Does your cunt maintain diplomatic/trade ties with North Korea?

Does your cunt maintain diplomatic/trade ties with North Korea?

1. Argentina
2. Thankfully no

Other urls found in this thread:,_Pyongyang



Yes, they are our greatest allies

I hear the State Department was planning to completely ban all US citizens from going there after what happened with whatshisface.

As relações diplomáticas entre o Brasil com a República Popular Democrática da Coreia (Coreia do Norte) foram estabelecidas de 2001. A Embaixada do Brasil em Pyongyang foi instalada em 2009 e a Embaixada da Coreia do Norte em Brasília foi inaugurada em 2005. O Brasil é o único país latino-americano com Embaixadas residentes nas duas Coreias.

O Brasil estimula o diálogo e a negociação como meios para alcançar paz e estabilidade na Península Coreana e considera que ambas as Coreias devem ser atores protagônicos desse processo, sem prescindir do apoio da comunidade internacional – em particular, das Nações Unidas.

O Brasil presta cooperação técnica à Coreia do Norte em agricultura, especialmente no cultivo da soja. Em 2010, representantes do Ministério das Relações Exteriores e da EMBRAPA realizaram missão técnica ao país, ocasião em que foi firmado Acordo de Cooperação Econômica e Técnica.

Em solidariedade às dificuldades enfrentadas pelo povo norte-coreano, o Brasil realizou três iniciativas de ajuda humanitária ao país, todas por meio do Programa Mundial de Alimentos da ONU: em abril de 2010, doação pecuniária, no valor de US$ 200 mil; em dezembro de 2011, doação de 16,5 mil toneladas de milho; e entre abril e maio de 2012, doação de 4.600 toneladas de feijão.

Quando do lançamento de foguete norte-coreano (dezembro de 2012) e da realização de testes nucleares (fevereiro de 2013, maio de 2009 e outubro de 2006), o Brasil manifestou-se publicamente em favor do desarmamento e da não-proliferação de armas de destruição em massa, conclamando a Coreia do Norte a cumprir plenamente todas as resoluções pertinentes do Conselho de Segurança da ONU e contribuir ativamente para criar as condições necessárias à retomada das negociações voltadas a assegurar paz a e a segurança na Península.

>Em solidariedade às dificuldades enfrentadas pelo povo norte-coreano, o Brasil realizou três iniciativas de ajuda humanitária ao país, todas por meio do Programa Mundial de Alimentos da ONU: em abril de 2010, doação pecuniária, no valor de US$ 200 mil; em dezembro de 2011, doação de 16,5 mil toneladas de milho; e entre abril e maio de 2012, doação de 4.600 toneladas de feijão.

Neat, all those corns and beans that went to feed Kim Jong Un's army.


I think we just give them rice. South Korea also gave them rice before Kim Jong-un took over i think.

I can't believe we're feeding commies

To be fair, we've done it before as well. Back in the 70s, Nixon sold several million tons of grain to the Soviet Union out of a goodwill gesture, in fact it was a contributing factor to high food prices in the US during that time.

>Em solidariedade às dificuldades enfrentadas pelo povo norte-coreano, o Brasil realizou três iniciativas de ajuda humanitária ao país, todas por meio do Programa Mundial de Alimentos da ONU

You're old commie buddies from back in the day though.

Filipinas is latino

And now every news you see about North Korea is negative. While everyone's opinion on South Korea is positive.

Meaned to reply to

Weird North Korean paintings depicting life in China, or at least an idealized version. The paintings seem to show what the Norks believe China would look like today had they not been sellouts who abandoned Maoism.

No true free country would ban its citizens from going anywhere, be it a warzone or a dangerous dictatorship.

The problem is that North Korea's tourism industry funds their armaments programs.

When you keep electing commies, it happens.

So what? It also funds food for regular people there.

>So what? It also funds food for regular people there

It does

This boy clearly knows nothing about North Korea.

Since its the only major source of foreign currency for the country and NK can't produce food for its every citizen so ir has to import it - yes it does.

You would have to assume Kim actually gives a single fuck if the people are starving to death.

No. I believe Sweden is our guardian power in the DPRK, for what good it will do.

The advisory on DPRK is a very interesting read. Would suggest to anyone.

I dunno why Poland has diplomatic ties given their general opinion of gommies.

Kim Jong-Il was a big movie buff and during the USSR era he would submit films to the Moscow Film Festival and to festivals in Austria. That may be why.

>Does your cunt maintain diplomatic/trade ties with North Korea?
yeah we do

Get your facts straight, NK is importing food and it's doing it for currency they get from tourism

>Sweden carries out limited consular functions for the United States, Canada, and Australia in North Korea as the protecting power.
Swede-kun, you're so protecting...

if fat boy had to start choosing between death camps and food chances are we'd see a lot fewer death camps


North Korea is one of a few countries that recognise Crimea as a part of Russia. truly a great ally


Stupid commie

What the fuck Zimbabwe?

No fucking way.

we're doing our best :3


China doesn't though, because they really, really dislike setting the precedent that it's ok for a territory to secede from its parent country.

>all cunts that recognize Crimea annexation are Russian allies/puppet states

Deng Xiaopeng's constitution from the 1980s actually allows territory to remove itself from China, but there's no fucking way that'd happen without a lot of dead people.

Serbia didn't recognize it.

I support the Anschluss Mk.II

>why would Serbia of all countries disapprove of cleaving a piece of clay from another country

I hope once North Korea launches their nukes the radiation kills civilians in the countries that conducted trade with them.

Zimbabwe is a Russian ally???????

Zimbabwe is ally of anyone with food.

China abstained from voting because officially they maintain that it's the internal affair of Russia/Ukraine, but they were actually pretty unhappy about it for the reason you mentioned.

>North Korea

ah yes, the countries which most represent moral integrity and peace

I'm just stating what I know. I am no commie and I don't care of communism. Stop being insecure. South Korea is on your side and they gave North Korea stuffs.

>all Russian allies are absolute shitholes that nobody in their right mind would ever want to visit, let alone live in

Well I mean, Cuba isn't that bad is it? It seems to have been chilling out just fine for a while now

Probably a holdover from the commie era they never bothered to get rid of, similar to Czechia, Romania, and Bulgaria.

If you consider empty store shelves and two hours of electricity a day not bad.


>moral integrity

peace, I'll allow that

forgot Belarus, kek, the last dictatorship of Europe. Basically Russia anyway

how is that possible? just hook some Haitians up to a hamster wheel and you've got power

Wew, Old Friends and still had Positive Image in Here..
Many NK students studying in Local University, maybe Thousands..

Indonesia has positive opinions of DPRK?

You should, so you shall be noticed.

>Many NK students studying in Local University, maybe Thousands

Too bad they're not allowed to, like, you talk to or mingle with the locals or they'll be gulaged as soon as they get home.

I want to liberate a pretty DPRK girl with my benis

Yes, even not all people.
NK restaurant was Famous in here they serve Delicious Dog Meat.
NK Students wasn't act Degenerate in here, they still patriotic

Any cute DPRK girls?

They close to Local and they avoid to meet & talk to SK Students.

Evidently they need to learn some color theory.

1. Poland
2. Yes

come on guys north korea isn't THAT bad

>come on guys north korea isn't THAT bad


From the early 70s. Amazing how much the regime has managed to keep the country in a time warp since you barely notice any difference today.

they have cell phones today

All the starvation and brutal labor camps for people who accidentally tear a newspaper clipping with Kim Jong Un's face on it are ebic good time fun, right?

They often ridicule North Korea on Chinese social networking sites; people say how it looks like China when their parents were kids.

Of course I wasn't being serious you retard

I wonder how many obvious ironic comments around the internet you reply with 9gag memes because you don't know what irony is

North Korea got the way it did mainly because Kim Il Sung was an extremely uneducated redneck who believed in this kind of chest-beating xenophobic Korean nationalism, and he systematically purged anyone in the country who was more educated/traveled/cultured than himself. He created a system that was a mutilated mixture of traditional Korean political culture (ie. systematic enslavement of the peasantry by the yangban class) and whatever bits of Maoism and Soviet communism he liked.

holy shit nobody cares about your opinion.

>Germany, Britain and Sweden

commie countries

All you had to do was read about it.
>era they never bothered to get rid of
There's a Polish-NorthKorean shipping company. We sell them food, they bring us some garbage resource they have in return and the rest of the time they use the ships to smuggle arms to insurgency/rebel groups around South-East Asia and participate in drug trade.

Dog bless free market.

Nork students at university of pyongyang learn polish and know Chopin.


We may be a corrupt Third World mierda pile but we're not even corrupt and Third World enough to do business with those guys.

And we're peace loving merchants tending to our interests and we're ready to do business with anyone willing.

ITT: We learn that Third World shitholes are so desperate to make a buck they don't care if they fund a government that puts people in slave labor camps and is threatening to nuke all of its neighbors.


I thought Tillerson's speech on NK was too wimpy. He was all like "We aren't your enemy we have no aggressive intent against you let's talk this over blah blah blah."

Should have said something like "Fat Boy better shut his piehole, because if tries anything funny, we will plant a red, white, and blue mushroom cloud over Pyongyang. Capisce?"