is the martial art genre dead?
Is the martial art genre dead?
>Sup Forums irl
why did 3 clones come out after he hit the ground wtf is going on in that
This is why I am proud to be an asian man. I would kill myself if I was a whitecuck
>snatch every mother fucker birthday
What did he mean by this?
top kek
>tfw no elemental bending
why live
>tfw people will laugh at this but the white guy was actually doing all the right moves and only lost because of a 1 in a million freak accident
t. MMA fighter
>white boy watches anime
>nigger watches ufc
this. always confuses me
Joe is that you?
>twirling like anime ballerina
>right moves
>he hasnt realized we are living in a simulation and things like this happen
obviously part of some high school video project and not a real fight
It's called a reverse kick and they are very effective
He's actually a retard though.
butthurt nigger. White men are owning in the mma.
when will they learn?
He gets up as soon as he is tricked off blanced. No fair to judge him.
your point is ?
Sup Forums on the left
He stands up immediately. In other words he is not hurt at all.
Sup Forums on the right
Where can i find more videos of fights like these ??
That white guy literally looks like he has downs syndrome.
2 gay niggers will be taken seriously just because they are blacker than white. Yuck.
>to the inexperienced eye he just looks like a goof, but he's actually very technically proficient
>you see it's this juxtaposition of styles that makes this fight so complicated
>jamie can you pull up Butterbean vs. Zuluzinho
*pulls mic closer*
>things used to be crazy back in the day
>man he used to hit hard
*clears throat*
>just a thin layer of gas separating us from infinity
>that disgusted walk away at the end
Every time.
Are you proud of that little chode, Chinaman?
Who was in the wrong here?
I . . . kinda agree. If he was a little bit faster his kicks would've connected and a kid that chubby is gonna have some decent momentum behind him too. BUT the other kid understood the danger of the sarcophagus of the spinning sperg and kept his distance until he saw his opening.
All in all a pretty good fight. I r8 it 8/8 m8.
lol Blue Player got #REKT
Cultureless mayoape lashing out for attention, very sad
the 2 sheboons
kek she fucked up the first one pretty bad and actually held her own against the pack
Sup Forums is not retarded.
But you are :^)
H-he's fast!
hahahhaha...that fucking kid that comes near to film him down...just like a fucking movie.
That he is a special ed disability kid. So why would you expect him to know how to fight?
Damn dude doing dem dodges
Hot, she should have busted his balls a few times
It's a chick dude, what do you expect him to do? Beat the fuck out of her and get suspended?
He was still pretty beta though
he's a gentlemen
fucking cuck
hit her back you little white boy, this is why your countries are getting cucked
Male privilege
>Chick = Reddit
>Dude = Sup Forums
Spoiler:He does
lol how about shoving or holding her down or something and not just just sitting there and getting hit repeatedly?
not sure these people are black, but i still kek'd at the webm and filename. looks like they were junkies, at least two of which were women
>that kick
every time
Holy shit
If I remember they're all drunk
I honestly thought she was going to take him when I first saw this video.
Is that an old lady holding onto his leg?
>invaders keep ruining the board
>Sup Forums can't do anything about it because the mods and janitors are on their side
very true
Literally google the word 'fight', 'fight video' 'street fight', come the fuck on
Did he kick the board in two before it hit him?
that is pretty awesome
>lmao what fag ay get a shot of me jerkin this faggot off
>hahaha oh fuck dude hes so gay look at him just taking it
>oh fuck i bet this fag so gay hed let me finish him off he likes it so much
>fuckin do it haha this faggot man so gay
>she just lets him feel her up
every time
>being under 6'0
How'd that African tier neonatal care work out for you?
That finish....holy shit
>doing all the right moves
This is how I know you've never done martial arts.
His stance was shit and unsteady so that he was off balance every time he did one of his shitty kicks. They were also uncontrolled and had basically zero power behind them. Furhermore, he was jumping around too much and keeping his arms by his sides which made him wide open for a counter attack.
his guard down was way to long after every move. Nigga just waited for a chance.
They made those incredible Raid movies and got them in theaters and no one saw them. People don't like cool shit, if they like a cool genre they usually like it's shittiest representation. Such is the curse of having taste.
I thought this was /wsg/ for a moment
russian girls are brutal
What's happening here?
Really made me think
I hope he grows up to kill those bitches in horribly brutal ways like the hammer guys.
Fuuuuck. A group of girls attacking me like this has always been my fantasy.
is this the way to keep up niggers and their nature threads?
Reminds me of They Live fight scene and another movie I can't fucking remember where they're tired as shit.
Maybe Vikings season 1?
I can just imagine how satisfying it would be to fucking wreck all those bitches at once.
Probably all under 100 pounds and not even teenagers yet. Ganging up like that deserves reprisal.