Don't mind me, just pirating this wallet!

don't mind me, just pirating this wallet!

you made a copy of it?


is that supposed to affect me cause I would still have my wallet

>what is inflation


a theif and a elliterate to boot!

Good. The owner will still have it intact.


Why won't we just print some more money and give it to eveyone?

>what is the Federal Reserve, private bank issuing currency out of thin air
>movie pirates, the real bad guys
>Studios are more profitable than b4

That would actually solve poverty.

beat it, bernout


So explain how inflation applies to the world of digital media.

>what is inflation

Not theft. Certainly not pick-pocketing.

We are taking about copying wallet (money)

And? Copying a wallet is not theft. Theft means something one used to have is gone now and in the hands of someone else. Making copies is not theft. It might cause inflation. But inflation is not theft. It's just not.





It's funny because the jews printing money in the central banks are literally pirating your wallets and are the same jews who say we can't pirate movies.

No wait, it's not funny. OP is just a retard.


People do it willingly everyday.

I'd actually prefer the money to the crappy Hollywood film desu.

>implying you wouldn't copy money if you could get away with it

I every understood the copy meme, are you paying for the copy? If you are not it is theft btw.


Careful sir the wallet is hot!

whoa dude no way that's so wrong and immoral i'd rather take a bunch of loans and pay interest to my local small banks :)

>copy/paste is theft


If someone hands you something for free, is it theft too? Fucking retard.

Missing the point and changing argument, classic Sup Forums I hope you are just memeing me.

>if you're not paying for it, it's theft

Well, better stop breathing then.

There is no argument to be held. Everyone thinking that making a copy of something is theft is a retard. At worst it's fraud.

It's like making a copy of a famous painting. It's not theft. It's just not. Claiming it is is retarded beyond belief.

>pirating has forced (((hollywood))) to only make movies that children and women like

>only make movies that children and women like

>implying it was ever any different

The only legitimate reasons to go to the (((cinema))) is to date, keep your kids quiet for an hour and a half or hand over your money to jews.

I think Hollywood needs to meet me half way. More quality films that I have an incentive to pay for, as an incentive for them to keep making more quality films. Otherwise I'll have to keep pirating forever. I hope they get their act together.

>soon all movies will only be the shit that chinese plebeians would watch

Thanks pirates, you killed white man kino

They don't know how to pirate numbnuts

no copying isn't theft no money is lost when you pirate

>Have you payed the museum to watch the copy of this famous painting?

This is what you belief.

I every understood the copy meme, are you paying for the copy? If you are not it is theft btw.

>watch the copy?
You do have to pay to get into museums and I don't get leave the museum with a copy of the painting.

Is saving this screenshot theft?

You want a copy of the painting? See Right click, save as.

non pirate fags, explain to me why you feel you should have to pay to watch something? does watching have as much value as eating, or traveling, or six flags? Eating consumes food, traveling consumes fuel, what does watching really cost?

don't mind me, just pirating this pepe

>non pirate fags, explain to me why you feel you should have to pay to live somewhere? does living have as much value as eating, or traveling, or six flags? Eating consumes food, traveling consumes fuel, what does living really cost?

It costs money to watch because it costs money to make. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand that simple logic?

be nice to user

Erm, people take photographs in museums all the time you faggot.

Being homeless costs your health and security. you literally can't come up with a reason why you should have to pay to watch something

Same reason all gaming is now mobile freemium. Piracy killed the industry.

But kids are the biggest fucking pirates. Especially kids in poor countries.

Why do they expect money, especially with what theater prices run nowadays for reboots and subpar films? Maybe they should try and reduce their production costs and make worthwhile movies if they're afraid people aren't going to pay for shit. I couldn't have paid money to see suicide squad with a clean conscience.

>all theft is larceny

How is it that dirt farmers from 500 years ago understood the idea of intellectual property but you faggots with this magic internet machine and all the world's knowledge at your fingertips can't figure it out?

Did they pay to get into the museum?

>gaming is now mobile freemium
>the fault of piracy
>not the fault of people actually paying for sub-par quality content

You got it backwards senpai.

Who said anything about being homeless?

yeah the kikes that run hollywood are really struggling guys, make sure to pay $13 to see Passengers, they worked really hard on it

Piracy only ever killed the PSP

It's niche on everything else, including pc

Yes, and then they put the photo's on instagram. And other people click right and save them to put them on deviantart. And then more people save them and they even end up on a google search.

Some people pay for it, most people don't. But they've all seen it.

There's an old saying: "A fool and his money are easily parted."

>assmad Sup Forumsirgins making threads on Sup Forums

Sorry son, no food on the table today -- the customers we wanted to sell our DVD's to all pirated them instead

>Piracy only ever killed the PSP
In the west maybe. And even then it was only a single contributor.

PSP had games releasing for it up to 2014 in Japan. Vita, despite not being cracked open at first, sold like fucking shit over here. Mobile gaming simply replaced handheld consoles.

>if you push the record button, you're a thief

Gee dad, when is Hollywood going to stop making soulless reboots and super hero flicks? Nobody wants to pay for it.

Just get another job?

the only reason i see 80% of the shit flicks that i do is because i can pirate them

do you seriously think i was ever, under any circumstances, going to pay $15 to see the latest hollywood piece of shit?

Wasn't that lack of sales and new titles? It was still pretty difficult to "crack" your PSP, I can't imagine too many people trying it

why did they call it pirating when its literally just making a copy? especially if you aren't monetizing the copy, and most aren't.

>overpriced IP gets BTFO by pirates

So fucking what? I guess you never pressed the record button on your remote control either. Get real.

because copying doesn't sound cool enough

its called propaganda

makes you think of dirty somalians or old school pirates actually stealing shit

jews be crafty

Everyone who owns and uses a machine like this to record movies/shows is a fucking thief.

Because "Copyright infringement" is a mouthful.

How am I infringing the copyright by witnessing the movie?

but you are paying for it...

And I didn't pay for my computer, internet, etc.. ?

Stop it.

It was mildly difficult until about 2009 then it became actually easier than using the PlayStation store

Because that's one of the only ways to infringe on the copyright of the film
The other is to distribute it

The act of copying the commercial files without permission is copyright infringement.

If you go over to your friend's house and watch a movie that's not copyright infringement.

It's only legal for network shows
Yet somehow pirating that network show is illegal

Pretty fucking stupid

How do you put a numeric price on thoughts and experiences?

Stop being right?

You price it at the industry standard, numbnuts, or lower to be competitive

They aren't they are putting it on the show.

I didn't copy them, I found a copy of them.

I used to record movies on VHS all the time. Nobody called it stealing. Stop being an idiot.


Torrenting is quite literally copying.

No, not really.

Technically you're copying little parts of data from different seeders and putting them back together.

I torrent because I enjoy hurting the movie and music industries.

>copying little parts of data
Yes, and that's copyright infringement.

Yea they called it taping.

Imagine if we could actually do this. Poverty would be a thing of the past. Hunger would be a thing of the past. Copying is literally the solution to all the worst problems.

People need to stop trying to justify piracy. Just do it and deal with the fact that it's a crime/morally wrong.

I hate faggots who whine about
>I wouldn't have bought it anyway so I'm entitled to having it for free!!
>It's not hurting anyone! I'm entitled to have it for free!!!

>you're copying
>I didn't copy

If only Jesus told us how he pirated all that fish and bread from a single plate.

Not really. If I copy just a part of something, it's fair use.

It quite literally isn't.

Jews told people it was copyright infringement to do so. That's why they killed Jesus.

It literally is. You can use parts of an IP as fair use. If you end up putting all parts together. Well, that's just a boon.