He has Beatles album in his top 50

>he has Beatles album in his top 50

>he has a Beatles album in his top 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

>Doesn't like the Beatles
Go back to listening to lil uzi fucking faggot

What if it's #51?

>having a top 50

>le wrong generation xd I onlyt listen to teh beatles and not little wayne like if u support REAL MUSIK

Then it's okay

Try top 3, babe

>my dad hit me as a child and now I think it’s cool to shit on his favorite artists


>i liek rock music and not rap musix ha ha

I mean I know this is bait but it's pretty ridiculous to not have a Beatles album in your top 50.

But what if you like 50 albums more than your favorite Beatles album? How many albums have you even listened to?

Uh... Why?

You NEED to have Revolver in your top 3 otherwise you will fucking explode and I support this.

I can understand not liking their early stuff but if you hate on revolver or sgt pepper you're just being edgy

I'm still alive.

I have like 7 Beatle albums in my top50

t. Rolling Stone

Yes but.... are you alive inside?........

Honestly I'm not sure.


Was this thread about Cobain the whole time?

>he doesn't have a Wings album in his top 5

It really makes you think.......

>she doesn't have Beatles album in her top 50

>He doesn't rate every Beatles album a 5 rym
>He doesn't rate every justin beiber album a 0.5 on rym

the plebiest of the plebiest do this

literally the 3rd worst Beatles album

>he antagonizes people for not liking britpop and britpop with beeps and boops
Lord, may these heathens stop listening to the beatles and radiohead

But their music is good


What? It's actually good

This album is better than their whole discography combined

Well, if you're a retard that is
