Other urls found in this thread:
>gets surpassed by momoland on the charts
cutest girl in the galaxy~
>yein coming of age dance
holy moley
hairy binnie...
seulgi on the other side of a window
binnie is clean as a whistle
what do you expect? tons of people streamed the song because they wanted to check out the plagiarism
kang "dumbfuck" seulgi
i hope she stays there
I preferred WDYK over Memecoaster desu
prove it
>yein coming of age dance
post it
thank you
everyone's seen the webm including you
Yeah that song is okay.
pray for fancams, because all the concert solo stages won't be on the concert DVD due to copyright
3 weeks and no omg albums......
where did you order from
yeining it up
chungha is so ugly... how does she have any fans? it's not like she can sing either
jihyo's sister tho..
and a jitzu to end
word she's cute (eldest sister)
you know i'm right. all her songs suck too. the only ones enabling chungha seem to be IOI fans
mars attacks
So jihyo got a bf? Huh
sounds about right
got mine in 2 weeks from kpoptown
welp time to kms
this is the best streamable of 2018
this is from like 2 years ago
if you're talking about the instagram update, the pic at the end is of her parents you dolt
which says a lot about the sad state of streamables in 2018
Outside of Tzuyu and maybe Sana, all the girls look like shit next to Camila
i was worried for a second dbh
gtfo my thread westaboo
big foreheads
what is camila? i hope its not the uggo on black being humiliated by chewy
I disagree
my favorite physical trait...
is it my imagination or am i seeing something on her crotch
cub is cute as heck tho?
fellow man of culture
chaeyoung and chewy are the only two that look good in this pic
apparently it was bella day I thought there were a bunch of bellaposters
they were on music station today? did anyone mention it?
omo, such a cute family
not arin THE FACE
her family is cute
Her dad looks like a soft guy
so how many comebacks does a group get usually?
This is Twice's 2nd time on Music Station. This is in addition to their Kohaku performance. Twice is on the cusp of becoming a top girl group in Japan.
Their next step is to conquer the West.
I know i'm biased but jihyo does the best twicetagram updates
very nice
third if you count the music station super live.
I want them to focus on conquering australia
kek any mid tier group can be on music station
I love Latinas but Camilla looks like shit
i can post a bella but i had no idea it was bella day
Is there video of the performance?
post non-orange bella i've never seen it
i guess momoland will go there next then
>tfw all the twicetards literally are just bandwagoning retards joining in on the wave so they can pat themselves on the back every time their talentless group does well
I can't believe I share a thread with these actual subhumans
that's quite a lot of headcanon mate
she looks so thin with her collarbones and hands up in front of the cake
really feeling it
Don't worry about it.
for you. happy bella day!
looking at her makes me feel insane
what got you fired kpg?
Where is this from?
just as fictional as talent in twice
i have no pics of that but here's elris' wonder girls cover with best bella
awww the hearts
very nice
girl spirit