You'd enjoy this movie more if you were born in countries recently affected by authoritarian regimes.
I'm from Chile, both my parents were actual rebels, so to me and my brother this movie had a lot of meaning
Now call me a leftist faggot
You'd enjoy this movie more if you were born in countries recently affected by authoritarian regimes.
I'm from Chile, both my parents were actual rebels, so to me and my brother this movie had a lot of meaning
Now call me a leftist faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
Commie fag
Pinochet was based
You got the best dictator ever
Stalin killed more people by the same means though!
Any metric that makes Pinochet a good dictator makes Stalin an even better one!
Also maybe its time to stop listening to ancient propaganda. Go to chile and ask around.
leftist faggot
Stalin was a dirty commie, Pinochet tossed commies out of helicopters
No dictator is based you cum slurping faggot
I bet you think the empire was in the right as well
Pinochet killed commies and made chile the richest SA nation
definitely more based than stalin
Marcus Aurelius was a good dictator
You deserve an helicopter ride shill.
So why do you even hate commies? American propaganda said that the commies were bad because they were anti democratic but Allende was elected by the people, and that meant shit to the CIA.
You dont know anything about the history of chile if you say that
Both first and foremost killed people by withholding food and starving them to death.
>Making the country richer means he was a good leader
Stalin increased the mean wealth by a lot more than Pinochet, who as a capitalist was very beneficial to the rich, but hardly to the working class.
Stalin just butchered jews and Ukrainians, where Pinochet killed students and workers.
Holy shit, a talking monkey!
>stalin made the USSR rich
Ok bro
>nearly cause nuclear winter
>responsible for nearly every dictatorship on the planet
So instead of drawing meaning from No or what Roberto Bolano wrote about the same stuff, you're getting all teary eyed about the latest blockbuster paste to be shat out of Hollywood's marketing gash?
Prove it
Cold War had nothing to do with democracy. It was about the economic system. Pinochet made Chile the richest country in Latin America
The only country that ever used nukes is america, faggot. How is that the commies fault?
What are they rebelling against exactly?
> Stalin increased the mean wealth by a lot more than Pinochet, who as a capitalist was very beneficial to the rich, but hardly to the working class.
> There are people who genuinely believe this
In star wars? An authoritarian regime.
>leftist fag shil
like anyone in south america is paying to see mouseshit. sure sure. gfy shil kuk.
why was it bad though?
You know the majority of people stalin killed were his own people right? Farmers and workers
Oh no thats right papa stalin was a great guy wasnt him
too bad you didn't go on the helicopter ride with your parents
My family owns 3 houses and 2 cars, I went to watch this movie on release day unlike half the poor fags on this board.
>i'm a 3rd worlder so my opinion matters
no you live in a shit country because your leaders are shit.
>Forcefully dissolved the old Senate, the only insurance planets had that they'd be represented among the hundreds of thousands of other planets
>All the corruption seeded by Senator Palpatine was exacerbated by Emperor Palpatine
>The Empire, economically, was a machine geared to enthrall and milk poorer planets (states) to fuel the few core worlds with senators in Palpatine's favor.
>This made the Empire wildly unpopular
>Hence the populist revolt
This is ignoring the police actions and executions without trial, rule by terror, and propensity towards spending the overtaxed planet's money on doomsday weapons.
But yeah mostly The Empire was chill bro xD
Tito was a good dictator
Because he peacefully gave up his dictatorship and returned the power to the people. The smooth transition from dictatorship to democracy was probably his greatest gift to the Chilean people.
Even hayek said that a dictator might be necessary for a country to later become free.
Your post is garbage just as the movies are. They never showed us why the empire is shit. You drew those conclusions from the media.
> Projecting commie bs into Star Wars
There was vast wealth inequality in the Republic, and they had thousands of years to do something about it. At least the Empire was gradually cracking down on criminal enterprises like the Hutts, who had been completely left alone before the Empire.
Nope. All evidenced in scenes throughout the movies. Try to pay attention friend.
>Senate dissolved was ANH
>Senate's function and details concerning its corruption are in the prequels
>Palpatine being behind the corruption is the main focus of the prequels and is evidenced by minor details in RotJ
>Empire economics are in partially removed scenes that have gone uncontradicted in ANH
>The rebellion was a popular revolt: evidenced by the fucking movies.
>richest nation
>was responsible for the biggest economic crisis in the last century in chile
american '''education''' everyone
Pinochet did shit, he was a huaso, his wife told him what to do, which was 'follow the CIA's orders'
We only got our democracy back because the cold war was over, and even then it was handed back to us with a new constitution that hindered democratic processes.
Imagine someone changed the american constitution during a dictatorship, would you consider that freedom?
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my markets are made free.
Throwing lefties out of helicopters shall free me.
>senate scenes
Doesn't mean a damn thing. Bunch of talking. Where are the effects?
America is without a doubt the country responsible for most dictatorships during the 20th century.
And they say the cold war was about democracy, what a joke
Followed by a massive recovery
>great guy
Nice strawman. Now read my comments again you turbonigger.
>fucks shit up
>stops fucking shit up
>things get back to normal
What a great leader! 88
your thread is sliding OP. Please enlighten us all to how a shit Disney franchise relates to your people.
There have been thousands of nuclear weapons tests by many countries, America isn't the only one to use them.
The thing about chilean economy is that ever since the 19th century we haven't been able to develop an industrial economy (the one thing that defines a 1st world country). We have been close sometimes (Balmaceda) but foreign interests in our resources has been a curse. Allende tried to develop an industrial economy and give back our resources to the state but the rich foreigners didn't like that.
I'm not saying capitalism was bad for chile, not at all, but it definitely won't take us to the 1st world in its current form.
This shit disney franchise depicts two kind of rebels, the cowards that try to make compromises and the extremists that would give their lives for the cause. My parents didn't die, thank god, but both were pretty close sometimes. It just clicks, how against such might, you'd still stand up for what you believe in.
And people think Americans are retarded. This just shows how dumb most of the world is. This OP equated the struggles of his backwards country to a fucking Star Wars movie. A feminist one at that.
No faggot they never showed anything. Are you felling oppressed, or just being told so. The same as these shit movies.
>You'd enjoy this movie more if you were born in countries recently affected by authoritarian regimes.
more like you'd enjoy more this movie if you are a tasteless faggot
t. fellow chilean
They destroyed a holy city for a weapon test, you didnt even watch the movie faggot
Top 3 SW movie, fight me
And yet no one cared because these movies are shit. Did you care about some shit planet that you knew nothing about?
Yes, because I don't have autism
Really, you did care? And somehow in your mind this movie equates to the struggles of your people.
Keep in mind those struggles are the fault of your own people and know one else.
This is a shit movie and your parents would be disgusted that this was a major event in your life.
Thread of the day desu
Always love watching commies get put in their place
Nope. I'm from Brazil, my dad was military during the dictatorship, I would unironically support a new military dictatorship and I enjoyed Rogue One.
>it's not my countrymans fault, it's just that we were too stupid to do anything
great argument OP
And how are these things bad? The rebellion vies for power due to their lack thereof, who's to say they wouldn't impose their rule in a tyrannical way if they got what they wanted?
Nothing is explained in the movies, the best you can do is infer.
>made chile the richest SA nation
honestly think cuckservatives live in an alternate reality. the same meme with "hitler and mussolini fixed the economy" when all those countries went bankrupt in 10 years lmao
Noone thinks hitler or mussolini did anything except develop industry.
don't forget
>fucking scorched the flesh from Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru's bones. Presumably while they were still alive evidenced by the way their burnt skeletons were laying.
Based on the fact that there was a senate within the new republic in Ep VII. You might remember they were the ones that got blown up by starkiller base.