How do jews explain their MASSIVE overrepresentation in Hollywood and in media as a whole?

How do jews explain their MASSIVE overrepresentation in Hollywood and in media as a whole?

Despite being less than 3% of the total population, jews are everywhere in Hollywood movies.

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They're better at making money than everybody else

Then they'd own US oil and agriculture, hollywood barely churns a profit sometimes

But that doesn't even matter, American media is owned by some french fags

Who would they have to explain this to? Call them out and you're an anti-semite

Jews created Hollywood, shut the fuck up and deal with it.

How does Sup Forums not understand this?
>Pioneers build an entirely new industry from scratch
>Dominate industry which they pioneered

I wonder who could be behind these posts.

I guess you never read much about Jewish history. Particularly the Jewish diaspora that came to America around wwii.

Probably the main reason is America's MASSIVE hard-on for god-awful World War II movies.

>fucking minorities, why don't they make their own stuff!
>minority makes their own thing
>OMG why dont whites have that, fucking Zog conspiracy

Whites are pathetic

How do jews explain their MASSIVE overrepresentation in banking and in financial systems as a whole?

hey Sup Forums

get back to your containment board


They had a head start thanks to Christians being against usury

How do jews explain their MASSIVE overrepresentation in government?

How does OP explain his MASSIVE overrepressentation in faggotry and being gay as a whole?

In the middle ages Christians where forbidden to lend money, so jews stepped in and did job.
Turns out lending money earns a lot of shekels and so the jews became rich and everybody hated them

some say they are still hated even to this day

You forgot, OP is a massive overrepresentation of Sup Forums

Jews do so much for us. The question is why don't we recognize and appreciate it more?

Why does Sup Forums have such an over representation of Sup Forums?

Nobody knows, it's just one of those goofs of nature.

How do blacks explain their MASSIVE overrepresentation in Hollywood and in media as a whole?

Despite being less than 12% of the total population, blacks are everywhere in Hollywood movies.

But seriously where are my injuns, mexicans and chinks? And why don't they put up such a tremendous fucking fuss?

Who the fuck celebrates kawanza and why is that shit mentioned on the same tier with christmas every year?

you mean over representation in crime and prison statistics? that can be explained with systematic racism, the same principle that keeps women from being main characters.

Quit bitching, its almost always mentioned ironically.

>one token black guy in every group of four white people
>MASSIVE overrepresentation

k den

They have to explain being successful?

should be 1 in ten
mexicans should be one in every 4

Any group that started out in a particular trade tends to grow based on it.

Italians famous for Italian food....Southern white racist hicks famous for being southern white racist hicks....

People's families, and relatives grow, and tend to all stick to a particular career type.

Jewish people have always had a flare for entertaining people whether it was Moses with stone tablets, or the earliest puppet guys, Jews have centered their "expert skill" to "artistic expression" and making money with it.

There was no real intent to control, but as individuals they were arrogant bastards making money "entertaining".

Mexican men, just like Indians or brown men in general are not attractive and therefore will never have a place in hollywoo. They will eternally get cucked by whites blacks and sometimes asians

>How do jews explain
They don't. Nobody asks them about it so they can keep their careers.

Jews had to entertain, to change the subject once people started talking about Jews having their penises circumcised.

People would ask Jew:"You had your dick chopped as a baby?"

Jew response distract with another conversation:" I'm a Jew, let's talk about something else. Oh, and BTW, I'm a Jew, did you forget? I'm a Jew. I love talking about how I'm a Jew all the time, any how even though nobody cares, I feel its important to mention every five fucking seconds, because I'm a Jew."

>How do jews explain their MASSIVE overrepresentation in Hollywood and in media as a whole?
They call you an anti-semite for stating that fact.

They're probably not usually playing Jews in movies though.

Are there any good movies where Jews actually play Jews?

Latino men are hotter than most black dudes

t. Faggot

Not related to the OP question, but shut the fuck up nigger.

I don't think you need to be a faggot to see that spics are better looking than niggers on average.

Other than abbos, I don't know what isn't.


Don't forget the crucial part of that people actually being ostracised by the rest of the populace when it came to business, causing them to become insular and having to rely on eachother for financial backing etc.

Jews weren't even allowed into golf clubs just a couple of decades ago for fuck's sake. Of course they banded together.

What's wrong with that? They're just smart and good at business.

Because a small group of Jews tried to make movies in New York around the turn of the century, but had to pay Edison a large percentage of their earnings because they were using his inventions. Because they were cheap bastards they ran across the country to LA so that they could escape copyright claims and turn a great profit, also it was cheaper to buy land to shoot their movies on. Since then nepotism took over and more and more Jews let in more and more Jews.


There just aren't a ton of Native American actors, they usually stick to their private land since they don't have to deal with the rest of the country's bullshit

>Dominate industry
Fuck off. Yeah the Jews have contributed it a lot, but it's no excuse for their nepotism and crony bullshit. WASPs doing the same leads to protest and outrage.

This isn't unique to Jews though, it happened to people from all over Europe. Italians and Slavs faced plenty of discrimination in the new world, that's why all three groups had significant organized crime problems.

>Of course they banded together
What the Jews faced in the US or anywhere else wasn't new in their history. They have a clandestine and elitist culture by nature, when they get their hands on something be it the banks or the film industry, they aren't quick to let outsiders in.

>Another MA JOOZ thread
Because jews run the industry .

Yeah, because Jews surely weren't ostracised and forced to live in ghettos and hounded throughout history. Nah, they were just elitist and chose to do it all along!

Jews are paranoid shits, always worried that their dumbass will be hauled off to another gas chamber. Honestly getting pissed off about Jews gives them way more credit than they deserve. Most of them are annoying shits that talk about their "jewness" obsessively.
I don't know what's more pathetic than a group of people that care more about pointing out how disliked they are all the time.
Eat your cousins, Jew man....bacon - YUM!

>out of all the different ethnic groups and cultures that have existed around the world, Jews have been persecuted the most
>but it's surely not their fault, not even slightly
Jews were always notorious for being little shits. Yes the way they were treated was wrong, but they don't make it any easier for themselves by fucking over the goyim.

The Jews don't bother me. They're a dying breed and even the Jewish actors these days are more often half or a quarter Ashkenazi than full. It's just fucking stupid for people to justify their actions, when there have been constant protests against white people doing the same shit for years.

>Despite being less than 3% of the total population, jews are everywhere in Hollywood movies.
Got in early and knew business unlike the women around them.

It's been a vicious cycle of them not being able to trust people, thus making them insular, which in turn fed even more stories about how they're not trustworthy. Not to mention them fucking over goyim out of resentment from being fucked over themselves.

But surely you can understand the bullied kid hanging out with the other bullied kids and taking a swing at the bully when he finally gets a shot? You don't blame the bullied kid and try to come up with vague reasons of how the bullied kid must have deserved it since he was bullied more than the other kids.

Well yes defending any group is pathetic, but again this has more to do with placement. Since they are entertainment based owners, they do own all of the news outlets with Jewish bosses with employees that don't want to piss off the Jew boss.

Although honestly I'm more worried about how no one can come to a consensus on anything anymore.
You can have polls that say this or that, but none of those polls will ever be accurate, because every group is now splintered into their own bubble of whatever it is they want to believe.

If you want to believe aliens visitors are real, there's a bubble you can live in surrounding yourself with like minded thinkers to whatever extreme. We're a society that can't agree on anything anymore, and whomever gets their hands on power can literally do what ever they want without opposition.
We're in truly scary times, or what seems the beginning of.

>It's been a vicious cycle of them not being able to trust people
It's been a cycle going for millennia though. I can understand having a messy history and periods of distrust, but it's one of the only constants in the very chaotic history of the Jews.

>surely you can understand the bullied kid hanging out with the other bullied kids and taking a swing at the bully when he finally gets a shot?
Who's the bully here? Every gentile in the world? Making the film industry Jew-only isn't getting back at the bully, it's becoming the bully. It's not like they barred Anglos and gave positions to Italians, Blacks, Arabs, etc. They just kept it to themselves, which is why everyone has given them shit throughout history, they always pull this crap.
Look at Israel, a nation born out of giving the victims of racism and discrimination a home has become one of the pinnacles of those same values. Jews are only the bullied so long as they can't be the bullies, there's no middle ground.

>You don't blame the bullied kid and try to come up with vague reasons of how the bullied kid must have deserved it
I'm not saying they deserved it, I'm saying they didn't make it easier for themselves. By being hostile and secluded, you're not going to earn friendship and respect.

>whomever gets their hands on power can literally do what ever they want without opposition.
I'm not sure I agree. Anti-war protests happen all the time in the West. If anything, people are more politically minded than ever before and even minor missteps can result in steep falls in popularity.

Though I do agree that everyone is divided and indecisive. It makes those totalitarian nations in the East look appealing just for their unity.