Does anyone else get an overwhelming amount of sadness and anguish when you see this man?

Does anyone else get an overwhelming amount of sadness and anguish when you see this man?

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He is a hero

Tearing down the Eternal Huns

That moron destroyed Europe.

He was a nationalist and wanted freedom for his people nothing wrong with that
The problem was the context in which he found himself

This moron is the one who turned yet another Balkan scrap into a European wide fiasco.

Sure it is user, it wasnt like Austria wanted to destroy Serbia long before that happened. Its not like Austria didnt want a strong Serbia on its souther border and a reasurgence of nationalisam within its borders. Its not like they were afraid that Serbian succeses would motivate other minorities in Austria to ask for indapendence. It was Serbia that declared war on Austria not the other way around.

You seem to forget that Germany parked a battleship in a british port hoping that the you would fire at it and start a war a few years before that.

Serbien muss sterbien.

He fuck ed it up with Bismark too right?

If only there were more like him.

"Fearing his bones might become relics for Slavic nationalists, Princip's jailers secretly took the body to an unmarked grave, but a Czech soldier assigned to the burial remembered the location, and in 1920 Princip and the other "Heroes of Vidovdan" were disinterred and brought to Sarajevo, where they were buried together beneath a chapel "built to commemorate for eternity our Serb Heroes" at St. Mark's Cemetery."
np serbs

How did that turn out for you? Seriously you would have been fine if you didnt start that shit.

Bismark was going to die at some point anyway.

The problem is that Wilhelm II is a little shit who got the throne too early.

Give Frederick III a natural lifespan and the German Empire would have developed such that a shitty ruler like Wilhelm II wouldn't have necessarily doomed the Empire.

t. Hans Cuntman

Stay mad cuck, Sudetenland is Czech now.

>lose every third male, not every third soldier,
>still goes "How did it turn out for you?"

Yeah "we" really showed them, didn't we, my fellow Slav nigger? I mean, Serbia got depopulated but it was totes worth it.

are all serbs this retarded?thanks to czech his remains could be brought back to serbia otherwise nobody would know where he was burried. kys.

Yeah, the stupid bastard wrecked the world.

>Bismark was going to die at some point anyway.
>tfw you spend your life trying to balance power relations in Europe and keep it peaceful
>tfw you die and some inbred retard destroys your life work in a couple of years


Just melancholy. He was the inevitable spark that doomed Europe.



We were defending ourselfs user, nothing wrong with that.

If Aleksandar wasnt such a cuck things would have turned a lot better. If he wanted the Serbian parts of Bosnia and Croatia he could have gotten them.

Literally the single biggest mistake in our entire history.

>inevitable spark

In other words, a nobody.

>Literally the single biggest mistake in our entire history.

No, that would be majski prevrat.

Czech yourself before you wreck yourself

Yeah. If he didn't start the war, someone else would have. Unless a political miracle had occurred before then, of course.


That only changed our relations with Austria.

While after ww1 we could have had Greater Serbia and nobody would have the right to destroy it like they did to Yugoslavia.

Russia mobilized first.


Yeah when will this meme die?
>a single person is responsible for a fucking world war
>not a country so eager to wage war for territorial gains that will find any excuse to start it

Austria declared war knowing that Russia will defend Serbia. They knew very well they were going to have a massive war and thats why they wanted to be sure Germany would join their side.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if he failed the assassination. Would the World Wars have been avoided completely? Would Europe still rule the world? No billion+ chinks and poo in loos? No population explosion in Africa? Europeans as the most numerous race?

Europe destroying itself is what allowed America to rise to prominence. If not for that, there would be no SJW's, no decolonization, no concept of racism, no imperial system and many other things...


Because a reasonable dynasty would ingratiate itself to its powerful neighbor and also pick up some European values along the way.

Obrenovic dynasty wouldn't go to war against Germany, Austria Hungary and Bulgaria at the same fucking time.

I hope the day comes when pictures of Serbian generals from WW1 are pissed on in the streets. All they had to do is make one neat coup and kill off the impostor dynasty for good.

>Greater Serbia
is a meme, just like svetosavlje. Those things didn't exist in the form we have today. Even Načertanije was primarily a product of panslavism. Yugoslavia was a natural occurence that could have happened with far less bloodshed.

>wait out the WW1
>crush the Hungars and pseudo Germans

There you go.

>still.believing the retarded meme that one assassination caused a huge war
Your understanding of how geopolitics works is so flawed you should leave Sup Forums and not come back.

Franz Joseph and Hoetzendorf use the attempted assassination as justification instead.

The Ultimatum would maybe not be as extreme as the historical one, but the Serbs would probably reject it anyway.

This faggot killed the only person stopping the A-H government dedicated to preventing the war...

I feel the rage of a hundred million people dead from the violence and conflicts his assassination caused.

It could have been resolved without a real power (Austria doesn't count) stepping in. There was no need for Russia to get involved. Same thing with England. Fuck Belgium and fuck Serbia. Why anyone would care enough about either to burn Europe and destroy western civilization is beyond me.

I wish the Germans had never been pushed back at the Marne. Screw France too. None of you were worth living in this shitty century filled with Muslims and socialists.

Anyone notice he looks like Brendan "JUST" Frasier?

I never though of it in that way. The first part of you post is intresting.

But the second part is just dumb, Austria wanted to destroy Serbia because it saw it as a enemy. If our generals decided to have a coup that could have led to a civil war and it wouldent guarantee that the Austrians would stop killing us. Every village they entered they would kill all people in it before advancing.

Greater Serbia is a meme now it wasnt when we had Serbs in Bosnia, Croatia, Vojvodina etc.

>what is geopolitics

Serbia was a Russian ally.

Belgium was a English ally.

France was a Russian ally.

He's in panic defense mode. If you read his post you can see it makes no sense being directed at a Czech.

>Austria wanted to destroy Serbia because it saw it as a enemy. If our generals decided to have a coup that could have led to a civil war and it wouldent guarantee that the Austrians would stop killing us. Every village they entered they would kill all people in it before advancing.

That's gross oversimplification. Most of Vojvodina consisted of former Austrian conscripts, and there were mostly Slavs in the two armies that Austria sent (and that were consequently defeated).

>Greater Serbia is a meme now it wasnt when we had Serbs in Bosnia, Croatia, Vojvodina etc.

Nobody looked at it that way then. Same with Orthodoxy which wasn't tied to nation.

No. I get that when I look at Sup Forums every single day to see what horrible thing has happened today. What new heights of deterioration been reached. What new item has been added to the forever growing list of things that are racist. What is being strangled by the serpents that live in western civilization with us yet want to see it fall.

But what does it the most for me is seeing that outside this board everyone just goes with it.

>tfw Serbian-Dutch abomination of a child in my Sebian's girlfriend belly

>when we had serbs in bosnia

Shouldn't of shot the fucking emperor in waiting then.


Necessary sacrifice.

>Nobody looked at it that way then. Same with Orthodoxy which wasn't tied to nation.

Thats why it was a mistake.

>That's gross oversimplification. Most of Vojvodina consisted of former Austrian conscripts, and there were mostly Slavs in the two armies that Austria sent (and that were consequently defeated).

No it isnt. The only reason they used Slavs was because they didnt want Germans and Hungarians to die. A coup would give them a fantastic chance to defeats us with less effort.

At least you can be sure your abomination of a child won't be a manlet. The Dutch and South Slavs are on average the two tallest ethnic groups in the world.

We say kurva without the w or in cyrilic кypвa.

Pretty sure we still have Serbs.

Sorry i was writing fast and didnt notice.

Sammy Davis jr.?

>shouldn't of
The rest of your post is as retarded as this grammatical mistake

Thats why you arent plannign American geopolitics.

The argumentation of "Who?" and "Necessary sacrifice." is retarded. If Britain and Russia didnt step in Germany would become even more powerfull and could bully Britain and Russia later.

I-I thought you had forgotten us, user.

I was writing fast and didnt notice that was meant for Croatia.

You do realize that becoming a puppet state of Austria Hungary for the duration of WW1 would be to Serbia's benefit? Especially in retrospect?

En jij gaat het land uit. Rassenverrader.

>retarded europoor shows they're ignorance of the english language

just shut up. user and me know better than you, fag

We would be their annexed slave. I dont want to be Croatia m8. Im proud that we fought and won no matter how costly it was. Im proud that my ancestors fought and bleed for the freedom of my country.

Oh, I'm sorry. Shouldn't HAVE. There you go mother.

Yeah, I'm being a bit of a goose. Nobody is really to blame, but also everyone is. I just really wish WWI hadn't happened. The future that should have been was lost to it.

We will soon be together r-right?

didn't even know that.
Atleast Serbian women are actually Christian instead of the degenerate women we have around here.
I wasn't planning on learning the language, it does sound pretty sexy when whispered in your ear.
Have you seen the girls and the ugly men they go with?
They lust for Western-European dick too, it's almost impossible not to.


Literally nothing changed. In fact the country was basically a puppet state of Third Reich at the end of its lifespan.

Europe was a powderkeg. He was a match. If not him, something else would have set it off

I love Yuro bants

Turn, turn, turn. Empires rise and empires fall. The ascension of Germany was perfectly natural. There was plenty of the planet left to share amongst our white brethren. No need to fight. I'd rather live with a Europe dominated by 20th century Germany than the one dominated by 21st century cuck Germany.

>it does sound pretty sexy when whispered in your ear.

Try it the next time you are having sex, slowly whisper "baklave tigrice" in her ear.

he's got the frazer eyes

>baklave tigrice
Baklava tiger? What?


Thats like saying im going to die eventually so im going to kill myself now.

American power is lowering now, that doesent mean you wont fight to stay on top.

It doesent matter what happend later in history at the time that was the best decision our king could have made.

So you have done something? Or you of done something? And you should have done something or should of done something? In the past tense, he has done something, right? Is 'has' the past tense of 'of' or have? Is 'of' even a verb at all? Do they teach English grammar at all in America? FYI 'of' is a preposition and out of place in your sentence, where it comes from a misinterpretation of the pronunciation of 'shouldn't've', short for 'shouldn't have'. It always amuses me how Americans can be so arrogant and yet so ignorant.

trust me its a Serbian thing.

Sounds like something you would call a fat girl Andrej.

Without him the war would've started, but most likely at a later time. It could have changed Hitler's life drastically if the war started didn't ruin Germany.

Let's say china continues to rise in power and geopolitical influence. Not a particularly far fetched concept. Let's say they go to war with the poo people of India over Nepal. I don't know why they would want it, but for the sake of argument. Should we fucking go full defcon and nuke the globe over it? No. Because that's stupid.

20th century Europe did just that. They burned down their house to kill a spider.

If China invaded South Korea would you deem it necessary to intervene? That way more comparable.

If China did it? Themselves and not via a proxy war? I'd say it would be in the US's better interests to not start a war with a nuclear superpower. Even at the cost of such humiliation.

Reminder that Franz Ferdinand was killed because he was pro-Slavic and was determined to transform A-H dualism into A-H-Slavic trialism. Which was a threat to Serbian expansionism.

Btw, the gun with which FF was killed came straight from the Serbian military secret service. They organized everything from the background, while the representatives of the Russian government in Belgrade knew and approved of the assassination. This is a perfectly legitimate casus belli if I've ever seen one.

Imagine the Cuban military service during the Cold War, with knowledge of the Soviet Union, killing the President designate of the United States (and his wife). How does anyone think that would have played out?

>How does anyone think that would have played out?
I suspect it would be blamed on a grassy knoll.


And this, besides pandering to Muslim elites and attempts to assimilate Serbs in Bosnia into "Bosnians" was a valid reason to oppose AH rule.
90% of land in Bosnia was owned by Muslims. Christians obviously resented that.
In any case no one gave a fuck about FF's death, plans to invade were made long ago.
Princip had support of certain elements in Serbian government and intelligence (Black Hand), but upper leadership and king weren't involved.
And what's dumb is, that wouldn't have saved your empire even if Serbia folded. It was 20th century, age of quasi-feudal states was gone.

Und Ahmed muss ficken deine Frau

(hope I got it right)

just a primitive guy who had a gun. he was young and dumb and thought killing archduke ferdinand would herald an end to all his problems!

He was an assassin for the black hand. Not a school shooter.

>tfw I understand both these
4 years of German is paying off

Almost, just the word order is off.
It should be "Und Ahmed muss deine Frau ficken"

Oh yeah, my bad I knew something was off. Szia Magyaro pajtas!

Yeah, and with that same free-our-oh-so-oppressed ethnic-based logic Serbia got fucked out of Kosovo. They lost Macedonia, and they're still not free in BiH and being told what to do by some higher instance.

Ironically, Serbia now also has a smaller land mass than it had before WWI. Guess the assassination to bring down the old order didn't work out for them well either.

They pandered to nationalism and got fucked by the same forces. Maybe the supra-nationality of the old central Europe was not such a bad idea after all, even before counting the millions of dead and displaced it took to draw those ethnically (not even yet) clean national borders.