Why is the US latino population growing so fast?

Why is the US latino population growing so fast?

They breed like rats

Because there is no wall

They are paid to breed like rats

Why does it grow faster than other minorities?

Because the more useless an organism is, the more offspring it tends to have. This is why you see rats and cockroaches having so many offspring so few make it to adulthood


Here in cali they all vote democrat and in areas where they are concentrated: there is a gibsmedat "social services" office close by.

Meanwhile all the affluent communities get taxed the highest to pay for these scum.

Because Catholicism and lower socio-economic class means that more kids means more chances to improve the family's quality of life. It's a risky bet but lots of older Asian-American families like my own did it too. And "sense of pride" and all that bullshit too.

Old school catholicism. Mass migration coupled with an already mulitgenerational presence of other Hispanics. And whites who want dogs. Not kids. Voila!

Because they kill niggers

theyre so dumb

they literally prefer to be uneducated because its too american to learn english and math

google mexican reconquista

this, r-selection is strong in latinos and muslims

The world is overpopulated the nwo tried ebola in Africa but didnt work well enough now the aliens are taking matters into their own hands and released zika which hasent hit critical mass yet but will create actual nations of retards which with the impending ww3 will doom everything.

Hispanics have always been a significant percentage of the population in former Mexican territories. They were merely segregated and ignored. So now that there is less discrimination and because of the rise of social media the world sees them more. And thus the surprise

They have a deportation fetish



Build the wall

no need for source, you know damn well that poorfags reproduce like rabbits

They are good Christians so they don't use contraceptives.

Because white womens wants cute little cat or labrador, not childrens.

>no source needed
Maybe a mouthbreathing confirmation bias ridden stormweenie doesn't need them, in the real world you do need evidence to assert something.

Mexico's fertility rates are around ~2.2 btw

Nice meme trumplet.

Because Africa, Europe and Asia don't have land connection with USA while the Latinos just walk over the border without fear of being deported enjoying all the public services.

Better question is why is every country from south america or the caribbean lumped in with those short brown mountain trolls called mexicans?

Goddamnit I am tall, pale skinned, have green eyes and brown hair. I was born in the USA and my parents legally immigrated here from Colombia. I don't even speak spanish and I'm indistinguishible from an average white guy if I were to walk down the street, yet somehow I'm still on the same level of those goddamn dwarven beaners?

What the fuck is this bullshit

because the US government pays niggers and spics more to have more children


>implying any country below the US is considered "white" by lite stormfags and trumplets like you

Not only that but it's pants on heads retarded to claim most people who inhabit a country have certain characteristics because poor people from those countries emigrate to other countries.

Now off yourself pablo

build wall juan

>4 years ago
>work with Hispanic brother and sister
>sister gets pregnant in a one night stand
>2 weeks later, brother gets his gf pregnant
>sister is 16, brother is 18


b u i l d

w a l l

You're a spic, your mothers vagina is spic, your father's balls are spic, you should kill yourself in the most painful way, you are a disgusting hybrid who deep inside hate himself, you are less than a piece of shit, just do it Juan

You're giving Trump's dick way too much credit here

>still living in the home country

dont you have cocaine to be packaging right now?

Gulp on that trumpniggers dick some more, jose
And don't forget to guzzle down on your God emperor's miss all the way to the last drop while you prove the picture right.

Catholicism. Remember that California, the supposed bastion of liberalism, voted to outlaw gay marriage as recently as 2008.

Latinos are natural allies against degeneracy.

It's only the Mexicans m8. Probably because of the reason stated. I mean, just look at our birthrates. We're hispanic and 'murrikan citizens yet way beyond replaceable levels.

>They were merely segregated and ignored

They're turd worlders.

Because every sperm is sacred.

construcción de muro

Because we tend to have more offspring than other minorities.

Mexican birthrates are barely above replacement levels,.what the fuck are you on about?

Maybe the issue here is that whites simply aren't reproducing and they're pinning the blame on others as per usual

Illegal immigration coupled with breeding by poor ones already here.

Because gibs

>open unprotected border with central and South America
>goverment deportations are a joke
>in state tuition for illegals
>welfare and food stamps for anchor babies
>employers love paying illegals for work to bypass taxes and other regulations
>kids get free school

I mean Jesus Christ the southwest is already conquored

Because they're a bacteria.

I'll ask again because no one responded to my previous post with actual evidence


God damn this place is a sourceless faggot stormfag echo chamber

Same as the mudslime/nigger population in sweden because americans are cucks craving for big latino cock

Mexican """"""""Intellectuals"""""""""

>looks around my shithole 85 percent illegal beaner filled town

Nope, but wouldn't expect a Mexican to take responsibility for anything..especially the actions of his own inconsiderate countrymen


That's because you guys have a functioning society

The wetbacks are the trash that can't get a job even in Mexico, but come here to get checks thanks to liberal cucks and negro rent seeking

Why do Hispanics in Texas vote Republican more than Hispanics in California?

Spics are a blight upon the planet.

Which is why we shouldn't feed you.

A lot of Hispanics in Texas have been there for generations and are more assimilated as a result.

Thats the best thing that your pathetic brain can produce? lol stop embarrassing yourself on Internet Spic, You're not american you're a disgusting hybrid, you should torture and kill your family ... afterall they are the reason of your Spicness, of your inferiority

What is this shitpost even trying to imply? You're so mad you managed to post some worthless whining without actually proving anything regarding the topic at hand.

They breed like the cockroaches they resemble.

It's simply antinatural not to desire a big family.
It goes against nature.

Read the bible.

So, the real question is why whites don't want to have children?

Then why haven't you killed yourself?

But I've yet to see any statistics that prove the classic 'le spics breed like roaches' meme, we're 61 replies into the thread and no one has provided any evidence whatsoever

Is this what posting in an echo chamber feels like?

Stats show messcans are still on welfare five generations later. That's some nigger tier "assimilation."

You triggered sweetheart? some spic rape your sister?

College student here in commieforina. Live in 800 dollar a month apartment. Next door is a Mexican family that kid you not has 6 kids, In a fucken 2 bedroom apartment. His wife is preggo every fucken years. 6 little beaner kids who speak Spanish and run out into the street and won't shut up.

>>stupid Mexicans have hella kids

remove all social welfare, whites will come out on top

You blamed the white man (the mexican go to move) for illegal Mexicans flooding into borderstates and then reproducing like rabbits and having 7 kids all with multiple beaner ass silver teeth. None of which Yasenia is able to care for. Good thing my state is there to save the day and give them everything they need :)

why do blacks vote dem when dems are the ones replacing them with latinos

watch your back, blacks. you arent the favorite child anymore

You're agreeing with me yet switching the blame. Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

The bottom line remains the same: hispanics are growing because Mexican birthrate is above replacement levels. We have 1.64 birthrate thus proving that it is in fact not "hispanics", but Mexicans. That was my whole point. If you want to turn around and blame whites for their low birthrates do so, but realise the only reason they're letting hordes of Mexicans in the US in the first place is because of their higher birthrates. It's the same shit as in Europe. If they wouldn't have these above replacement levels birthrates, there's no way in hell they'd let them in.

We are becoming something like Japan, we won't have many young people in the following decades. I know a lot of guys and girls who are not interested in having kids or getting married.

>You blamed the white man (the mexican go to move) for illegal Mexicans flooding into borderstates
When did I say this?
>and then reproducing like rabbits and having 7 kids all with multiple beaner ass silver teeth. None of which Yasenia is able to care for. Good thing my state is there to save the day and give them everything they need :)
When did you provide evidence to assert this?

lol this worthless self hatin' spic wants me to think on his pathetic way, I'm just putting me on your situation, a self hatin' spic who is pale, kill them loser!

I know a family of mexxcanns that have 4 kids plus pets in a single wide 2 bedroom mobile home. They have lived there long enough to see their oldest child graduate high school. Kid was born while they lived there and shares a room with the other kids that isn't bigger than a walk in closet. Yet the father always has money for new cares and toys.

3 reasons why

>Native Tejano population
Texas has a large naive Tejano population, I am not talking about just Mexican Americans born in Texas but who are descendants of Mexican immigrants but of Hispanics living in Texas since the revolution. They hold little tie to Mexico and have their own unique culture and ethnicity. They vote Republican

>Texas is home to Mexico's Conservatives
Almost if not all of the Mexican immigrants to Texas come from Chihuahua and Northern Mexican. Where the rednecks of Mexico live. Their culture is almost identical to the Southern Country culture of the US. Gun loving, religious, country people. They vote for PAN, Mexico's rght wing party and most go to Texas when immigrating. Cali receives Southern Mexicans who are leftist and socialist

>Latinos assimilate to whites around them
When Latinos assimilate they will assimilate to white culture that they live in. In California they assimilate to the progressive and liberal culture, while in Texas they assimilate to the traditional and conservative culture.

Actually most spics want to molest boys, then claim no homo. faggots.

> 6 ninos

Damn, I was one off

They vote dem

That's more to do with Urban sprawl than white genocide, a lot of those places were uninhabited.

Because you're a spic, get over yourself.

>Maybe the issue here is that whites simply aren't reproducing and they're pinning the blame on others as per usual

Take a siesta mijo, you're too forgetful

Someone doesn't know how many white people are on welfare in red states.

because la raza is colonizing there territories back by means of population, i.e. illegal population. spiks with out papers. anchor baby's shiting out every where. that's how they fight, they are to pussy and cowardly to face the white man on the feild of battle with guns and tanks because they KNOW they would be destroyed in less than an hour. so they do like they do in all there fights, outnumber and swarm. spiks and niggers are truly are the scum of all the lesser races.

So .... you're trying to say me that a dirty spic rape you as a little child?

Trump is a friend to no man. I hope he wins because chaos and luls. He's going to get impeached so damn fast.

>birthrate is above replacement levels
As a matter of fact it is *barely* above replacement levels

You're actually pinning the blame on Mexicans because we don't have suicide tier fertility rates.

If Mexicans didn't exist in the US their population would still decline.

You're basically mad because whites can't attain normal fertility rates, and they are being replaced by Mexicans or other Hispanics as a consequence.

>waaah why can't other groups kill themselves like we're doing? It ain't fair!

That happens when you're poor

How does this even imply

>You blamed the white man for illegal Mexicans floodig into borderstates

He has to actually break the law to be impeached

I think the most likely scenario is that Hillary or Trump, whoever wins, is going to get assassinated fast. They have a ton of enemies

Less state benefits than Cali probably

Because they aren't akward fucks who are too petrified to speak to the opposite gender? Maybe you should take notes from Latino culture and actually fuck your women or Tyrone will do it for you.

mexican men are one minute men

I'm not really "pinning" the "blame" on Mexicans. I'm simply stating reality. You're taking this way too personal. The only reason why the hispanic population is growing is because of Mexicans. There's quite simply no way around that.

i have a question. Who brainwashed you into thinking you're somehow better than other races? Who LIED to you? It's hilarious.

I feel you. My neighbor just bought a brand new big truck. And his wife is prego again. But the kids literally spend all day outside running around shouting in Spanish, don't bend know how they all fit into two rooms. Shit pisses me off.

Pic relates my room so assume at least 4 kids share this, if 2 sleep with their parents

Also went to a store and had a little beaner kid 2 years old point at me and repeat gringo gringo over and over while their stupid madre stood there.

I want out of this state. I'll go to Utah hopefully nothing but white and blonde Mormon chicks.

Don't listen to him he probably is a narcopaisa or a nigger donkey fucker from the coast

Lesser races? What is this The Lord of the Rings? LOL you racists crack me up.

>not even american
Please gtfo faggot, you litteraly have no idea what you are talking about. Mexicans work and provide for themselves and there families. You upperclass entitled fuck boys are in for a rude awakening.

There is nothing wrong about having replacement fertility rates.

And you're wrong, the only reason why the Hispanic population is growing is because other groups can't even attain normal fertility rates.

Hence why Hispanic populations grow when compared to others.

Jajajajaja, chupa esa verga gringa, pero recuerda por mas que lo hagas siempre seras un mejicano pendejo mas para ellos, disque "narcopaisa" pobre imbecil como si un gringo fuera a saber que significa eso, y si quiere saber no soy de esa zona imbécil