HillShills BTFO


I feel bad for Trump, losing his wife to a suicide by falling backwards down an elevator shaft after shooting herself in the chest 10 times.


How can i get hired to shitpost about Trump on pol?

If I had an obscenely rich family, I'd feel empowered too.

and all she did was betray her religion and marry a kike

Using your family for political purposes is kinda low, doesn't matter the candidate.

His daughter is a whore just like his current wife.

Trump is classless.

Wall just increased in height better work harder to pay it pedro

yea shoot ur side of the arguement.
Who caares about the family connection if the message is wreckin the lefty satanic kike lovers


No way man, have you seen his NYC apartment? It's just like the castle of a European aristocrat, he's the classiest man in America :^)

You can be a real American and love Trump like the rest of us.

Trump doesnt have to hire shills. :)

There are already two walls in place though

screen capping this

So we won't be seeing Billy on the campaign trail then?

your just mad that your family was beheaded last week

>European aristocrat

>money = confidence

That's pretty cringeworthy to be honest.

Got me.

Sounds like something Hillary would say

This typically occurs to enemies of Hillary.

Ivanka is only successful because of her father. Hillary Clinton is truly a self-made woman.

I'd vote for Trump if I could, l a d.

I'm glad this post isn't serious.

>sucking off Webster Hubbell
>Saudi princes
>Riding Bill's Coat tails
>Then Obama's
>Now depending on Obama/Bill/Biden do campaign for her
>self made

>Implying that hasnt been done for decades.

>It's just like the castle of a European aristocrat

Nah, its like the gold plated marble skyscraper of an American aristocrat

>living like european aristocracy
Literally peasants. American aristocracy is best aristocracy.

>Shills getting paod to post shit that would get you arrested if you weren't getting paid by Hillary

How is it legal?

>Using real examples of the points you address in your campaign is bad/mean
This is how leftism works, denying reality is the only way any of it makes sense, so you just have to convince everyone that using real life examples is cruel/mean/bad

I dunno man, this place looks pretty comfy


Then Hillary shouldn't even be running considering the only reason she ever became important was her husband

>Children supporting their parents is wrong
Ayyy pendejo, feliz dia del padre

> to do anything I set my mind to do
> set my mind to do
> mind to do
> to do
> TO DO anything I set my mind TO DO

How can Europe even compete.

good move

moot point, all woman are whores

what am i looking at

a super hot american teacher wholy fuck

The best way to help Trump would be to infiltrate the Clinton campaign.

Why are there no threads on the guccifer 2.0 leak?

Also - dear CTR trolls - David Brock is on borrowed time.

god damn

how the fuck are you supposed to learn anything with that in front of you all day?

Sounds like a thing that happens to an out of favor Clinton associate, perhaps one with too many secrets to possibly share with the media in an election year.

If I owned a place like that, I'd arrange fencing tournaments on the front patio.

Don't much care for managed gardens though, I think they're ugly.

That's it, I'm eating #RumpForTrump now

This is something a cuck would do. Shapiro was right, Trump's a leftist.

>tfw you should have trusted shapiro

Christ almighty, putting her in a hichschool classroom is like putting a lamb chop before wolves.

There was one time at my school when a teaching student (19yo) subbed in my English class. She wore summer dresses with no leggings, flat-heeled shoes, and a cocky smile on her face. You could tell she went braless.

She'd also sit on the front desk while reading to us, so many panty-flashes that, I swear, took me off porn for a month straight.

She once leaned in, with no-one else around, and kissed me on the cheek for something I said. If I was the man I am today, and not an awkward teenager, I'd have had her right then. Biggest childhood regret.