OBI-WAN: The truth?

>OBI-WAN: The truth?
>COUNT DOOKU: The truth. What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the Dark Lords of the Sith?
>OBI-WAN: No, that's not possible. The Jedi would be aware of it.
>COUNT DOOKU: The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend. Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious.

So can we agree that fall of the Republic was Obi-Wan's fault?

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Why did count dooku say that

why is is the story of the prequels so fucking non sensical

I think he was trying to turn Obi-Wan to the dark side or something

Power play. If he could manipulate the Jedi to take out Palpatine, he could fill the power vacuum and play the 'If I were a Sith, why would I have told you about that other Sith?' card.

his electro-bondage tactics didn't work.

i dont remember that because episode 2 is shit and i have no intention of every watching it again

but thats fucking retarded

so the jedi knew that a sith was controlling the republic but couldnt do shit

>be the jedi
>literally jedi everywhere
>no sith for generations
>kid shows up that will bring balance to the force
>do not immediately kill the kid

Gee user, it's like the writing sucks or something

He wanted to betray Sheev and become Sith master himself. He thought that Obi-Wan, being apprentice of his apprentice, would understand him and join him.

The Jedi got trolled by the Force. When they spoke about balance, they didn't think it meant literal balance between lightside users and darkside ones. more like harmony within the force.

OBI-WAN: "Do you believe what Count Dooku said about Sidious controlling the Senate? It doesn't feel right."

YODA: "Joined the dark side, Dooku has. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways now."

MACE: "Never the less, I feel we should keep a closer eye on the Senate."

YODA: "I agree."

well done Yoda

>doing this mental backflip in order to avoid the obvious awful writing.

Was the force UNbalanced at the time?

Does the current state of the force not vary depending on which Jedi you ask?

Balance is not about dark and light being equal. Light is a state when force can flow undisturbed and is balanced. Dark is when force is overused by some powerful beings and becomes unbalanced.

mace talking to yoda feels so wrong.

What would have been more effective?

Have the sith control everything, keep the Jedi as their police and not go ultimate evil.

Palsy was the Emperor and the Jedi did nothing to stop him until he started doing evil shit and showed his power level to Anakin.

He could have been the leader that ended the war, and hailed as a hero, free to do his evil shit in absolute private.


>"Wait Anakin, Sheev is the sith lord!"

>"Who's Sheev?"

Chops head off

>"Hey, Palp, do you know who he was talking about?

>"I'm afraid not -we must hurry now!"

Dark Side is powered by fear. Empire was inevitable

no user

It's how Lucas and Abrams interpret it


All they fucking do is retcon, do you really trust them?


So was that his original face or did he get fucked up by the force lightning?