Floyd Mayweather - support of homophobic genocider?

Floyd Mayweather with the leader of Chechnya who has recently been accused of genocide of gays.

Floyd Mayweather attended Trump inaugaration

Does Floyd's support of right wing politicians and woman beating past make him more exciting? Conor spoke out against Trump but Floyd supporting him and Chechnyan genocider of gays. :thinking: Conor also said he supports multiculturalism

Conor = leftist
Floyd = right wing

Is this another dimension not talked about enough?

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That guy is Muslim so he's allowed to be homophobic, it would be islamophobic to suggest otherwise #tolerance #respect

Based Mayweather. I can't wait to see him mash that potato.

Steven Gerrard killed gay people?


Floyd Mayweather lowkey attended Trump Inaug. Said he supported Trump

WTF I love Floyd now

Floyd is deeply conservative and offended by non nationalists. He wants separate black nation and white nation within america. Fully red pilled and knows who the true enemy is; women and jews.

Um.. sweetie that's Obamas. No one went to Trump's.

>thinking the majority of black people give a fuck about gay people

Floyd is black, of course he's homophobic

He went

Nice fake news you've got there.

>separate black and white nations

Actually not a bad idea desu

mayweathers are racist as fuck. They seem to have become a little less so but it used to blacks only gym from the stories Ive heard.

>Conor = leftist

Is there any actual evidence of this, though? Or is everyone just maymaying?

He is also against BLM and says they should "follow order"

I assume most fighters are right-wing due to their high test. The only "left-wing" ones I've seen are Mexicans who want to live in the USA, but they still probably beat their women and hate gays

>Mayweather is actually representing the white race in the fight

Conor called Trump a retard and said he was multicultural.

for a caucasus Muslim who leads a bunch of savages this dude looks very white

High Test and money. The thing is blacks don't have real political diversity. They are trapped being dems by their elite white slave masters in hollywood and new york. Psyops worked.

Even though if you look at history of Democrat programs they all fail.
- Projects (all democrat program) created huge crime problems and more death/violence than ever. Are now even being torn down because it's such a bad idea.
- inner cities are all democrat controlled and shit because of it
- pricing out of black neighborhoods, almost always democrats and lefties moving in and raising rent.