Llewellyn, what's in the satchel?

Llewellyn, what's in the satchel?


didn't know the trainspotting sequel was already out

If I tell you, will you let me screw you?

Do you think she'd be good in bed?

Flight plan.

from the gettin' place




why can't americans say or spell Llywelyn properly?

my sides

fuck the welsh

Fuck Americans, you cause all the problems in the world. Fucking babylon arseholes.

ittz pholla muney

What was the point of this character?

to establish how ruthless Chigurh was and how fucked Loowellun was

>Fuck Americans, you cause all the problems in the world. Fucking babylon arseholes.

don't confuse your enemy of the US government with the US populace.

I read somewhere (it may have been here, so take it with a grain of salt) that Wells was based on Woody's dad, who was an actual hitman.

cowboy boots

this actress ruined the movie

most horrible cliche portrayal of some southern chick

are you saying that cormac mccarthy based a character in his novel on woody's father? or that woody's portrayal of that character was inspired by his father?

She's redeemed by the way she acts when she meets chigurh though. Accepts her fate better than any of the other characters. She also appears to be more wise to what's been going on than first meets the eye, she's not surprised when chigurh comes for her in the end.

cormac mccarthy is the christopher nolan of bookflicks


If Americans are so bad why does your country's citizens idolize us?

Strangely appropriate term.

No Lobos