Dad, who's posting on Sup Forums after midnight?

>dad, who's posting on Sup Forums after midnight?
>alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners...

Well, which one are you, Sup Forums?

i'm Australian

d) all of the above idiot

sad loner

People having a manic episode

I just like music desu

Angry loner.

You have to have a job to buy alcohol. I'm not unemployable, though. Just lazy as fuck.

being lazy as fuck makes you unemployable

all the above then

Unemployed, semi-angry loner.

I thought I was a happy loner. Guess that's not possible >:(

>dad, who's posting on Sup Forums after midnight?
Aussie master race and britbongs

I have a job, just got done texting my gf, and I don't drink.

However I work evening shifts (5-12) so I don't have to wake up for a while.

I just banged your gf, m8.

I fell asleep at 9pm and woke up 4 hours later :c


Than chances are I know who you are since we live in a small ass fucking town.
Better hold onto your ass kiddo cause I'll find out who you are.

Can't hear you, can't hear you. I'm holding her hand, user.

These quads mean something. Gee I wonder what.

>being a burger

You forgot the virgins dude.

This right here but also an alcoholic.

loner, not angry though. Just depressed. Every attempt I've made at living a normal adult life has been immediately crushed by my inability to feel any sense of responsibility or meaning while doing it. I'm only 19, but I feel like a 40 year old guy in a midlife crisis or something

It means you're getting cucked by a mountie.