to aquire tbih) but you loose the independance factor

>be me
>19yr old dropout of sixth form 2 years ago
>got a shit job for 1.5 years and left recently
>£26,000 in bank
>sit at home laughing at stem cucks, free to do whatever i want until the water hole dries up

Do people in Europe abuse the education over there or is it more of a minor problem? I'd love to see the USA go back to more of a free market so the tuition goes down. Way too many people in the system currently.

>inb4 butthurt STEM fag detected
Nah man, that was actually a pretty reasonable response by chan standards

I'm an electrian. got payed through my whole 4 year apprenticeship. worked 10 months then went to college for 2 months 4 years. classes were paid for by my union. good wage. no debt. work and have money for the house,boat and trailer white family meme. gain experience as you learn. why arnt there more trades bros on Sup Forums everyone is stem master race

>low pay

Like as a doctor? Because that's fucked if so man.

If you're a nurse...well...that's nursing. I was going to study it (paramedics) but the pay turned me off and it wasn't in my heart, I just had a knack for medical shit.

dude, what do you work? nonStem meme here also

Physics rarely pays well because theoretical doesn't do shit for real world applications.

Depending on where you study it, Politics/IR is probably one of the better degrees.

Lol, because everyone else here is just openly spreading redpill and naming the merchant?
Everyone has to keep their mouth shut and not say anythin controversial.
Even if you are self-employed, you are not safe.


I work in stem and it is shit

All I really want to do is own a Porsche shop

Saving up so I can quit the wage slave life

>Theology is shit tier.
>Theology students end up as priest or Monk outside of society.

I'm assuming he means if you go in enlisted which takes a while to work your way up.
Officers have it pretty well made with great benefits and easily make six-figures.

>Lol, because everyone else here is just openly spreading redpill and naming the merchant?
>Everyone has to keep their mouth shut and not say anythin controversial.

a crucial skill you need to aquire in order to get anything done, and you wont learn it on pol

>Even if you are self-employed, you are not safe.

abolutly! selfemployment brings a false sense of security, however if it were selfemployemnt is USA it would have been a different thing

That doesn't make sense, man.

In that scene he's mocking an enemy fleet commander for taking easy bait.

That sounds absolutely terrible. I work in STEM and have to do zero budgeting. Buy what I want when I want, go where I want when I want when I want.

Constantly running out of money or caring that I would doesn't sound like a good time.

Criminology. I know i'll end up in a police department or the army, but I really really like the stuff im studing. Im actually having fun while learning how much a nignog can chimpout, or how a kike can outjew their kin. And why we humans do so.

>and you wont learn it on pol

You kind of do, spaghetti stories can teach valuable lessons.

after 6 years of med school you make here from 2000-21000kc ~ 80e-800e, what is utershit

in one year ill be a hopefully a doctor but im never gonan do that job

plus on top of shitty salary you are with one foot in a jail if you fuck up something, and you do overtimes, its normal here that doctor works 36-48 hours in a row. WITHOUT any extra pay

and nursing here is the another thing i do not understand, nurses work for like 300e

>studied city planning
>every city in America has like three city planners
>graduated from a top planning school with 6 people

It took me 15 months to find a real job. I had to bartend in the meantime.

I'm split between Geography, Geophysics and Geology
I got autism for geography, maps and shit but I also like the aspect of Geophysics and the fucking amazing salary
I don't know what to do

where does meteorology rank? Being a Climatologist is pretty comfy.

I'm a union hvac service tech, and I live in Silicon Valley so I do alot of service work at tech companies.

Before I started I went to college for a year in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics because I thought I wanted to be a programmer. So fucking glad I chose hvac instead of that bullshit. These tech companies have pretty cool perks such as: a gym, small movie theatre, free drinks/food most of the time, free bike rentals, rec rooms etc

Sounds all good, until you see what they actually do all day. They sit in a quiet room staring at a computer screen all day long. Under pressure, expected to produce all the while being surrounded by pooinloos and beta gooks. The girls who work here have nice clothes/cars and make good money yet have 0% interest in other techies mostly because they are nerds. I cannot tell you how many girls I flirt with during the workweek.

Point is they have all these perks so you don't kill yourself from boredom due the the soul sucking work that they perform. Shitty life to live imo

I like my study too, I'm in a similar vein.

I don't think there's much of a "private sector" for what we're into but counter terrorism is a growing market.

how come u niggers never include AI

What do you do as a city planner?
I applied for an internship at my city planning office but they never replied (fuckin cunts)

I'm in the military and get to fuck your girl.

Probably with Geography

True, but barely anybody does phyiscs because they want big money. At least not in germany. Here everybody would laugh at you for studying something just because it pays well.

So you're a 1099-T insurance salesman.

it's a list of employment prospects. many physicists and mathematicians end up teaching, you might have graduated with a good degree but many people who do those subjects do not. in terms of employment prospects and average salary, engineering is far above the physical sciences and maths. it's anecdotal but i know several people on six figures who graduated with shit tier engineering degrees, while all those i can think of who graduated with a mediocre physics or maths degree are teaching or doing something completely unrelated to that field, generally in low paying fields with little hope of progression, their degrees are worthless. there are a few i know who work in finance and have high 6 figure or 7 figure salaries, but they graduated from oxbridge or top-ranked courses, not from the former polytechnic of north east lanarkshire.

good for you but you're the exception, not the rule. as i said, most non-college jobs with high salaries are incredibly physically draining and the equivalent STEM salary will involve far less work.

Why isn't criminal justice God tier? Someone has to put these niggers in jail.

>muh engineering

>going to university to learn how to earn a salary
You're doing it wrong.

meme degree man

As a physicist, I tell you do geophysics. It will be very hard and time consuming, but your mind will be so sharpened, many other things in life will become way easier and you´ll be able to understand other subjects easier.

I can read through biology, chemistry, medicine, anatomy, politics or economics, it´s rather easy. I could never do that this well if I would have studied a subject which focuses on just memorizing stuff.

£26k is fuck all lad

Fuck you, this meme is getting old. Tell us what you do now or fuck off.
This is going to be the new tits or gtfo

Political science is a women's studies tier major. Unless you're just driven to orgasm by 50 years of electoral history and hearing every dimwitted classmate's opinion about said events, give it a pass. At the very least do history or anthropology instead, it's at least real. Better advice would be to keep your passion as a hobby, that way you don't become jaded about it. I majored in history before moving on to other shit. All it really did was make it impossible for me to enjoy all the pleb-tier history bullshit they put on tv.

>I'm in the military and I haven't heard about military wives.

I've got some bad news for you, chad.

Whatever you do, make it a point to study GIS as well. The only reason I landed my current job is by knowing every stupid aspect of that program.

I was also thinking about doing the same but I don't know if I could get a job with a major in poli Sci and a minor in int'l relations. Like would it be more or less useful than a liberal studies degree?

>tfw my job isn't even on the list

I am in bioinformatics, I think it was the right career choice

How much schooling do you think I should go through?
Money really isn't an issue for me when it comes to college loans so I was planning on getting my masters and seeing where that gets me.

Where would Nutrition fall on that list brehs, would it fall under life sciences? It's my only real passion and I just got the grades to study it at uni.

I almost got an internship in high school at my local GIS office because of my Geography scores but I never took it because I was occupied with athletics.
It's basically learning coding right?

There are too many things to explain in a half decent manner. I do the street renderings for the master plans and do a fair amount of research. Most my job is researching actually.

Is a degree in int'l relations/public affairs any good?

Biomedic engineer here,feels god man

Mech Eng masters grad here. Now get paid very well to test drive cars for a living.


There is a difference between taking something because you enjoy having conversations about it or reading about it, and taking something for employment.

Here is a pro tip about pretty much all of the arts: people like them! Everyone! That guy taking comp sci? He probably reads books, saw the movie of his favourite book and talks about it with his friends. The difference is he also wants to learn a skill that makes him employable.

If you choose to be trained in a field that could be reclassified as "be an informed human", there will not be any jobs in it except to teach it to others.

Good question, I don´t really know how your university system works. In germany, when you go for a "of science" degree, you´ll to the masters basically everytime. After your masters, you can do a PhD which will take you 3-4 years usually. I know regarding master/phd it is a bit different in the US, because in Germany, you have the bachelors after 3 years and then masters additional 2 years.

Either way, I would never recommend stopping after a bachelor degree. But you really should find out how much do you like the subject and if you like the jobs you can do afterwards. Liking you job is key, everything else comes second.

>Not being a degree in accounting
>Not going into banking
>Not going into investment banking
>Not quite literally becoming the Jew yourself



Psychology (B.Sc at least) aint that bad for redpilling people and becomming like pic related.

>tfw political science student

Law in the us is either God or shit tier depending on the school you go to/job you get- not a ton of middle ground.

Law and justice provides no background for police work- in most places (including most major cities) you only need a hs diploma to get on the force.

I've even heard that pds don't like l&j majors because they come onto the force with their own ideas of how to do stuff.

The average Sup Forumsack is autistically intelligent, going into STEM is a natural course


It's kinda difficult because getting a Ph.D in America can take a long time.
I'm transferring to the nearest school that offers Geophysics and staying there until after my masters.
It's in the mountains and they do a ton of research in related fields so I will hopefully get a job at the university.
Also, thanks for the tips German bro

>tfw Biology

I'm a STEM too, g-guys!

Ancient Languages here.
Who cares about work, anyway?

>have a friend doing exactly what youre doing
>he visits Sup Forums
>recently was promoted from making 0 dollars and working a lot all the time, to making 0 dollars and working a lot every so often

There is more to it than that, but it depends on who you deal with. Currently dealing with a 3 Restaurant chain who we get 5k from every month. Can be busy at times but it is usually walkover.

Easy money.

Dropped out of college after two years, landed a job in management with no experience and relatively short work history.

Being attractive and well-spoken will get you much farther than you think it will.

I went to school a while ago now, but even back in like 2006-2007, I could see the writing on the wall. I spent the entirety of middle and highschool in schools that spent every waking minute cramming the "you need to go to college!" meme down everyone's throats. Even though the school was full of dindus and plenty of dumb poor people too. I saw through the bullshit then. And I went to college and saw all these people getting meme degrees in psychology and english and shit, and I knew where that was heading.

Luckily I always had a penchant for science, so I ended up studying pharmacy because the job market was really good and because it's a topic that interests me. So now I'm pharmacist making really good money.

you wanted this senpai

>Not understanding that this is a Jewish trick to scare away goyim from muh shekels

Oh shit what are you doing!

Hello fellow unionized skilled labor.
>People fell for the college meme
My sides

BA, it's good tho, uni teaches you more than just subject matter

Would have been funny if instead of dad it said ball. rofllollmaof

>Make like an American road and meme to the right, brother.