They're rare, but even Lucas managed to accidentally write a few decent lines here and there.
Lines from the prequels you actually liked
Other urls found in this thread:
His face fucking kills it
>what is love?
>love is like sand, its coarse and irritating and gets in your pants and makes your balls itchy.
pure kino
A communications disruption can mean only one thing—invasion.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
I'm being serious
>unironically liking the prequels or tfa
loving the laughs
episode 3
>from my point of view the jedi are evil
>this is how democracy dies, with a round of applause
>there's nothing you can do Anakin, I have the high ground!
>If i took your high ground would you die?
>It would be extremely painful
>Your a big guy
>For you
It makes me wonder how Lucas was able to come up with such provacative dialogue
>So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
Around the survivors, a perimeter create!
>Where is Padme?
>Is she safe?
>Is she alright?
Prequels ruined Yoda more than any other character.
I liked "He has control of the Senate and the Courts. He's too dangerous to be left alive!" when Windu was planning to just murder Palpatine without a trial, because it exposed the Jedi's hypocrisy and the limits of their own rules.
"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose" from Yoda to Anakin is a good one, because again it shows how limited the Jedi are and basically confirms that they're going to be of no help to him when it comes to Padme.
"You were the chosen one!" is pretty good too, mainly because Ewan McGregor nails the delivery. Most of Sheev/Palpatine's lines in Episodes II and III are good for the same reason, except for that one scene in Episode III where he randomly starts talking in a backwards ultra-deep voice like some kind of evil Yoda.
Did you really like this line? Why?
The line isn't even that great but for some reason he looks like he's gonna burst out laughing
Because it further conveys the hypocrisy of the Jedi? It was kind of ham-fisted but still relatively smart.
>ooba ooba
pure kino
>unlimited white power
What did Lucas mean by this?
"Is that legal?"
"I shall make it legal"
And every other meme line from Sheev
What the fuck did the robot even mean by that?
>You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you
Ewan McGregor and Ian McDirmid were the only consistently good parts of this prequels. Maybe that's they key to success in Star Wars, only allow actors of Scottish descent.
[autistic screeching]
How is there hypocrisy in that line?
>Maybe that's they key to success in Star Wars, only allow actors of Scottish descent
The Phantom Englishman
Attack of the English
Revenge of the English
A New Kilt
The English Strike Back
Return of the Scottish
>And he was a good friend.
>except for the last 5 years of his life where he was constantly jealous of me and didn't listen to any advice I gave him
it emphasizes the fact that there is no dark or light side, just the goals and intentions of the users. the whole scene pretty much shoves this down your throat. as seen heredark side users think they are doing whats right by abandoning the limits imposed by the jedi.
siths do actions in absolutes. that is the dogma that defines their ideology. that doesn't exclude jedi from THINKING in absolutes as presented in the original trilogy, just prevents them from acting in an absolutist manner. Such as everything is evil and everything is good.
Imagine how powerful this scene, with the great music, and with Ewan's actually pretty good portrayal of Kenobi, would have been if Lucas wasn't such a garbage writer.
I'm not even a Star Wars fanboy but I think the prequels are the most disappointing thing in cinema. They could have been so great, like there are hints of greatness throughout, but Lucas shit all over that prospect in order to make the films as easily digestible as possible in order to sell as many tickets and toys as one can imagine. Sad, sad, sad.
>As you can see my Jedi powers are far beyond yours
>Only a Sith deals in absolutes
>Only a Sith
Obi-Wan is dealing in absolutes while delivering that line.
It helps if you look at Anakin as basically a school shooter. Obi-Wan is the cool teacher who never saw it coming because "he was such a nice, quiet boy".
with them being defined as the jedi. my bad.
That statement is an absolute though
lucas became what he feared most. a greedy corporation. a jew. hollywood.
I wish he went with his intuition and made the prequels a tv series instead of a movie series. Then he would've had time to think between episodes.
I thought this scene was really powerful, though. It was one of the few scenes where everything was at least decent. McGregor gets to do all the talking, Christensen's acting is limited to screaming in pain and shouting "I hate you!".
what is a good order in which I could watch SW films implying I've been spoiled nearly the entirety of the story by browsing this board? genuine question, would appreciate an answer ty fa.m
That's what I mean though. The scene is pretty good as is, now imagine if the rest of the prequels set them up as more fleshed out characters and we got to really see their relationship more AND in a good light. And with some reminders now and again that these two are the same Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader, though from years ago, from the OT. It could have honestly went down as one of the most tragic scenes in modern cinematic history.
Instead it is essentially a meme at worst and just pretty alright at best.
"Until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."
I don't know if this was intentional or not, but it easily could have been aimed at Lucas. Lucas went from being this rebellious hippie who made weird, original movies and accidentally struck gold with a Flash Gordon/samurai homage, to this arrogant out-of-touch billionaire who became the poster child for lazy prequels/sequels/reboots.
Obi Wan is talking about Anakin's "deal" or "dealings" at that moment, i.e. "join me or die". That is dealing in absolutes and he's right that it's a major sith tactic.
release order dummy
watch them in release order
4 5 1 2 3 6 7
Flashback order.
obi-wan is defining the ideology of Anakin's mindset.
>You're Either with ME or against me
Anakin wasn't trying to compromise, but put obi-wan/padme in a position where they could be on his side. By saying:
>Only a Sith deals in absolutes
he is saying that Anakin is only viewing this logical thinking from a dark side perspective, and not a light side perspective, or the contrarian objective. By failing to consider both sides of the argument and only appeal to one's emotions and not the others, he became a sith.
The Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon duo was far more interesting than Bawwwwnakin Skywailer.
"Wipe them out. All of them"
Even better when you realize that the statement itself is an absolute and it was said by a Jedi Master.
why the fuck were the droids taking prisoners if that was the order
You realize every Jedi that wins against bbeg definitively taps into sith-esque pile of anger. Obi-Wan did it at least twice
I love the prequels
What the hell?
>definitively taps into sith-esque pile of anger. Obi-Wan did it at least twice
No he didn't. The only Jedi who did that in the movies are Anakin, Luke, and probably Windu. If you want to get into EU shit, there are a bunch of minor, old, and future Jedi who did the same (Revan, Bastila, Jacen, etc.), but no major characters from the movie.
>Obi-Wan said he saw you kill Younglings
Honestly they shouldn't have had Anakin start out so young. Maybe about as old as Obi-wan, a little younger. They should have kept Qui-Gon around too, had him die in the second movie, let him be the one that trained Anakin and kept Obi-Wan around. Give Anakin and Obi-Wan a chance to be BROTHERS instead of SAY they are brothers. The master/apprentice issue was one of the major drawbacks, you never got the sense that they were the friends claimed by the OT.
Also Padme shouldn't have been good. She should have been fully family first and 100% supported Anakin doing ANYTHING to save their family. That way when Obi-wan shows up like Padme brought him along? And Anakin in a fit of rage decides she's betrayed him? Hell, have her pushing him along as much as Palpatine did. Maybe more. Keep that Episode 1 persona as her basic persona, never have her be anything but this high and mighty fuck you I'm the queen attitude.
Maybe get rid of Anakin's weird obsession with her and have it start out more mutual. Maybe even have him decide to do the right thing, but let her encourage. Anakin's story should be about a man who went down a dark path because he did ANYTHING for the people he loved, for his family, and then the ending of Episode VI makes perfect sense. Maybe the people he did that for weren't a so great sort of people. Give Padme some damn color. Make her equal parts ruthless but fair, always offers her enemies a way out, but when they don't take it? Fuck em.
Make that shit tragic bitch.
Prisoners? Refresh my memory
The very last line in ep III was very fulfilling.
Most people watch them in the order they were released (4-5-6-1-2-3)
I saw them in "chronological" order (1-2-3-4-5-6) because I didn't get into Star Wars until I was 10, at which point Episode III was already out. It's a good order to watch them in if you have a high tolerance for bad movies or you're a dumb kid, but if I saw them for the first time as an adult I would have dropped it 2 movies in.
And if you've been spoiled anyway, you might want to give watching them in "chronological" order a shot, because a lot of what makes the prequels such a massive disappointment is that Anakin, the main character of the prequels, does not in any way line up with people's descriptions of Anakin in the original trilogy (a good man who tragically turned evil). But if you don't have any expectations going in, you see a whiny psycho finally go over the edge and you think "oh, well that makes sense".
>Also Padme shouldn't have been good. She should have been fully family first and 100% supported Anakin doing ANYTHING to save their family.
>Keep that Episode 1 persona as her basic persona, never have her be anything but this high and mighty fuck you I'm the queen attitude.
Like a Colombian drug lord's wife or almost a Lady Macbeth-type character. I love that idea.
Nah sorry OP I've been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to think of any lines and I just can't.
However the delivery by some of the actors like McGregor and Hayden were really good like "what have I done" after Anakin cuts Windus arm off or "you were my brothrt anakin, I loved you"
Blame Lucas not the actors for the terrible writing.
Yoda never should have taken out a Lightsaber. He should have knocked that saber aside like the toy it was and layed the smack down on a bitch via the force with Dooku only barely getting away. None of this 'muh lightsabers' bullshit. Yoda didn't need a lightsaber to put an end to this shit.
Make it clearer in the film that Yoda sees through the dark side veil in episode III when fighting palpatine and realizes how blind, for how long, they've been, and just how screwed they really were. Make it clear that he didn't just give up, but that he saw the Jedi had lost their way, that the order's values were wrong, and that they'd defeated themselves as much as the Sith had defeated them.
Make it clear that the suppression of emotion, rather than learning to deal with it, was the downfall of the Jedi, and play it as Anakin not accepting the suppression of emotion. Make Anakin actually 100% disagree with the order on real grounds like learning to deal with emotion, that having a family and learning to love shouldn't be forbidden. Make it obvious that what drove him down a dark path wasn't having a family, nor caring for them, but that he couldn't go to the order for help when things were going bad because they'd have kicked him out for breaking their rules. Make it obvious that the Order lost their way, and set themselves up for a fall by leaving Jedi like Anakin with no place to turn, or, worse, only a dark place to turn to.
>Yoda is a jedi
>Uses a lightsaber
I assume people disliked how he was extremely overpowered.
Great way of explaining that relationship. That's spot on for what I intended.
Big bad evil guy
And Obi-Wan did in the first movie, though idk what the second time was.
Yoda never taught Luke lightsaber combat. The only thing Yoda ever told Luke about his Lightsaber came down to, "You will not need it."
And he didn't. The Emperor wasn't defeated until he threw his lightsaber away.
Obi most definitely did in ep 1
i thought that was like painfully obvious
that was why anakin, despite being all dark sided and "stronger" couldn't win against obi wan, because he'd done that himself previously and knew what to expect
maybe i just read into shit too much
I liked Anakin's dialogue in Episode 2 about how the Republic was shit and a dictatorship would be better.
Literally did nothing wrong.