/pol BTFO

/pol BTFO
shut it down hiroshimoot,it's over....

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I like beebs tho

also is muslim immigration getting banned, not muslims

oh shit they got us. pack it up guys its over

>liking Canada's most obnoxious lesbian dwarf

Islam is a belief system
A gun is an inanimate object

It's also like blaming all Germans for WW2

as a musician i do feel it is fair to share the blame but please stop the persecution. we have apologised for bieber many times. we are doing our best within our community to ensure it does not happen again.

#notallmusicians #musicianlivesmatter


It's also like blaming all white people for slavery.

good point, but if all gun owners owned a book about guns which had written in it: 'kill non gun owners where ever you find them'...

but firearm owners are still blamed for firearm related deaths.

most music fans don't implicitly support Bieber's awfulness though.

>Sup Forums is one person
>1 post by this id


post by this id

i am getting a bit bored with this in every fucking thread

The latter two statements are true. However most 'moderate' Muslims support the barbaric and archaic laws that Islam enforces and enable terrorists and murderers to carry out their acts. While there are probably a small minority of 'Muslims' who disagree with this (in the same way we have 'Christians' who support gay marriage, female bishops etc) the fact is that the vast majority of Muslims are either terrorist or terrorist sympathizers and supporters.

I had some Jew-boi post that same sort of image (there are about 20 out there with different musicians on it.

My reply was "Well, that's great. Did you know there were good Nazis too?"

The person flipped the fuck out, told me they would have personally put a bullet in every Nazis brain, told me they would put a bullet in my brain if they ever saw me, told me all Nazis killed off over 6 million Jews in the holocause and another 6 million Jews due to what they did to Europe, told me anyone who even felt a little bit like Nazis were good should be murdered, etc. etc. etc.

When I told them to watch the movie John Rabe about a good Nazi who saved Chinese the Jew said that the lives of 100 million Chinese wasn't worth the lives of 6 million Jews. He said he himself would have murdered every Chinaman in Nanking if it would have saved a single Jew.

Then he deleted the conversation and blocked me on FagBook.

i mean..i better believe hillary like most americans do right? why should she lie she knows what she is talking about

>comparing apples to haemorrhoids

long story short..you are a anti-semit.


Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's break-up was the best thing for both of their musical careers IMO.

I still think Bieber is kinda pretentious (I don't really know for sure, I don't care too much for following any celebrity's life), but his music now is much better than it was in the past.

i don't want to talk about this right now MUSLIMS ARE GOOD..

look at this skinny fella here had to carry his wives head around so that he could atleast burry it somewhere peaceful after russians and isis killed and then raped here and then cut her whole body off..

That's because he's fucking gay as fuck. Women can't be good for him.

Biebs isnt that bad lately.

Plus he makes racist jokes on camera.

Justin Bieber is actually an okayish musician nowadays

I don't like his music but you can't say you wouldn't do the same in his position, he's rich as shit and is drowning in pussy (albeit half of which he can't legally touch).

Could you imagine how fucked we'd be if 20% of gun owners supported mass shootings?

I agree.

The young man has talent.

Why do we give a pass to all of the execrable black singers but are so critical of Bieber?

Have fun getting cucked, germ! :)

it is fun ? i mean you obviously know best hakim shlomo ben saud

All Nazis would be a more apt comparison. Which still makes a decent point.

You're a fag. You're comparing arbitary groups that have nothing in common with one another such as gun owners and musicians but one random point of intersection. A gun owner in the USA is vastly different from one in Afghanistan in EVERY regard, unless he's called Omar.

Meanwhile, ALL muslims share the same ideology, believe the same teachings, follow the same prophet. It's not an arbitary shared attributed it's a CHOSEN and DECIDED FOR ideology that has very clear and defined rules.

That guy is staying in Finland, alternative media has reported those pictures with his location to the police, nothing is being done. GG.

Mistäs tämän kuulit? Tiedätkö missäpäin?

Or all viruses for AIDS...

Does he have his Finnish loli yet?

even if all muslims are not terrorists, 99% are still uneducated, ignorant scum.

Oma virhe tuli, toi olikin vaan spotattu telkkarissa ylen pakolaisillassa, oli kai poliisikin ilmoittanu tutkivansa, niin monia tapauksia että menee sekaisin.
Not that anyone knows of, hopefully he has fled the country by now.

What a retarded strawman topped off with one of the worst false comparisons of all time. Nobody is blaming all Muslims or gun owners. It's a matter of the number of Muslims that support this act of violence which should shape our immigration policy, and making it harder for certain guns to be purchased, like for example if you've been investigated by the FBI twice.

Except we blame Cuckada for Bieber and I thought it was guns that kill so why blame gun owners?